Class ConverterCollections.ConverterMapListener<K,​V>

    • Field Detail

      • m_map

        protected ObservableMap<K,​V> m_map
        The converting Map the will be the source of converted events.
      • m_convKey

        protected Converter<K,​K> m_convKey
        The Converter to view an underlying CacheEvent's key.
      • m_convVal

        protected Converter<V,​V> m_convVal
        The Converter to view an underlying CacheEvent's value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConverterMapListener

        public ConverterMapListener​(ObservableMap<K,​V> map,
                                    MapListener<K,​V> listener,
                                    Converter<K,​K> convKey,
                                    Converter<V,​V> convVal)
        map - the Map that should be the source for converted events
        listener - the underlying MapListener
        convKey - the Converter to view the underlying MapEvent's key
        convVal - the Converter to view the underlying MapEvent's values
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Compare the ConverterMapListener with another object to determine equality.
        equals in class MapListenerSupport.WrapperListener<K,​V>
        true iff this ConverterMapListener and the passed object are equivalent listeners
      • getObservableMap

        public ObservableMap<K,​V> getObservableMap()
        Return the underlying ObservableMap.
        the underlying ObservableMap
      • getConverterKeyUp

        public Converter<K,​K> getConverterKeyUp()
        Return the Converter used to view an underlying CacheEvent's key through.
        the Converter from an underlying CacheEvent's key
      • getConverterValueUp

        public Converter<V,​V> getConverterValueUp()
        Return the Converter used to view an underlying CacheEvent's value through.
        the Converter from an underlying CacheEvent's value