Interface ServiceLoadBalancer<S extends Service,​T extends ServiceLoad>

    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(S service)
        Called by the Service exactly once on this object as part of its initialization.
        service - the containing Service
      • update

        void update​(Member member,
                    T load)
        Update the load balancing strategy in response to a change in a Service utilization.
        member - the Member for which the utilization changed
        load - the updated ServiceLoad; if null, the utilization for the specified Member is unknown (e.g. when the Service on the specified Member leaves the cluster)
      • getMemberList

        List<Member> getMemberList​(Member client)
        Called by the Service when a new client connects to obtain an ordered list of Members to which the new client should be redirected. If the returned list is null, empty, or contains a single Member that is the "local" Member, the client will remain connected to the calling Service.
        client - the Member object that represents the remote client
        the ordered list of Member objects to which the client should be redirected
      • compare

        default int compare​(T load1,
                            T load2)
        Compare to ServerLoad objects.
        Specified by:
        compare in interface Comparator<S extends Service>
        load1 - the first ServiceLoad
        load2 - the second ServiceLoad
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer indicating if load1 is less then, equal, or greater then load2