Request options


Functions that set and get the options on a request




#define BFTRUE   1
#define BFFALSE   0
#define BFCHANNELCANREAD   0x0001
#define BFCHANNELCANWRITE   0x0002


typedef long(* BFChannelRead )(void *channel, void *buffer, BFINT32 count, BFINT64 position)
typedef void(* BFChannelWrite )(void *channel, void *buffer, BFINT32 count, BFINT64 position)
typedef BFINT64(* BFChannelSize )(void *channel)
typedef long(* BFChannelSupports )(void *channel)
typedef void(* BFChannelClose )(void *channel)
typedef void(* BFChannelTruncate )(void *channel, BFINT64 size)


enum  BooleanOptions {
  SecureOptions_WasIdentified = 1086,
  SecureOptions_WasSupported = 1084,
  SecureOptions_WasProcessed = 1010,
  SecureOptions_WasException = 1087,
  SecureOptions_WasTimeout = 1089,
  SecureOptions_LoggedError = 1110,
  SecureOptions_LoggedWarning = 1111,
  SecureOptions_TimeoutUsingThreadStop = 1198,
  SecureOptions_JustIdentify = 1114,
  SecureOptions_TransformResult = 1060,
  SecureOptions_PropertiesOnly = 1053,
  SecureOptions_ExportReplace = 1072,
  SecureOptions_GenerateAcrobatHighlightPositions = 1105,
  SecureOptions_FilterHyphensAtEndOfLine = 1107,
  SecureOptions_FilterOverprintedText = 1108,
  SecureOptions_BrokenPDFCorrection = 1199,
  SecureOptions_GenerateSlideContentFingerprint = 1109,
  SecureOptions_GenerateSlideAppearanceFingerprint = 1112,
  SecureOptions_GenerateGraphicDataFingerprint = 1113,
  SecureOptions_ExcludeProcessingInfoElement = 1118,
  SecureOptions_IncludeLocators = 1121,
  SecureOptions_ChangeStartingPageNumber = 1122,
  SecureOptions_JustDisassemble = 1103,
  SecureOptions_JustAssemble = 1104,
  SecureOptions_JustAnalyze = 1001,
  SecureOptions_OfficeXMLPartValidation = 1132,
  SecureOptions_ValidateEmbeddedContent = 1211,
  SecureOptions_OfficeXMLCanonicalization = 1171,
  SecureOptions_OfficeXMLFeatures = 1212,
  SecureOptions_OfficeXMLRenameNamespacePrefix = 1196,
  SecureOptions_UnhideHiddenCells = 1002,
  SecureOptions_SimulatePowerPointAnimationsDuringAssembly = 1197
enum  IntegerOptions {
  SecureOptions_RequestTimeout = 1088,
  SecureOptions_EmbeddingRecurseDepth = 1055,
  SecureOptions_ExportMaximumReplacementSize = 1071,
  SecureOptions_StartingPageNumber = 1123,
  SecureOptions_PDFMinimumImageDimensionRequiredToProcess = 1194,
  SecureOptions_ExtremeCellHorizontalGapAllowance = 1094,
  SecureOptions_ExtremeCellVerticalGapAllowance = 1095,
  SecureOptions_SizeObfuscatedTextMinimum = 1082,
  SecureOptions_SizeObfuscatedTextMaximum = 1083
enum  FileFormatOptions {
  SecureOptions_SourceFormat = 1009,
  SecureOptions_ExportReplacementFormat = 1074,
  SecureOptions_ScrubbedFormat = 1117
enum  FileFormatListOptions {
  SecureOptions_EmbeddingRecurseList = 1054,
  SecureOptions_EmbeddingExportList = 1056,
  SecureOptions_ExportPossibleReplacementFormats = 1070
enum  EnumOptions {
  SecureOptions_ProcessingStatus = 1125,
  SecureOptions_DecryptionStatus = 1126,
  SecureOptions_OutputType = 1052,
  SecureOptions_ToTextEncoding = 1127,
  SecureOptions_ColorObfuscatedTextRemediation = 1091
enum  SecureOptions_ProcessingStatus_Values {
  SecureOptions_ProcessingStatus_Processed = 1,
  SecureOptions_ProcessingStatus_NotIdentified = 2,
  SecureOptions_ProcessingStatus_NotSupported = 3,
  SecureOptions_ProcessingStatus_CausedException = 4,
  SecureOptions_ProcessingStatus_Timeout = 5
enum  SecureOptions_DecryptionStatus_Values {
  SecureOptions_DecryptionStatus_NotEncrypted = 1,
  SecureOptions_DecryptionStatus_DecryptedWithDefaultPassword = 2,
  SecureOptions_DecryptionStatus_DecryptedWithPasswordList = 3,
