Class SimpleQueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep

    • Constructor Detail

      • TraceStep

        public TraceStep​(Filter filter)
        Construct a TraceStep
        filter - the step filter
    • Method Detail

      • recordPostFilterKeys

        public void recordPostFilterKeys​(int nSizeOut)
        Record the number of keys remaining after filter evaluation. This method may be called repeatedly on the same step instance during the scan phase of a query trace plan operation. Each call will add to the total recorded post-evaluation key set size for this step.

        During the scan phase of a query trace plan operation, each entry is evaluated against the filter individually. Each call to trace should record a key set count of 1 and a result key set count of fResult ? 1 : 0 where fResult is the result of a call to EntryFilter.evaluateEntry(Map.Entry).

        Specified by:
        recordPostFilterKeys in interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep
        nSizeOut - the number of keys remaining after filter evaluation
      • recordDuration

        public void recordDuration​(long cMillisElapsed)
        Record the time spent evaluating the filter or applying an index. This method may be called repeatedly on the same step instance during the scan phase of a query trace plan operation. Calling this method repeatedly will add to the total duration recorded for this step.
        Specified by:
        recordDuration in interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep
        cMillisElapsed - the number of milliseconds spent evaluating the filter
      • ensureStep

        public QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep ensureStep​(Filter filter)
        Ensure an inner nested trace step for the given filter. If there is no inner nested step associated with the given filter then a new step is created.
        Specified by:
        ensureStep in interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep
        filter - the filter to associate the new step with
        the inner nested step associated with the given filter