Interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies

    • Method Detail

      • getBufferSize

        int getBufferSize()
        Return the size of the write buffers.
        size of write buffers
      • getMaxPoolSize

        long getMaxPoolSize()
        Return the maximum size of the write buffers pool.
        maximum size of write buffers pool
      • getDirectory

        String getDirectory()
        Return the directory used to store the underlying disk files for the journal.
        the directory that is used to hold the journal files, or null if the default temporary directory is used
      • getMaxBacklogSize

        int getMaxBacklogSize()
        Return the size in bytes of the maximum backlog.
        the size in bytes of the maximum backlog
      • getPurgeDelayMillis

        long getPurgeDelayMillis()
        Return the delay since the last touch of a tmp file until it is eligible for purging. Tmp files are purged at startup of the FlashJournalRM to clean up tmp files from a previous instance of the FlashJournalRM.
        the delay in milliseconds
      • getHighFileCount

        int getHighFileCount()
        Return the file count at which compulsory garbage collection (compaction) should start. During compulsory GC, the file with the least live data is considered for compaction irrespective of the CollectorLoadFactor.

        This allows the GC thread to tune itself to try to avoid growing the journal beyond the high file count. However, this is not a hard-limit and the journal could still grow beyond that up to the max file count.

        the high file count
      • getHighJournalFactor

        float getHighJournalFactor()
        Return the soft limit on the journal size expressed as a percentage of the journal maximum size.
        the high journal percentage factor
      • getHighJournalSize

        long getHighJournalSize()
        Return the soft limit on the journal size expressed as memory size.
        the high journal size
      • getWriterTimeout

        long getWriterTimeout()
        Return the number of milliseconds the Writer daemon can be unresponsive prior to considering it timed out.
        the number of milliseconds the Writer can be unresponsive