  SecureOptions_DecryptionStatus_DecryptionFailed = 4,
  SecureOptions_DecryptionStatus_DecryptionNotSupported = 5
enum  SecureOptions_OutputType_Values {
  SecureOptions_OutputType_ToHandler = 1,
  SecureOptions_OutputType_ToText = 2,
  SecureOptions_OutputType_ToXML = 3,
  SecureOptions_OutputType_NoOutput = 4
enum  SecureOptions_ToTextEncoding_Values {
  SecureOptions_ToTextEncoding_UTF16 = 1,
  SecureOptions_ToTextEncoding_UTF8 = 2
enum  SecureOptions_ColorObfuscatedTextRemediation_Values {
  SecureOptions_ColorObfuscatedTextRemediation_AdjustColor = 1,
  SecureOptions_ColorObfuscatedTextRemediation_RemoveText = 2
enum  EnumListOptions { SecureOptions_HeadersFootersBehavior = 1101 }
enum  SecureOptions_HeadersFootersBehavior_Values {
  SecureOptions_HeadersFootersBehavior_Leave = 1,
  SecureOptions_HeadersFootersBehavior_Scrub = 2,
  SecureOptions_HeadersFootersBehavior_ScrubText = 3,
  SecureOptions_HeadersFootersBehavior_Replace = 4
enum  HandlerOptions { SecureOptions_ElementHandler = 1050 }
enum  FileOptions {
  SecureOptions_SourceDocument = 1006,
  SecureOptions_ResultDocument = 1051,
  SecureOptions_ResultTransform = 1062,
  SecureOptions_ExportDocument = 1059,
  SecureOptions_ExportReplacementDocument = 1073,
  SecureOptions_ScrubbedDocument = 1008
enum  FileListOptions { SecureOptions_AssembleFileList = 1102 }
enum  DirectoryOptions { SecureOptions_EmbeddingExportDirectory = 1057 }
enum  StringOptions { SecureOptions_EmbeddingExportBaseFileName = 1058 }
enum  StringListOptions {
  SecureOptions_PasswordList = 1124,
  SecureOptions_HeadersFootersSearch = 1099,
  SecureOptions_HeadersFootersReplace = 1100,
  SecureOptions_SensitiveLinksRegex = 1046
enum  ScrubOptions {
  SecureOptions_XMLBoundedSpaces = 1209,
  SecureOptions_AlternativeText = 1063,
  SecureOptions_AppsForOffice = 1191,
  SecureOptions_XMLComment = 1201,
  SecureOptions_XMLPI = 1202,
  SecureOptions_XMLCDATA = 1203,
  SecureOptions_XMLUnknownNamespace = 1204,
  SecureOptions_XMLExternalEntity = 1205,
  SecureOptions_XMLRenameNamespacePrefix = 1207,
  SecureOptions_XMLUnusedNamespaces = 1208,
  SecureOptions_AudioVideoFilePaths = 1011,
  SecureOptions_AuthorHistory = 1012,
  SecureOptions_ClippedText = 1161,
  SecureOptions_ColorObfuscatedText = 1090,
  SecureOptions_Comments = 1015,
  SecureOptions_ContentProperties = 1016,
  SecureOptions_CustomProperties = 1017,
  SecureOptions_CustomXML = 1115,
  SecureOptions_DatabaseQueries = 1018,
  SecureOptions_DefaultScrubBehavior = 1080,
  SecureOptions_DocumentVariables = 1043,
  SecureOptions_EmbeddedObjects = 1019,
  SecureOptions_FastSaveData = 1021,
  SecureOptions_HeadersFooters = 1098,
  SecureOptions_HiddenSlides = 1023,
  SecureOptions_HiddenText = 1024,
  SecureOptions_HybridExcel9597BookStream = 1195,
  SecureOptions_LinkedObjects = 1025,
  SecureOptions_MacrosAndCode = 1026,
  SecureOptions_MeetingMinutes = 1044,
  SecureOptions_OfficeGUIDProperty = 1027,
  SecureOptions_OutlookProperties = 1028,
  SecureOptions_OverlappedText = 1162,
  SecureOptions_PDFActions = 1135,
  SecureOptions_PDFGoToActions = 1136,
  SecureOptions_PDFGoToRActions = 1137,
  SecureOptions_PDFGoToEActions = 1138,
  SecureOptions_PDFLaunchActions = 1139,
  SecureOptions_PDFThreadActions = 1140,
  SecureOptions_PDFURIActions = 1141,
  SecureOptions_PDFSoundActions = 1142,
  SecureOptions_PDFMovieActions = 1143,
  SecureOptions_PDFHideActions = 1144,
  SecureOptions_PDFNamedActions = 1145,
  SecureOptions_PDFSetOCGStateActions = 1146,
  SecureOptions_PDFRenditionActions = 1147,
  SecureOptions_PDFGoTo3DViewActions = 1148,
