Class GroupAggregator.Parallel<K,​V,​T,​E,​R>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Parallel

        public Parallel()
        Default constructor (necessary for the ExternalizableLite interface).
      • Parallel

        protected Parallel​(ValueExtractor<? super T,​? extends E> extractor,
                           InvocableMap.EntryAggregator<? super K,​? super V,​R> aggregator,
                           Filter<?> filter)
        Construct a Parallel aggregator based on a specified ValueExtractor and underlying ParallelAwareAggregator.
        extractor - a ValueExtractor object; may not be null
        aggregator - an EntryAggregator object; may not be null
        filter - an optional Filter object used to filter out results of individual group aggregation results