Class AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies

    • Field Detail


        public static final double MIN_COLLECT_PCT
        Minimum collection factor (0.01, i.e. files that are only 1% utilized).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double MAX_COLLECT_PCT
        Maximum collection factor (0.99, i.e. files that are still almost full).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_FILE_COUNT
        Maximum file count for a Journal (511).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long MIN_TIMEOUT
        Minimum allowed guardable timeout.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_cbMaxValue

        protected int m_cbMaxValue
        Configurable maximum value size (maximum-value-size).
      • m_cbMaxFile

        protected long m_cbMaxFile
        Maximum size for any of the journal files (maximum-file-size).
      • m_cbMaxSize

        protected long m_cbMaxSize
        The maximum total amount of memory that the journal will allocate (maximum-size).
      • m_dflLoadFactorGC

        protected double m_dflLoadFactorGC
        The percentage (as a double in the range 0.01 to 0.99) at which a file is eligible for garbage collection (minimum-load-factor).
      • m_cCollectorTimeout

        protected long m_cCollectorTimeout
        The number of milliseconds the Collector daemon can remain unresponsive prior to being considered timed out.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultDependencies

        public DefaultDependencies()
        Construct a DefaultDependencies object.
      • DefaultDependencies

        public DefaultDependencies​(AbstractJournalRM.Dependencies deps)
        Construct a DefaultDependencies object. Copy the values from the specified Dependencies object.
        deps - the dependencies to copy, or null
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultMaxFileSize

        protected abstract long getDefaultMaxFileSize()
        Get the default maximum file size for this Journal Resource Manager.
        the default maximum file size
      • getDefaultMaxValueSize

        protected abstract int getDefaultMaxValueSize()
        Get the default maximum value size for this Journal Resource Manager.
        the default maximum value size
      • getDefaultMaxSize

        protected abstract long getDefaultMaxSize()
        Get the default maximum size (capacity) for this Journal Resource Manager.
        the default maximum size
      • getDefaultCollectorLoadFactor

        protected abstract double getDefaultCollectorLoadFactor()
        Get the default percentage at which a file is eligible for garbage collection.
        the default garbage collection load factor
      • getPermittedMaxJournalSize

        protected abstract long getPermittedMaxJournalSize()
        Return the highest memory size that can be allocated per journal.
        the highest memory size that can be allocated per journal
      • getPermittedMinJournalSize

        protected abstract long getPermittedMinJournalSize()
        Return the lowest memory size that can be allocated per journal.
        the lowest memory size that can be allocated per journal
      • getPermittedMaxFileSize

        protected abstract long getPermittedMaxFileSize()
        Return the highest memory size that can be allocated per journal file.
        the highest memory size that can be allocated per journal file
      • getPermittedMinFileSize

        protected abstract long getPermittedMinFileSize()
        Return the lowest memory size that can be allocated per journal file.
        the lowest memory size that can be allocated per journal file
      • getPermittedMaxValueSize

        protected abstract int getPermittedMaxValueSize()
        Return the highest memory size permitted for each value stored in the journal.
        the highest memory size permitted for each value stored in the journal
      • getMaxValueSize

        public int getMaxValueSize()
        Return the maximum allowable size, in bytes, of a Binary value.
        Specified by:
        getMaxValueSize in interface AbstractJournalRM.Dependencies
        the maximum allowable size for a value to write
      • setMaxValueSize

        public AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setMaxValueSize​(int valueSize)
        Set the maximum size, in bytes, of Binary values to store.
        valueSize - the maximum allowable size for a Binary value, or zero to specify no configured maximum for the value size
        this object
      • getMaxFileSize

        public long getMaxFileSize()
        Return the maximum allowable size, in bytes, of each individual file used to hold Journal data. This is not the total size limit of the Journal, since the Journal may use a number of files to store its data.
        Specified by:
        getMaxFileSize in interface AbstractJournalRM.Dependencies
        the maximum allowable size for an underlying file
      • setMaxFileSize

        public AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setMaxFileSize​(long maxFileSize)
        Set the maximum size of the underlying journal files.
        maxFileSize - the maximum size, in bytes, for journal files
        this object
      • getMaxJournalSize

        public long getMaxJournalSize()
        Return the total amount of memory, in bytes, that can be allocated for Journal storage.
        Specified by:
        getMaxJournalSize in interface AbstractJournalRM.Dependencies
        the maximum number of bytes that can be allocated for Journal storage
      • setMaxJournalSize

        public AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setMaxJournalSize​(long cbMax)
        Set the total amount of bytes that can be allocated for Journal storage.
        cbMax - the maximum number of bytes that can be allocated for journal storage
        this object
      • getCollectorLoadFactor

        public double getCollectorLoadFactor()
        Return the load factor threshold at which files become eligible for garbage collection (compaction). The load factor threshold is the ratio between the portion of the file used for live data and the total size of the file, and is expressed as a double value in the interval (0.0, 1.0).

        When the portion of released data exceeds (1 - threshold), the file becomes eligible for compaction (garbage collection).

        Specified by:
        getCollectorLoadFactor in interface AbstractJournalRM.Dependencies
        the compaction factor threshold between 0.0 and 1.0
      • setCollectorLoadFactor

        public AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setCollectorLoadFactor​(double dflFactor)
        Set the use-percentage of file below which it becomes eligible for garbage collection. The minimum is defined by MIN_COLLECT_PCT and a maximum defined by MAX_COLLECT_PCT. Setting the value higher means that disk space will be collected more aggressively, but the cost of collection will be significantly higher, while setting the value lower will use more disk space.
        dflFactor - the garbage collector factor in the range 0.01 to 0.99
        this object
      • getCollectorTimeout

        public long getCollectorTimeout()
        Return the number of milliseconds the Collector can be unresponsive prior to considering the Collector timed out.
        Specified by:
        getCollectorTimeout in interface AbstractJournalRM.Dependencies
        the number of milliseconds the Collector can be unresponsive
      • setCollectorTimeout

        public AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies setCollectorTimeout​(long cCollectorTimeout)
        Set the number of milliseconds the Collector daemon can remain unresponsive prior to being considered timed out.
        cCollectorTimeout - number of millis the Collector daemon can remain unresponsive
        this object
      • getDefaultCollectorTimeout

        protected long getDefaultCollectorTimeout()
        The default number of milliseconds the Collector daemon can remain unresponsive prior to being considered timed out.
        default number of millis the Collector daemon can remain unresponsive
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return the DefautlDependencies in String format.
        toString in class Object
        the DefautlDependencies in String format
      • validateJournalSize

        protected void validateJournalSize()
        Validate the journal and file size.
      • validateMaxValueSize

        protected void validateMaxValueSize()
        Validate the maximum-value-size.
      • validateLoadFactor

        protected void validateLoadFactor()
        Validate the minimum-load-factor.
      • validateCollectorTimeout

        protected void validateCollectorTimeout()
        Validate the collector-timeout.
      • calculateMaxFileSize

        protected long calculateMaxFileSize​(long cbJrnlSize)
        Calculate the maximum size of each file based on the given the journal size.
        cbJrnlSize - the size, in bytes, of the journal
        the maximum size permitted for each file