  SecureOptions_PDFRichMediaActions = 1149,
  SecureOptions_PDFJavaScriptActions = 1150,
  SecureOptions_PDFSubmitFormActions = 1151,
  SecureOptions_PDFResetFormActions = 1152,
  SecureOptions_PDFImportDataActions = 1153,
  SecureOptions_PDFTransitionActions = 1154,
  SecureOptions_PDFUnknownActions = 1155,
  SecureOptions_PDFAlternateImages = 1188,
  SecureOptions_PDFDeprecatedPostscriptObjects = 1189,
  SecureOptions_PDFAlternatePresentations = 1185,
  SecureOptions_PDFPrivateApplicationData = 1156,
  SecureOptions_PDFEmbeddedSearchIndex = 1157,
  SecureOptions_PDFOtherPrivateApplicationData = 1158,
  SecureOptions_PDFWebCaptureInformation = 1163,
  SecureOptions_PDFLegalAttestation = 1164,
  SecureOptions_PDFThumbnailImages = 1186,
  SecureOptions_PDFAnnotations = 1166,
  SecureOptions_PDFTextAndFreeTextAnnotations = 1167,
  SecureOptions_PDFLineMarkupAnnotations = 1168,
  SecureOptions_PDFTextMarkupAnnotations = 1169,
  SecureOptions_PDFGraphicalMarkupAnnotations = 1170,
  SecureOptions_PDFFileAttachmentAnnotations = 1172,
  SecureOptions_PDFScreenAnnotations = 1173,
  SecureOptions_PDFPrintersMarkAnnotations = 1174,
  SecureOptions_PDFWatermarkAnnotations = 1175,
  SecureOptions_PDFRedactionAnnotations = 1176,
  SecureOptions_PDFProjectionAnnotations = 1177,
  SecureOptions_PDF3DArtworkAnnotations = 1178,
  SecureOptions_PDFSoundAnnotations = 1179,
  SecureOptions_PDFMovieAnnotations = 1180,
  SecureOptions_PDFLinkAnnotations = 1181,
  SecureOptions_PDFRichMediaAnnotations = 1182,
  SecureOptions_PDFTrapNetworkAnnotations = 1183,
  SecureOptions_PresentationNotes = 1029,
  SecureOptions_PrinterInformation = 1030,
  SecureOptions_RoutingSlip = 1031,
  SecureOptions_Scenarios = 1065,
  SecureOptions_SensitiveContentLinks = 1184,
  SecureOptions_SensitiveHyperlinks = 1034,
  SecureOptions_SensitiveIncludeFields = 1035,
  SecureOptions_SizeObfuscatedText = 1081,
  SecureOptions_SmartTags = 1066,
  SecureOptions_StatisticProperties = 1036,
  SecureOptions_StructuredDocumentTags = 1116,
  SecureOptions_SummaryProperties = 1037,
  SecureOptions_TemplateName = 1038,
  SecureOptions_TrackedChanges = 1039,
  SecureOptions_UninitializedDocfileData = 1160,
  SecureOptions_UserNames = 1040,
  SecureOptions_Versions = 1041,
  SecureOptions_WeakProtections = 1042,
  SecureOptions_XMPMetadataStreams = 1187,
  SecureOptions_GPSData = 1193
enum  AnalyzeOptions {
  SecureOptions_AuthorHistoryContainsPaths = 1014,
  SecureOptions_AuthorHistoryContainsShares = 1013,
  SecureOptions_Encryption = 1020,
  SecureOptions_ExcelDataModel = 1192,
  SecureOptions_ExtremeCells = 1093,
  SecureOptions_ExtremeIndenting = 1092,
  SecureOptions_ExtremeObjects = 1096,
  SecureOptions_HiddenCells = 1022,
  SecureOptions_InvalidXML = 1159,
  SecureOptions_UnknownXML = 1190,
  SecureOptions_OfficeXMLRogueParts = 1128,
  SecureOptions_OfficeXMLUnexpectedParts = 1129,
  SecureOptions_OfficeXMLUnanalyzedParts = 1130,
  SecureOptions_OfficeXMLAlternateContentParts = 1131,
  SecureOptions_OverlappedObjects = 1097,
  SecureOptions_PDFDigitalSignatures = 1165,
  SecureOptions_PrinterInformationContainsShares = 1032
enum  ObjectListOptions {
  SecureOptions_CheckboxActions = 1133,
  SecureOptions_LocatorActions = 1120
enum  ScrubOptionActions {
  ScrubOption_Action_Default = 0,
  ScrubOption_Action_None = 1,
  ScrubOption_Action_Analyze = 2,
  ScrubOption_Action_Scrub = 3
enum  ScrubOptionReactions {
  ScrubOption_Reaction_None = 1,
  ScrubOption_Reaction_DoesNotExist = 2,
  ScrubOption_Reaction_Exists = 3,
  ScrubOption_Reaction_Scrubbed = 4,
  ScrubOption_Reaction_PartiallyScrubbed = 5


BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetScrubOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum ScrubOptions option, const enum ScrubOptionActions action, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetAnalyzeOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum AnalyzeOptions option, const enum ScrubOptionActions action, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetBooleanOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum BooleanOptions option, const int value, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetIntegerOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum IntegerOptions option, const BFINT64 value, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetEnumOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum EnumOptions option, const int value, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetEnumListOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum EnumListOptions option, const int values[], int count, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetStringOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum StringOptions option, const wchar_t *string, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetStringListOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum StringListOptions option, const wchar_t *strings[], int count, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileOptions option, const wchar_t *path, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetDateOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum DateOptions option, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetDurationOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum DurationOptions option, int duration, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetDirectoryOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum DirectoryOptions option, const wchar_t *path, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileOptionUsingMemory (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileOptions option, const void *memory, const long length, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileOptionUsingChannel (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileOptions option, BFCHANNEL *channel, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileOptionUsingChannelCopy (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileOptions option, BFCHANNEL *channel, BFCHANNEL **copy, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC void BFFreeChannelCopy (BFCHANNEL *channel)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileFormatOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileFormatOptions option, const enum FileFormats format, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileFormatListOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileFormatListOptions option, const enum FileFormats formats[], const int count, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetHandlerOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum HandlerOptions option, const BFELEMENTHANDLER *handler, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetHandlerOptionCopy (const BFHANDLE request, const enum HandlerOptions option, const BFELEMENTHANDLER *handler, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetScrubOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum ScrubOptions option, enum ScrubOptionActions *action, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetAnalyzeOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum AnalyzeOptions option, enum ScrubOptionActions *action, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetBooleanOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum BooleanOptions option, int *value, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetIntegerOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum IntegerOptions option, BFINT64 *value, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetStringOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum StringOptions option, wchar_t *string, int length, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetEnumOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum EnumOptions option, int *value, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetStringListOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum StringListOptions option, wchar_t *strings[], int *count, int length, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetTargetOptionFormatInformation (const int option, enum FileFormats *formats, wchar_t *descriptions[], int *count, const int length, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetFileOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileOptions option, wchar_t *path, int length, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetDirectoryOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum DirectoryOptions option, wchar_t *path, int length, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetFileFormatOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileFormatOptions option, enum FileFormats *format, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetFileFormatListOption (const BFHANDLE request, const enum FileFormatListOptions option, enum FileFormats *formats, int *count, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFReadOptionsFromXML (const BFHANDLE request, const wchar_t *path, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFWriteOptionsToXML (const BFHANDLE request, const wchar_t *path, BFHANDLE *errorinfo)
BFGetAllBooleanOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllIntegerOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllFileFormatOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllFileFormatListOptions (int *count)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum EnumOptionsBFGetAllEnumOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllEnumListOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllHandlerOptions (int *count)
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum FileOptionsBFGetAllFileOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllFileListOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllDirectoryOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllStringOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllStringListOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllScrubOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllAnalyzeOptions (int *count)
BFGetAllObjectListOptions (int *count)

