BFTransformException Class Reference


Clean Content Exception class

#include <secureapi.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BFTransformException (BFHANDLE errorinfo)
 BFTransformException (std::wstring const &msg, std::wstring const &ext)
 BFTransformException (const wchar_t *msg, const wchar_t *ext)
 BFTransformException ()
 BFTransformException (const BFTransformException &source)
BFTransformExceptionoperator= (const BFTransformException &source)
 ~BFTransformException () throw ()
virtual char const * what () const throw ()
std::wstring const & wwhat ()
std::wstring const & wextended ()
BFTransformExceptiongetCause ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BFTransformException::BFTransformException ( BFHANDLE  errorinfo  )  [inline]
BFTransformException::BFTransformException ( std::wstring const &  msg,
std::wstring const &  ext 
) [inline]
BFTransformException::BFTransformException ( const wchar_t *  msg,
const wchar_t *  ext 
) [inline]
BFTransformException::BFTransformException (  )  [inline]
BFTransformException::BFTransformException ( const BFTransformException source  )  [inline]
BFTransformException::~BFTransformException (  )  throw () [inline]

Member Function Documentation

BFTransformException & BFTransformException::operator= ( const BFTransformException source  )  [inline]
char const * BFTransformException::what (  )  const throw () [inline, virtual]
std::wstring const & BFTransformException::wwhat (  )  [inline]
std::wstring const & BFTransformException::wextended (  )  [inline]
BFTransformException * BFTransformException::getCause (  )  [inline]

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Clean Content C/C++ API documentation generated on Tue Nov 23 02:25:24 2021 by Doxygen 1.6.3