Class AbstractPersistenceEnvironment

  • All Implemented Interfaces:<ReadBuffer>,<ReadBuffer>, PersistenceEnvironmentInfo

    public abstract class AbstractPersistenceEnvironment
    extends Base
    implements<ReadBuffer>, PersistenceEnvironmentInfo
    Abstract implementation of a ReadBuffer-based PersistentEnvironment.
    jh 2013.05.21
    • Field Detail

      • NO_STRINGS

        protected static final String[] NO_STRINGS
        An empty String array (by definition immutable).

        protected static final String DELETED_PREFIX
        A filename prefix for deleted snapshots used to handle concurrent deletions.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • f_fileActive

        protected final File f_fileActive
        The data directory of the active persistence manager.
      • f_fileBackup

        protected final File f_fileBackup
        The data directory of the backup persistence manager.
      • f_fileEvents

        protected final File f_fileEvents
        The events directory of the events persistence manager.
      • f_fileSnapshot

        protected final File f_fileSnapshot
        The snapshot directory.
      • f_fileTrash

        protected final File f_fileTrash
        An optional trash directory.
      • m_pool

        protected com.tangosol.internal.util.DaemonPool m_pool
        An optional DaemonPool used to execute tasks.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPersistenceEnvironment

        public AbstractPersistenceEnvironment​(File fileActive,
                                              File fileSnapshot,
                                              File fileTrash)
                                       throws IOException
        Create a new BerkeleyDBEnvironment that manages a singleton BerkeleyDBManager with the specified directories:
        1. data - active persistence
        2. snapshot - location for snapshots
        3. trash - optional location trashed stores
        4. events - optional location for event storage
        fileActive - the data directory of the singleton active manager or null if an active manager shouldn't be maintained by this environment
        fileSnapshot - the snapshot directory
        fileTrash - an optional trash directory used for "safe" deletes
        IOException - if the data directory could not be created
        IllegalArgumentException - if the data, snapshot, and trash directories are not unique
      • AbstractPersistenceEnvironment

        public AbstractPersistenceEnvironment​(File fileActive,
                                              File fileSnapshot,
                                              File fileTrash,
                                              File fileEvents)
                                       throws IOException
        Create a new BerkeleyDBEnvironment that manages a singleton BerkeleyDBManager with the specified directories:
        1. data - active persistence
        2. snapshot - location for snapshots
        3. trash - optional location trashed stores
        4. events - optional location for event storage
        5. backup - optional location for backup storage
        fileActive - the data directory of the singleton active manager or null if an active manager shouldn't be maintained by this environment
        fileSnapshot - the snapshot directory
        fileTrash - an optional trash directory used for "safe" deletes
        fileEvents - an optional events directory used for to store map events
        IOException - if the data directory could not be created
        IllegalArgumentException - if the data, snapshot, and trash directories are not unique
      • AbstractPersistenceEnvironment

        public AbstractPersistenceEnvironment​(File fileActive,
                                              File fileBackup,
                                              File fileEvents,
                                              File fileSnapshot,
                                              File fileTrash)
                                       throws IOException
        Create a new BerkeleyDBEnvironment that manages a singleton BerkeleyDBManager with the specified directories:
        1. data - active persistence
        2. backup - optional location for backup storage
        3. events - optional location for event storage
        4. snapshot - location for snapshots
        5. trash - optional location trashed stores
        fileActive - the data directory of the singleton active manager or null if an active manager shouldn't be maintained by this environment
        fileBackup - an optional backup directory used to store backup map data
        fileEvents - an optional events directory used to store map events
        fileSnapshot - the snapshot directory
        fileTrash - an optional trash directory used for "safe" deletes
        IOException - if the data directory could not be created
        IllegalArgumentException - if the data, backup, snapshot, and trash directories are not unique
    • Method Detail

      • openBackup

        public<ReadBuffer> openBackup()
        Open and return a singleton PersistenceManager to store backup data.
        Specified by:
        openBackup in interface<ReadBuffer>
        the singleton backup PersistenceManager or null if an active PersistenceManager has not been configured
      • openEvents

        public<ReadBuffer> openEvents()
        Open and return a singleton PersistenceManager to store MapEvents.
        Specified by:
        openEvents in interface<ReadBuffer>
        the singleton store of MapEvents or null if durable events is not enabled
      • openActive

        public<ReadBuffer> openActive()
        Open and return the singleton active PersistenceManager.
        Specified by:
        openActive in interface<ReadBuffer>
        the singleton active PersistenceManager or null if an active PersistenceManager has not been configured
      • openSnapshot

        public<ReadBuffer> openSnapshot​(String sSnapshot)
        Open a PersistenceManager used to access the snapshot with the specified identifier.
        Specified by:
        openSnapshot in interface<ReadBuffer>
        sSnapshot -  the snapshot identifier
        a PersistenceManager representing the snapshot
      • createSnapshot

        public<ReadBuffer> createSnapshot​(String sSnapshot,
                                                                                    <ReadBuffer> manager)
        Create a PersistenceManager used to manage the snapshot with the specified identifier.
        Specified by:
        createSnapshot in interface<ReadBuffer>
        sSnapshot -  the snapshot identifier
        manager - the optional PersistenceManager to create a snapshot of; if null, an empty snapshot will be created
        a PersistenceManager representing the snapshot
      • removeSnapshot

