Class FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies

    • Field Detail


        public static final int MAX_VALUE_SIZE
        Maximum value size (64MB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MIN_BACKLOG_SIZE
        Minimum backlog size (4KB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_BACKLOG_SIZE
        Maximum backlog size (1GB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DFT_BACKLOG_SIZE
        Default maximum backlog (16MB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long MIN_FILE_SIZE
        Minimum maximum size of a file (1MB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long MAX_FILE_SIZE
        Maximum size of a file (4GB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DFT_FILE_SIZE
        Default size of a file (2GB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MIN_BLOCK_SIZE
        Minimum block size (4KB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
        Maximum block size (1MB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DFT_BLOCK_SIZE
        Default block size (256KB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_POOL_SIZE
        Maximum pool size (1GB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DFT_POOL_SIZE
        Default pool size (16MB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double DFT_COLLECT_PCT
        Default collection factor (collect files that are 25% or less utilized, unless in aggressive mode (high file count)).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DFT_PURGE_DELAY_MILLIS
        Default delay until a tmp file is eligible for purging. 2 hours is the default.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE
        Maximum Journal Size (2TB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DFT_JOURNAL_SIZE
        Default Journal Size (1TB).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long MIN_WRITER_TIMEOUT
        Minimum Writer Timeout (5mins).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DFT_WRITER_TIMEOUT
        Default Writer Timeout (~8hrs).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultDependencies

        public DefaultDependencies()
        Construct a DefaultDependencies object.
      • DefaultDependencies

        public DefaultDependencies​(FlashJournalRM.Dependencies deps)
        Construct a DefaultDependencies object. Copy the values from the specified Dependencies object.
        deps - the dependencies to copy, or null
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxPoolSize

        public long getMaxPoolSize()
        Return the maximum size of the write buffers pool.
        Specified by:
        getMaxPoolSize in interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies
        maximum size of write buffers pool
      • setMaxPoolSize

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setMaxPoolSize​(long cb)
        Configure the size of the write buffers pool. The default is defined by DFT_POOL_SIZE, with a maximum defined by MAX_POOL_SIZE and a minimum enforced as the size of a single buffer.

        Note: This value can only be set before the ResourceManager is started.

        cb - the size, in bytes, for the buffer pool
        this object
      • setBufferSize

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setBufferSize​(int cb)
        Configure the size of the write buffers. This is the size that writes to an underlying disk file will occur in, and the size should match or be a multiple of the physical device's optimal block size. The value must be a power of two. The default is 256KB, as specified by DFT_BLOCK_SIZE, with a minimum defined by MIN_BLOCK_SIZE and a maximum defined by MAX_BLOCK_SIZE.

        Note: This value can only be set before the ResourceManager is started.

        cb - the size, in bytes, for the buffers to write to the underlying journal files
        this object
      • getMaxBacklogSize

        public int getMaxBacklogSize()
        Return the size in bytes of the maximum backlog.
        Specified by:
        getMaxBacklogSize in interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies
        the size in bytes of the maximum backlog
      • setMaxBacklogSize

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setMaxBacklogSize​(int cb)
        Specify the size, in bytes, of the maximum backlog. The backlog defaults to 16MB as defined by DFT_BACKLOG_SIZE, with a minimum defined by MIN_BACKLOG_SIZE and a maximum defined by MAX_BACKLOG_SIZE. The backlog is the amount of data that has been "dropped off" for the journal to write to disk, but which has not yet been written to disk; when the amount of backlog exceeds the maximum configured backlog, client threads attempting to "drop off" data are blocked until the backlog recedes below the maximum, thus helping to prevent out-of-memory conditions. Note that the maximum amount of memory used by the backlog is at least twice the configured amount, since the data dropped off is held in it Binary form and rendered to the write-behind buffers.

