Class QualifiedName

  • public class QualifiedName
    extends Object
    A QualifiedName is a useful class to separately capture the xml namespace prefix and local name of xml elements and attributes as a single object (instead of having to parse them out of Strings all the time). For example, the xmlName "movie:definition" has the namespace prefix "movie" and the local name "definition". If there is no namespace prefix declared, the prefix is always returned as "".
    bko 2011.06.22
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getPrefix

        public String getPrefix()
        Returns the xml prefix of the QualifiedName.
        Returns "" if the name is not qualified with a namespace prefix
      • getLocalName

        public String getLocalName()
        Returns the local name of the QualifiedName.
        Returns the local part of a qualified name.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the entire qualified name, including the prefix and local name.
        A string containing the entire qualified name, including prefix and local name.
      • hasPrefix

        public boolean hasPrefix()
        Returns boolean based on if the QualifiedName has a namespace prefix.
        true If the QualifiedName has an xmlns prefix