        public boolean removeSnapshot​(String sSnapshot)
        Remove the persistent artifacts associated with the snapshot with the specified identifier.
        Specified by:
        removeSnapshot in interface<ReadBuffer>
        sSnapshot -  the snapshot identifier
        true if the snapshot was successfully deleted, false otherwise
      • listSnapshots

        public String[] listSnapshots()
        Return the identifiers of the snapshots known to this environment.
        Specified by:
        listSnapshots in interface<ReadBuffer>
        a list of the known snapshot identifiers
      • release

        public void release()
        Release all resources held by this environment. Note that the behavior of all other methods on this environment is undefined after this method is called.
        Specified by:
        release in interface<ReadBuffer>
      • getPersistenceActiveSpaceUsed

        public long getPersistenceActiveSpaceUsed()
        Return the total size in bytes used by the persistence layer to persist mutating cache operations.
        Specified by:
        getPersistenceActiveSpaceUsed in interface PersistenceEnvironmentInfo
        the total size
      • getPersistenceBackupSpaceUsed

        public long getPersistenceBackupSpaceUsed()
        Return the total size in bytes used by the persistence layer to persist backups of mutating cache operations.
        Specified by:
        getPersistenceBackupSpaceUsed in interface PersistenceEnvironmentInfo
        the total size
      • ensurePersistenceException

        protected ensurePersistenceException​(Throwable eCause)
        Return a PersistenceException with the given cause. The returned exception is also initialized with this environment.
        eCause - an optional cause
        a PersistenceException with the given cause
      • ensurePersistenceException

        protected ensurePersistenceException​(Throwable eCause,
                                                                                                   String sMessage)
        Return a PersistenceException with the given cause and detail message. The returned exception is also initialized with this environment.
        eCause - an optional cause
        sMessage - an optional detail message
        a PersistenceException with the given cause and detail message
      • onReleased

        protected void onReleased​(AbstractPersistenceManager manager)
        Called by the specified manager when it has been released.
        manager - the manager that was released
      • openActiveInternal

        protected abstract AbstractPersistenceManager openActiveInternal()
        Open the active manager.

        Note: this method is guaranteed to only be called by a thread that holds a monitor on this environment.

        the active manager
        Throws: - if a general persistence error occurs
      • openBackupInternal

        protected abstract AbstractPersistenceManager openBackupInternal()
        Open the backup manager.

        Note: this method is guaranteed to only be called by a thread that holds a monitor on this environment.

        the backup manager
        Throws: - if a general persistence error occurs
      • openEventsInternal

        protected abstract AbstractPersistenceManager openEventsInternal()
        Open the events manager.

        Note: this method is guaranteed to only be called by a thread that holds a monitor on this environment.

        the events manager
        Throws: - if a general persistence error occurs
      • openSnapshotInternal

        protected abstract AbstractPersistenceManager openSnapshotInternal​(File fileSnapshot,
                                                                           String sSnapshot)
        Open the snapshot with the specified identifier.

        Note: this method is guaranteed to only be called by a thread that holds a monitor on this environment.

        fileSnapshot - the directory of the snapshot
        sSnapshot -   the snapshot identifier
        the snapshot
        Throws: - if a general persistence error occurs
      • createSnapshotInternal

        protected abstract AbstractPersistenceManager createSnapshotInternal​(File fileSnapshot,
                                                                             String sSnapshot,
                                                                   <ReadBuffer> manager)
        Create a snapshot with the specified identifier.

        Note: this method is guaranteed to only be called by a thread that holds a monitor on this environment.

        fileSnapshot - the directory of the snapshot
        sSnapshot -  the snapshot identifier
        manager - the optional manager to create a snapshot of; if null, an empty snapshot will be created
        the snapshot
        Throws: - if a general persistence error occurs
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified manager is incompatible with this environment
      • removeSnapshotInternal

        protected boolean removeSnapshotInternal​(File fileSnapshot,
                                                 String sSnapshot)
        Remove the snapshot with the specified identifier.

        Note: this method is guaranteed to only be called by a thread that holds a monitor on this environment.

        fileSnapshot - the directory of the snapshot
        sSnapshot -   the snapshot identifier
        true if the snapshot was successfully deleted, false otherwise
        Throws: - if a general persistence error occurs
      • createHiddenSnapshotDirectory

        protected Path createHiddenSnapshotDirectory​(String sPrefix)
        Return a Path to a hidden directory within the snapshot directory that does not exist.
        sPrefix - a prefix for the directory name
        a Path to a hidden directory within the snapshot directory that does not exist
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a human readable description of this AbstractPersistenceManager.
        toString in class Object
        a human readable description
      • getDaemonPool

        public com.tangosol.internal.util.DaemonPool getDaemonPool()
        Return the optional DaemonPool used to execute tasks.
        the DaemonPool or null if one hasn't been configured
      • setDaemonPool

        public void setDaemonPool​(com.tangosol.internal.util.DaemonPool pool)
        Configure the DaemonPool used to execute tasks.
        pool - the DaemonPool