        Note: This value can be modified while the ResourceManager is running.

        cb - the maximum allowable size of the backlog
        this object
      • getDirectory

        public String getDirectory()
        Return the directory used to store the underlying disk files for the journal.
        Specified by:
        getDirectory in interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies
        the directory that is used to hold the journal files, or null if the default temporary directory is used
      • setDirectory

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setDirectory​(String dirTemp)
        Configure the directory to use for journal files. This property is provided so that servers with multiple physical storage devices and/or file systems can select an ideal storage location for a journal; the ideal device is a flash (solid state disk, aka SSD) device, since the journal is designed as a block-writing, append-only implementation.

        Note: This value can only be set before the ResourceManager is started.

        dirTemp - the directory to use for journal files
        this object
      • getPurgeDelayMillis

        public long getPurgeDelayMillis()
        Return the delay since the last touch of a tmp file until it is eligible for purging. Tmp files are purged at startup of the FlashJournalRM to clean up tmp files from a previous instance of the FlashJournalRM.
        Specified by:
        getPurgeDelayMillis in interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies
        the delay in milliseconds
      • setPurgeDelayMillis

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setPurgeDelayMillis​(long cPurgeDelayMillis)
        Sets the delay from the last touch of a tmp file until it is eligible for purging.
        cPurgeDelayMillis - the delay in milliseconds
        this object
      • getHighFileCount

        public int getHighFileCount()
        Return the file count at which compulsory garbage collection (compaction) should start. During compulsory GC, the file with the least live data is considered for compaction irrespective of the CollectorLoadFactor.

        This allows the GC thread to tune itself to try to avoid growing the journal beyond the high file count. However, this is not a hard-limit and the journal could still grow beyond that up to the max file count.

        Specified by:
        getHighFileCount in interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies
        the high file count
      • setHighFileCount

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setHighFileCount​(int cHighFiles)
        Set the high file count at which compulsory garbage collection (compaction) occurs.
        cHighFiles - the high file count
        this object
      • getHighJournalSize

        public long getHighJournalSize()
        The high journal size is a soft limit on the journal size. This allows the GC thread to tune itself to try to avoid growing the journal beyond the high journal size. This is not a hard-limit and the journal could still grow beyond that up to the max file count (511).
        Specified by:
        getHighJournalSize in interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies
        the high journal size
      • setHighJournalSize

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setHighJournalSize​(long cbHighJournalSize)
        Set the high journal size. High file count is adjusted based on the high journal size.
        cbHighJournalSize - the high journal size
        this object
      • getHighJournalFactor

        public float getHighJournalFactor()
        The high journal percentage is a soft limit on the journal size. This allows the GC thread to tune itself to try to avoid growing the journal beyond this percentage of the journal size. This is not a hard-limit and the journal could still grow beyond this percentage up to the max file count (511).
        Specified by:
        getHighJournalFactor in interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies
        the high journal percentage
      • setHighJournalFactor

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setHighJournalFactor​(float flHighJournalPct)
        Set the high journal percentage. High file count is adjusted based on this high journal percentage; either this percentage or high journal size should be specified but not both.
        flHighJournalPct - the high journal percentage
        this object
      • getWriterTimeout

        public long getWriterTimeout()
        Return the number of milliseconds the Writer daemon can be unresponsive prior to considering it timed out.
        Specified by:
        getWriterTimeout in interface FlashJournalRM.Dependencies
        the number of milliseconds the Writer can be unresponsive
      • setWriterTimeout

        public FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setWriterTimeout​(long cWriterTimeout)
        Set the number of milliseconds the Writer daemon can remain unresponsive prior to being considered timed out.
        cWriterTimeout - number of millis the Writer daemon can remain unresponsive
        this object
      • getPermittedMaxValueSize

        protected int getPermittedMaxValueSize()
        Return the highest memory size permitted for each value stored in the journal.
        Specified by:
        getPermittedMaxValueSize in class AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies
        the highest memory size permitted for each value stored in the journal
      • calculateMaxFileSize

        protected long calculateMaxFileSize​(long cbJrnlSize)
        Calculate the maximum size of each file based on the given the journal size.
        calculateMaxFileSize in class AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies
        cbJrnlSize - the size, in bytes, of the journal
        the maximum size permitted for each file