Class MBeanAccessor.QueryBuilder

    • Field Detail

      • m_sMemberKey

        protected String m_sMemberKey
        The member key to be used in the query.
      • m_sService

        protected String m_sService
        The service name to be used in the query.
      • m_sCluster

        protected String m_sCluster
        The cluster name to be used in the query.
      • m_fExact

        protected boolean m_fExact
        Whether to construct a query without a wildcard suffix (exact) or with.
      • m_sMBeanDomainName

        protected String m_sMBeanDomainName
        The MBean domain name to be used in the query.
      • m_sBaseQuery

        protected String m_sBaseQuery
        The base MBean query to be used in the query.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryBuilder

        public QueryBuilder()