Define Documentation

#define BFTRUE   1

Integer representing true

#define BFFALSE   0

Integer representing false

#define BFCHANNELCANREAD   0x0001

The channel can read bytes from the file. Used in return value from BFChannelSupports().

#define BFCHANNELCANWRITE   0x0002

The channel can write bytes to the file. Used in return value from BFChannelSupports().

Typedef Documentation

typedef long(* BFChannelRead)(void *channel, void *buffer, BFINT32 count, BFINT64 position)

Pointer to a function that reads bytes from the channel.

channel A pointer back to the BFCHANNEL structure provided in BFSetFileOptionUsingChannel.
buffer The buffer to read bytes into
count Number of bytes to read
position Offset in the file the bytes should be read at
The number of bytes actually read. A number less than count or 0 means the end of file has been reached.
typedef void(* BFChannelWrite)(void *channel, void *buffer, BFINT32 count, BFINT64 position)

Pointer to a function that writes bytes to the channel.

channel A pointer back to the BFCHANNEL structure provided in BFSetFileOptionUsingChannel.
buffer The buffer containing the bytes to write
count Number of bytes to write
position Offset in the file the bytes should be written to
typedef BFINT64(* BFChannelSize)(void *channel)

Pointer to a function that provides the size of the channel.

channel A pointer back to the BFCHANNEL structure provided in BFSetFileOptionUsingChannel.
The number of bytes in the file.
typedef long(* BFChannelSupports)(void *channel)

Pointer to a function that returns information about what features this channel supports.

channel A pointer back to the BFCHANNEL structure provided in BFSetFileOptionUsingChannel.
typedef void(* BFChannelClose)(void *channel)

Pointer to a function that closes the channel.

channel A pointer back to the BFCHANNEL structure provided in BFSetFileOptionUsingChannel.
typedef void(* BFChannelTruncate)(void *channel, BFINT64 size)

Pointer to a function that truncates the channel to the given size.

channel A pointer back to the BFCHANNEL structure provided in BFSetFileOptionUsingChannel.
size Size of the file after truncation

Enumeration Type Documentation

Options representing a TRUE or FALSE value. Used with BFSetBooleanOption(), BFGetBooleanOption() and BFGetBooleanResult().


The source document was identified

The source document was identified. Default value is BFFALSE


The source document's file format is supported

The source document's file format is supported and processing was attempted. Default value is BFFALSE


The source document was scrubbed, analyzed or extracted

The source document was scrubbed, analyzed or extracted. Will be set to false if no component could be found to process the source document. Default value is BFFALSE


An exception occured while processing the document

An exception occured while processing the document. This is somewhat redundant since the developer will receive the exception itself but is included so the SecureResult can stand alone to completely describe the result of processing a document. Default value is BFFALSE


Document took long than the request's RequestTimeout value to process

The document took long than the request's RequestTimeout value to process or was interrupted. Default value is BFFALSE


An error occured and was logged while processing the document

An error occured and was logged while processing the document. Errors include exceptions that end processing (WasException will also be true) and other conditions that don't cause exceptions but may lead major loss of functionallity. See the log for details. Default value is BFFALSE


A warning occured and was logged while processing the document

A warning occured and was logged while processing the document. Warnings include conditions that may lead to small losses of functionallity. See log for details. Default value is BFFALSE


If set to 'true', requests in tight infinite loops will be stopped using the depricated Thread.stop method

When a malformed document pushes Clean Content into an infinite loop, a monitoring thread attempts to interrupt the thread after a certain timeout period given by the RequestTimeout option. One of two things will then occur: 1) if the request is in a loop that can be interrupted then the request will be stopped and the SecureRequest execute method will return, 2) if in the very rare case the request is in a tight loop and this option is set to 'true' the monitoring thread will use the depricate Thread.stop method to kill the thread. Anyone setting this option to 'true' must understand the implications of having the Java thread running the request destroyed. See the Java API documentation for java.lang.Thread for details. Default value is BFFALSE


Ignore all other settings and just identify the file format of the source document

When this option is true the only action that will be taken is to identify the file format of the source document. Default value is BFFALSE


Perform an XML transform on the result document

If set to truethe contents of the XML result will be XSLT processed using the document specificed in the ResultTransform option before being written. This option is valid only when OutputType is set to TOXML. Default value is BFFALSE


Extract only properties from the document

Extract only properties from the document while skipping the body text and structure. Default value is BFFALSE


The exported document should be replaced

When this option is set to true the ExportReplacementDocument and ExportReplacementFormat options are used to replace the exported document. Commonly used to replace embeddings. Default value is BFFALSE


Generate the character highlight positions associated with the start of each word when extracting from PDF documents.

This option enables the extraction of character highlight positions at the start of each word when extracting from PDF documents. This information can be used to create an Adobe highlight file for the purpose of highlighting select text when viewing the original PDF document in Acrobat. The details of the Adobe Highlight file format can be found in the Adobe technical note titled HighlightFileFormat.pdf, availabe from Adobe. The highlight positions are provided by the PdfHL element in the extracted XML. These positions are character positions as defined in the Adobe technical note. Note that the Adobe character counting algorithm does not necessarily increment by 1 for each subsequent character. However, Acrobat highlights on full word boundaries even when a partial range is provided. For this reason it is reasonable to highlight select words by providing the position and a length equal to 1 or the number of characters to highlight. Default value is BFFALSE


Detect and remove soft and hard hyphens found at the end of a line.

