Class ContainerAdapter

  • public class ContainerAdapter
    extends Object
    ContainerAdapter is a facility intended for use by application servers to host Coherence applications. This facility manages the application life cycle and configuration.

    The application descriptor file (coherence-application.xml) contains the location of a cache configuration file and (optionally) a POF configuration file. It may also specify the name of a ConfigurableCacheFactory class to be used to create caches instead of the system-wide default (Note that this class must implement ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory).

    After creating an instance of ContainerAdapter. the container should call activate() to start the application and deactivate() to stop it.

    Coherence 12.1.2
    cf 2011.05.24
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContainerAdapter

        public ContainerAdapter​(ClassLoader loader,
                                String sAppDescriptorURI,
                                String sAppName)
        Construct the ContainerAdapter.
        loader - the ClassLoader for the application
        sAppDescriptorURI - the URI to coherence-application.xml
        sAppName - the name of the application
      • ContainerAdapter

        public ContainerAdapter​(ClassLoader loader,
                                String sAppDescriptorURI,
                                String sAppName,
                                XmlElement xmlAppDescriptor)
        Construct the ContainerAdapter.
        loader - the ClassLoader for the application
        sAppDescriptorURI - the URI to coherence-application.xml
        sAppName - the name of the application
        xmlAppDescriptor - the XmlElement containing the application descriptor; if not null it will be used instead of the configuration specified by sAppDescriptorURI
      • ContainerAdapter

        public ContainerAdapter​(ClassLoader loader,
                                String sAppDescriptorURI,
                                String sAppName,
                                CacheFactoryBuilder builder,
                                XmlElement xmlAppDescriptor,
                                ServiceMonitor serviceMonitor)
        Construct the ContainerAdapter.
        loader - the ClassLoader for the application
        sAppDescriptorURI - the URI to the application configuration descriptor
        sAppName - the name of the application
        builder - the CacheFactoryBuilder to use
        xmlAppDescriptor - the XmlElement containing the application descriptor; if not null it will be used instead of the configuration specified by sAppDescriptorURI
        serviceMonitor - the ServiceMonitor to use for the application
    • Method Detail

      • setContainerContext

        public void setContainerContext​(ContainerContext ctx)
        Set the ContainerContext associated with this ContainerAdapter instance.

        This method must be called before the adapter is activated.

        ctx - the ContainerContext reference
      • activate

        public void activate()
        Initialize and start the application that is hosted by this ContainerAdapter.

        If this method throws an exception, the caller is NOT required to call deactivate().

        IllegalStateException - if the application has already been activated
      • deactivate

        public void deactivate()
        Deactivate the application hosted by this ContainerAdapter. This method will shut down any resources / Coherence services that were used by the application.
        IllegalStateException - if the application is not active
      • deactivate

        public void deactivate​(boolean fShutdown)
        Deactivate the application hosted by this ContainerAdapter. If fShutdown is true shutdown any resources / Coherence services that were used by the application otherwise clear local references.
        fShutdown - whether to shut down the resources, incl. any services, that were started as a part of this application
        IllegalStateException - if the application is not active
      • associateWithClassLoader

        public void associateWithClassLoader​(ClassLoader[] aClassLoaders)
        Associates the application hosted by this ContainerAdapter with specified ClassLoaders.
        aClassLoaders - an array of ClassLoaders to associate this adapter with
      • getContextClassLoader

        public ClassLoader getContextClassLoader()
        Return the ClassLoader used by this ContainerAdapter.
        the ClassLoader used by this ContainerAdapter
      • getApplicationContext

        public Context getApplicationContext()
        Return the Context for the application.
        the Context for the application
      • extractFactoryConfig

        protected static XmlElement extractFactoryConfig​(XmlElement xmlAppDescriptor)
        Extract the XmlElement representing the factory for the ConfigurableCacheFactory instance.
        xmlAppDescriptor - the application descriptor XML element
        the XmlElement representing the factory or null if no element exists.
      • ensureContextClassLoader

        protected void ensureContextClassLoader()
        Ensure that the thread context ClassLoader is set to the ContainerAdapter's ClassLoader; save the current thread context ClassLoader if necessary.
      • restoreContextClassLoader

        protected void restoreContextClassLoader()
        Restore the thread context ClassLoader for the caller.