Class WrapperBufferOutput.VersionAwareBufferOutput

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, OutputStreaming, WriteBuffer.BufferOutput, DataOutput
    Enclosing class:

    public static class WrapperBufferOutput.VersionAwareBufferOutput
    extends WrapperBufferOutput
    A BufferOutput implementation that in addition to delegating to the given DataOutput provides an API to check whether the recipients of the content of this BufferOutput run versions that supersede (greater or equal to) the specified version.
    • Field Detail

      • f_message

        protected final f_message
        The associated message being sent.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VersionAwareBufferOutput

        public VersionAwareBufferOutput​(DataOutput out,
        Construct a VersionAwareBufferOutput that will write to the specified object implementing the DataOutput interface.
        out - an object implementing DataOutput to write to
        message - the associated message being sent
    • Method Detail

      • isVersionCompatible

        public boolean isVersionCompatible​(int nMajor,
                                           int nMinor,
                                           int nMicro,
                                           int nPatchSet,
                                           int nPatch)
        Determine whether all the recipients of the content of this BufferOutput run versions that supersede (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        true iff all the recipients' versions are greater or equal to the specified one
      • isVersionCompatible

        public boolean isVersionCompatible​(int nYear,
                                           int nMonth,
                                           int nPatch)
        Determine whether all the recipients of the content of this BufferOutput run versions that supersede (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        true iff all the recipients' versions are greater or equal to the specified one