This option enables the detection and removal of soft and hard hyphens found at the end of a line during the extraction process. It is not uncommon for applications that generate PDF to use either a soft or hard hyphen to hyphenate a word when wrapping from one line to another. This feature is dependent on Clean Content's ability to infer line boundaries since they are not stored within a PDF document. Lines are inferred by monitoring position changes during text operations. It would be ideal to only remove soft hyphens during this process but unfortunately many application use hard hyphens for hyphenation when generating the PDF document. Use of this feature can result in the removal of legitimate hard hyphens from the extracted output. This option defaults to 'off' for this reason. This feature primarily benefits applications when searching the text output without the use of intelligent hyphen monitoring. Default value is BFFALSE


Detect and remove duplicate, overprinted text from extracted output.

This option enables the detection and removal of duplicate, overprinted text from the extracted output. It is not uncommon to see PDF documents with duplicate characters drawn very nearly on top of themselves for the purpose of supporting certain types of character attributes that may inlcude bolded, embossed, shadowed, or 3D text characteristics. Unfortunately, the overprinting may occur at character, intra-word, word, or line boundaries. This can have the unfortunate side effect of breaking valid words into a stream of unintelligable characters which in turn has adverse consequences on text searching. This feature addresses this problem by monitoring the position of every drawn piece of text within a line for overprinting situations. Most common use cases are covered though there are valid cases that are not detected when spaces are a part of one text operation but not another, causing the match algorihtm to fail. Additionally, this feature is disabled on any text that is drawn using a font that lacks valid character width metrics. Default value is BFFALSE


Enables correction of PDFs which has malformed internal structure.

Major PDF reader like Adobe allows many deviations from standard PDF specifications. But Clean Content parser strictly follows the specification to read the pdf streams.Hence, though many readers can open broken pdf documents as they overlay the broken streams to correct the malformed internal structure. This option enables the correction of such broken Pdf documents if parsing fails for given input Pdf. Though Clean Content will try to recover as many PDFs it can , but there may be such broken streams which are too malformed to auto-correction. Therefore, there will be limitations to PDF corrections. Default value is BFFALSE


Generate a fingerprint element based on the text and image content found for each slide.

This option enables the generation of a fingerprint element with a type attribute of 'SlideContent'. This element is generated by Clean Content during analysis of a presentation. The value attribute provides the fingerprint as a 128 bit MD5 hash. The fingerprint for SlideContent is generated based on the text and images found on the slide. This allows the fingerprint to be consistent regardless of modifications due to positions, colors, shapes, masters, and other slide attributes. The SlideAppearance fingerprint is an extension of the SlideContent fingerprint that includes consideration for the applicable slide master, slide background, and the position and select formatting of slide content, including shapes. Numerous presentation features are excluded from the fingerprint calculation in order to improve the consistencty of the fingerprint across different versions of PowerPoint. This fingerprint can be leveraged to identify slides across a diverse document set that are substantially similar in content but may vary with respect to formatting. Default value is BFFALSE


Generate a fingerprint element for each slide based on the text, images, colors, shape positions, and applied master.

This option enables the generation of a fingerprint element with a type attribute of 'SlideAppearance'. This element is generated by Clean Content during analysis of a presentation. The value attribute provides the fingerprint as a 128 bit MD5 hash. The SlideAppearance fingerprint is an extension of the SlideContent fingerprint and includes consideration for the slide background and the position and select formatting of slide content, including shapes. Numerous presentation features are excluded from the fingerprint calculation in order to improve the consistencty of the fingerprint across different versions of PowerPoint. This fingerprint can be leveraged to identify slides that are substantially similar in both content and appearance. Default value is BFFALSE


Generate a fingerprint element for each embedded graphic in the document.

This option enables the generation of a fingerprint element with a type attribute of 'GraphicData'. This element is generated by Clean Content during analysis of embedded objects that are of type 'Graphic'. The value attribute provides the fingerprint as a 128 bit MD5 hash. This fingerprint can be leveraged to identify documents that a particular embedded image. Default value is BFFALSE


Do not include the processinginfo element in XML output. For Testing Only!

Do not include the processinginfo element in XML output. This option is for testing only! Removal of the processing info element allows QA processes that produce XML output at different times and with different source documents to easily compare resulting XML. Default value is BFFALSE


Include locator elements in output

Include locator elements in output. Default value is BFFALSE


Modify the page number a document starts at.

When this option is true the StartingPageNumber option is used to modify the page number a document starts at.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above

Default value is BFFALSE


Disassemble the source PowerPoint document into individual PowerPoint documents containing one slide each.

When this option is true the input document will be disassembed into a set of new documents. At this time this only applies to disassembling a PowerPoint document into multiple PowerPoint documents, each containing one slide. The resulting files will be placed in the embedding export directory by default. Default value is BFFALSE


Assemble the source PowerPoint file list into a single PowerPoint document, merging all slides.

