Class ConverterCollections.ConverterMapEvent<K,​V>

    • Field Detail

      • NO_VALUE

        public static final Object NO_VALUE
        Tag object indicating that a corresponding value has not been converted.
      • m_event

        protected MapEvent<K,​V> m_event
        The underlying MapEvent.
      • m_convKey

        protected Converter<K,​K> m_convKey
        The Converter to view the underlying MapEvent's key.
      • m_convVal

        protected Converter<V,​V> m_convVal
        The Converter to view the underlying MapEvent's value.
      • m_context

        protected BackingMapManagerContext m_context
        The BackingMapManagerContext to use for extracting binary values.
      • m_entryOld

        protected Map.Entry<K,​V> m_entryOld
        Cached old entry.
      • m_entryNew

        protected Map.Entry<K,​V> m_entryNew
        Cached new entry.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConverterMapEvent

        public ConverterMapEvent​(ObservableMap<K,​V> map,
                                 MapEvent<K,​V> event,
                                 Converter<K,​K> convKey,
                                 Converter<V,​V> convVal)
        Construct a ConverterMapEvent.
        event - the underlying MapEvent
        map - the new event's source
        convKey - the Converter to view the underlying MapEvent's key
        convVal - the Converter to view the underlying MapEvent's values
      • ConverterMapEvent

        public ConverterMapEvent​(ObservableMap<K,​V> map,
                                 MapEvent<K,​V> event,
                                 Converter<K,​K> convKey,
                                 Converter<V,​V> convVal,
                                 BackingMapManagerContext context)
        Construct a ConverterMapEvent.
        event - the underlying MapEvent
        map - the new event's source
        convKey - the Converter to view the underlying MapEvent's key
        convVal - the Converter to view the underlying MapEvent's values
        context - the BackingMapManagerContext necessary to emulate the BinaryEntry interface
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        public K getKey()
        Return a key associated with this event.
        getKey in class MapEvent<K,​V>
        a key
      • getOldValue

        public V getOldValue()
        Return an old value associated with this event.

        The old value represents a value deleted from or updated in a map. It is always null for "insert" notifications.

        getOldValue in class MapEvent<K,​V>
        an old value
      • getNewValue

        public V getNewValue()
        Return a new value associated with this event.

        The new value represents a new value inserted into or updated in a map. It is always null for "delete" notifications.

        getNewValue in class MapEvent<K,​V>
        a new value
      • getOldEntry

        public Map.Entry<K,​V> getOldEntry()
        Return a Map Entry that represents the state of the Entry before the change occurred that generated this event.
        getOldEntry in class MapEvent<K,​V>
        a Map Entry representing the pre-event state of the Entry
      • getNewEntry

        public Map.Entry<K,​V> getNewEntry()
        Return a Map Entry that represents the state of the Entry after the change occurred that generated this event.
        getNewEntry in class MapEvent<K,​V>
        a Map Entry representing the post-event state of the Entry
      • getPartition

        public int getPartition()
        Description copied from class: MapEvent
        Return the partition this MapEvent represents or -1 if the event source is not partition aware.
        getPartition in class MapEvent<K,​V>
        the partition this MapEvent represents or -1 if the event source is not partition aware
      • getVersion

        public long getVersion()
        Description copied from class: MapEvent
        Return the version that represents the change that caused this MapEvent. The meaning of this version, and therefore causality of versions, is defined by the event source.
        getVersion in class MapEvent<K,​V>
        the version that represents the change that caused this MapEvent
      • isVersionUpdate

        public boolean isVersionUpdate()
        Description copied from class: CacheEvent
        Return true iff this event is caused by a synthetic version update sent by the server to notify clients of the current version.
        isVersionUpdate in class CacheEvent<K,​V>
        true iff this event is caused by a synthetic version update
      • getMapEvent

        public MapEvent<K,​V> getMapEvent()
        Return the underlying MapEvent.
        the underlying MapEvent
      • getContext

        public BackingMapManagerContext getContext()
        Get the BackingMapManagerContext if one was provided.
        the BackingMapManagerContext
      • getConverterKeyUp

        public Converter<K,​K> getConverterKeyUp()
        Return the Converter used to view the underlying MapEvent's key through.
        the Converter from the underlying MapEvent's key
      • getConverterValueUp

        public Converter<V,​V> getConverterValueUp()
        Return the Converter used to view the underlying MapEvent's value through.
        the Converter from the underlying MapEvent's value
      • setKey

        public void setKey​(K key)
        Set the cached converted old value associated with this event.
        key - the converted key value
      • setOldValue

        public void setOldValue​(V value)
        Set the cached converted old value associated with this event.
        value - the new converted "old" value
      • setNewValue

        public void setNewValue​(V value)
        Set the cached converted new value associated with this event.
        value - the new converted "new" value
      • isKeyConverted

        public boolean isKeyConverted()
        Check if the event's key has been converted.
        true iff the key has been converted
      • isOldValueConverted

        public boolean isOldValueConverted()
        Check if the event's old value has been converted.
        true iff the old value has been converted
      • isNewValueConverted

        public boolean isNewValueConverted()
        Check if the event's new value has been converted.
        true iff the new value has been converted
      • clearConverted

        public void clearConverted()
        Remove any cached conversions of the key or values.