Class NullImplementation

  • public class NullImplementation
    extends ClassLoader
    A collection of classes that do nothing. For each class implemented, a factory method will exist following the naming convention "get" plus the class or interface name.
    cp 2000.08.02
    • Method Detail

      • getEnumeration

        public static Enumeration getEnumeration()
        Returns an instance of the null enumerator.
        an Enumeration instance with no values to enumerate.
      • getIterator

        public static <T> Iterator<T> getIterator()
        Returns an instance of the null iterator.
        an Iterator instance with no values to enumerate.
      • getIterable

        public static <T> Iterable<T> getIterable()
        Returns an instance of the null iterable.
        an Iterable that will return a null iterator
      • getSet

        public static <T> Set<T> getSet()
        Returns an instance of the NullSet.
        an empty immutable Set
      • getMap

        public static <K,​V> Map<K,​V> getMap()
        Returns an instance of the NullMap.
        an empty Map that does nothing
      • getObservableMap

        public static ObservableMap getObservableMap()
        Returns an instance of the NullObservableMap.
        an empty ObservableMap and does nothing
      • getReader

        public static Reader getReader()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a Reader.
        a conforming implementation of Reader that does as little as possible
      • getWriter

        public static Writer getWriter()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a Writer.
        a conforming implementation of Writer that does as little as possible
      • getOutputStream

        public static OutputStream getOutputStream()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a OutputStream.
        a conforming implementation of OutputStream that does as little as possible
      • getDataOutput

        public static DataOutput getDataOutput()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a DataOutput.
        a conforming implementation of DataOutput that does as little as possible
      • getConverter

        public static <T,​R> Converter<T,​R> getConverter()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a Converter.
        a conforming implementation of Converter that does as little as possible
      • getValueExtractor

        public static <T,​E> ValueExtractor<T,​E> getValueExtractor()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a ValueExtractor.
        a ValueExtractor that does not actually extract anything from the passed value
      • getClassLoader

        public static ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a ClassLoader.
        a conforming implementation of ClassLoader that does as little as possible
      • getPofContext

        public static PofContext getPofContext()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PofContext.
        a conforming implementation of PofContext that does as little as possible
      • getPofHandler

        public static PofHandler getPofHandler()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PofHandler.
        a conforming implementation of PofHandler that does as little as possible
      • getBackingMapManagerContext

        public static BackingMapManagerContext getBackingMapManagerContext()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a BackingMapManagerContext.
        a conforming implementation of BackingMapManagerContext that does as little as possible
      • getEntryProcessor

        public static InvocableMap.EntryProcessor getEntryProcessor()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of an EntryProcessor.
        an EntryProcessor implementation that returns Boolean.FALSE
      • getDeltaCompressor

        public static DeltaCompressor getDeltaCompressor()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a DeltaCompressor.
        a DeltaCompressor implementation that always returns new buffer
      • getActionPolicy

        public static ActionPolicy getActionPolicy()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of an ActionPolicy.
        an ActionPolicy implementation that allows all actions
      • getCacheStore

        public static CacheStore getCacheStore()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a CacheStore.
        a CacheStore implementation that does as little as possible
      • getPartitionAssignmentStrategy

        public static PartitionAssignmentStrategy getPartitionAssignmentStrategy()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PartitionAssignmentStrategy.
        a PartitionAssignmentStrategy implementation that does as little as possible
      • getAddressProvider

        public static AddressProvider getAddressProvider()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of an AddressProvider.
        an implementation of AddressProvider that does as little as possible
      • getCollector

        public static <V> Collector<V> getCollector()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a Collector.
        an implementation of Collector that does as little as possible
      • getContinuation

        public static <R> Continuation<R> getContinuation()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a Continuation.
        an implementation of Continuation that does nothing
      • getPersistenceEnvironment

        public static <R><R> getPersistenceEnvironment()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PersistenceEnvironment.
        an implementation of PersistenceEnvironment that does as little as possible
      • getPersistenceEnvironment

        public static <R><R> getPersistenceEnvironment​(Class<R> clz)
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PersistenceEnvironment.
        clz - the type of a raw, environment specific object representation
        an implementation of PersistenceEnvironment that does as little as possible
      • getPersistenceManager

        public static <R><R> getPersistenceManager()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PersistenceManager.
        an implementation of PersistenceManager that does as little as possible
      • getPersistenceManager

        public static <R><R> getPersistenceManager​(Class<R> clz)
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PersistenceManager.
        clz - the type of a raw, environment specific object representation
        an implementation of PersistenceManager that does as little as possible
      • getPersistentStore

        public static <R><R> getPersistentStore()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PersistentStore.
        an implementation of PersistentStore that does as little as possible
      • getPersistentStore

        public static <R><R> getPersistentStore​(Class<R> clz)
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a PersistentStore.
        clz - the type of a raw, environment specific object representation
        an implementation of PersistentStore that does as little as possible
      • getResourceRegistry

        public static ResourceRegistry getResourceRegistry()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of a ResourceRegistry.
        an implementation of ResourceRegistry that does nothing
      • getAutoCloseable

        public static AutoCloseable getAutoCloseable()
        Factory method: Obtain a null implementation of an AutoCloseable.
        an implementation of an AutoCloseable that does nothing
      • getLongArray

        public static <V> LongArray<V> getLongArray()
        Returns an immutable empty LongArray.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of values the LongArray would hold
        an immutable empty LongArray