When this option is true the AssembleFileList option defines the list of PowerPoit documents to be assembled into a single PowerPoint document. The source document defined by the SourceFile option must contain a PowerPoint document that will be used as the source for document wide defaults. At this time this only applies to assembling a set of PowerPoint documents into a single PowerPoint document.. The resulting file will be placed in the embedding export directory by default. Default value is BFFALSE


Ignore all action settings and just analyze

When this option is true all scrub targets with actions of SCRUB will act as if they are set to ANALYZE. This allows for an analysis with no copying of the source document and no chance anything will be scrubbed. Default value is BFFALSE


Enable the process that validates all Office parts found in Office Open XML formats.

The Office Open XML file formats, generated by Office 2007 and above, follow a specification that describes how a collection of related parts define an Office Document. Each part is stored as a unique file in the collection, and parts may reference other parts to define the structure of the document. Many of these parts are deeply inspected during the Clean Content analysis process, however this option activates additional analysis, extraction and scrubbing behavior that covers every part in the document in one way or another. When this option is set to True the following additional behaviors are active. The extracted output will contain a Collection element of type OfficeXMLPartDisclosureRisks that includes each questionable part using an OfficeXMLPartRisk element that provides further information about the part. There are 4 categories of parts that carry some level of disclosure risk: Rogue, Unexpected, Unanalyzed, and Alternate Content parts. Each of these is documented as a specific analysis target. Those analysis targets must be set to ANALYZE when this option is enabled in order to report that particular risk in the extracted output. Rogue parts will automatically be scrubbed whether this option is enabled or disabled because rogue parts serve no known valid purpose in the document. Unexpected parts will not be scrubbed since doing so might break the document structure. Unanalyzed parts will only be scrubbed if they are removable due to a specific scrub target (i.e. Printer Settings). The Choice portion of Alternate Content is always scrubbed whether this option is enabled or disabled. Alternate Content parts that are referenced within the Choice portion are removed unless they are required in another valid context whether this option is enabled or disabled. Default value is BFFALSE


Enable the process that validates all embedded contents found in Office Open XML formats.

This feature is an add on feature for OfficeXMLPartValidation. This feature enables scrubbing of the rogue content present inside the Office open documents. The Office Open XML file formats, generated by Office 2007 and above, follow a specification that describes how a collection of related parts define an Office Document. Each part is stored as a unique file in the collection, and parts may reference other parts to define the structure of the document. Many of these parts are deeply inspected during the Clean Content analysis process, however this option activates additional analysis, extraction and scrubbing behavior that covers every part in the document in one way or another. When this option is set to True the following additional behaviors are active. The extracted output will contain a Collection element of type OfficeXMLPartDisclosureRisks that includes each questionable part using an OfficeXMLPartRisk element that provides further information about the part. This falls under the category of Rogue part present in the document.Rogue parts will automatically be scrubbed because rogue parts serve no known valid purpose in the document. Default value is BFFALSE


Enable the process that canonicalizes Office XMLs.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to canonicalize the file.

Canonical XML is a normal form of XML, intended to allow relatively simple comparison of pairs of XML documents for equivalence; for this purpose, the Canonical XML transformation removes non-meaningful differences between the documents.Canonicalization involves UTF-8 encoding, attribute normalization , handle special characters , replace entity references and many more.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to canonicalize the file. Default value is BFFALSE


Enable the features which does inspection and sanitatization of Office XMLs vulnerabilities.

Once this option is enabled Clean content will start processing 2007 and above office file formats for XMLComments,XML External entity, XML CDATA and XML Unknown Namespaces. Once this option is set then only Clean Content will report existence of XML Comments,XMLCDATA, XML External entity or XML UnknownNamespace and scrub options for these features also work only when this flag is set. Default value is BFFALSE


Rename namespace prefixes in all XML inside a MS office file.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to rename namespace prefixes.

Namespace prefix can contain sensitive information.It is therefore ,recommended to rename namespace prefixes to neutral prefixes.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to rename namespace prefixes. Default value is BFFALSE


Unhide hidden spreadsheet cells

Unhide hidden sheets, rows, and columns found in spreadsheets. Default value is BFFALSE


Simulate PowerPoint Animations During Assembly.

This option applies to the assembly of PowerPoint 2007 and above (PPTX). When set, this option will cause slides that originally contained animation to be expanded into a series of slides that simulate the animations by hiding and restoring slide elements to simulate the entrance and exit of animated elements.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is BFFALSE

Options representing an integer value. Used with BFSetIntegerOption() and BFGetIntegerOption().


