Class AbstractPersistenceEnvironment.DefaultFailureContinuation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class AbstractPersistenceEnvironment.DefaultFailureContinuation
    extends Object
    implements Continuation<Throwable>
    Continuation implementation that accepts a Throwable and throws a PersistenceException. If the provided Throwable is a PersistenceException, it is thrown as is; otherwise, a wrapper PersistenceException is thrown.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultFailureContinuation

        public DefaultFailureContinuation​(Object oSource)
        Create a new DefaultFailureContinuation for the given exception source.
        oSource - the object that threw the exception
    • Method Detail

      • proceed

        public void proceed​(Throwable e)
        Resume the execution after the completion of an asynchronous call.
        Specified by:
        proceed in interface Continuation<Throwable>
        e - the result of the execution preceding this continuation