Amount of time in milliseconds a request can execute before being timed out

The amount of time in milliseconds a request can execute before being timed out. Timeouts are useful for the extreemly rare cases where malformed documents cause infinite loops within the Clean Content code. While it is tempting to set this number low since most documents process in much less than 100 ms, very large or complex documents can take a significant amount of time to process hence the 2 minute default for this option. A value of zero may be used to disable timeout for the request but this is not recommended. Default value is 120000


Maximum depth to which embeddings should be recursed.

This option sets a limit as to how 'deep' embedding recursion will go. Setting this value to 0 will disable embedding recursion even for file formats defined in the EmbeddingRecurseList. Setting this value to 1 will allow one level of recursion and so on. Default value is 0


The maximum number of bytes that may be provided to overwrite the exported document.

This options defines the maximum number of bytes, provided through the ExportReplacementDocumentoption, that may be provided to overwrite the exported document. If ExportReplacementDocument is larger than this then an exception will be thrown. Note that this value will not necessarly be the same as the size of the exported document due to compression and other factors. If this option is zero (0) then the replacement image may be of any size. Default value is 0


The page number used when modifying a document's starting page number.

When the option ChangeStartingPageNumber is true this option is used to modify the page number a document starts at.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above

Default value is 1


The minimum pixel width and height required to process an image inside a PDF

This option allows any image found inside a PDF document to be ignored during exctraction unless both the x and y pixel dimensions of the image are greater or equal to this value. This option is useful to prevent extracting small images commonly used to generate drawing artifacts like table border, underline, shading, and patterns.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is 96


Number of columns allowed between cells that are treated as a contiguous range when determining extreme ranges.

This option defines the maximum number of columns allowed between two cell ranges before they are treated as being two non-contiguous cell ranges. When an otherwise contiguous block of cells are separated by a greater number of columns they may be treated as extreme cells during analysis.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is 10


Number of rows allowed between cells that are treated as a contiguous range when determining extreme ranges.

This option defines the maximum number of rows allowed between two cell ranges before they are treated as being two non-contiguous cell ranges. When an otherwise contiguous block of cells are separated by a greater number of rows they may be treated as extreme cells during analysis.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is 40


Minimum size a character may have when analyzing/scrubbing the SizeObfuscatedText target

Character sizes below this value (expressed in points) will be flaged by the SizeObfuscatedText target and will be reset to this value if SizeObfuscatedText is set to SCRUB. Default value is 4


Maximum size a character may have when analyzing/scrubbing the SizeObfuscatedText target

Character sizes above this value (expressed in points) will be flaged by the SizeObfuscatedText target and will be reset to this value if SizeObfuscatedText is set to SCRUB. Default value is 96

Options representing a file format. Used with BFSetFileFormatOption(), BFGetFileFormatOption() and BFGetFileFormatResult().


The file format of the source document

This result provides the file format of the source document.


File format of the ExportReplacementDocument

This option defines the file format of the file which should overwrite the exported document. ExportReplacementDocument must be in this format.


The new file format for the scrubbed document

This result is set when the format of the scrubbed document differs from that of the soruce document. In many cases the extension of the scrubbed document must be changed in order for the document to be sucsessfully opened by its applciation. This happens in Office 2007 when marcos are removed from documents. For example Microsoft Word 2007 documents with macros (.docm files) must be changed to .docx when macros are removed or Word will not open them. The new extension can be retrieved using the getExtension method on the file format returned by this option.

Options representing a list of file formats. Used with BFSetFileFormatListOption() and BFGetFileFormatListOption().


List of file types that will be recursively processed.

This option defines a list of file types that when found as embeddings (embedded images, OLE embeddings, etc.) should be recursively processed. The embeddings will be processed using the same options as the main document.


List of file types that will be exported.

This option defines a list of file types that when found as embeddings (embedded images, OLE embeddings, etc.) will be exported as stand alone files.


List of formats that may replace the exported document

This option provides a list of file formats that may be provided through the ExportReplacementDocument options. Providing a file not in one of these formats will cause unexpected results.

Options representing an enumeration of possible values. Used with BFSetEnumOption(), BFGetEnumOption().


Describes why the document could not be processed

An enumeration of the possible reasons the document could not be processed. Default value is Processed


Provides information on if and how decryption took place

An enumeration of the possible outcomes of decryption. Default value is NotEncrypted


Controls how the extracted data is returned to the developer

This option controls how the extracted data is returned to the developer. Default value is NoOutput


Controls the encoding when extracted data is returned as text

This option controls the encoding of extracted data when the OutputType options is set to ToText. Default value is UTF16


Option that effects how remediation of color obfuscated text is performed.

Option that effects how remediation of color obfuscated text is performed. Default value is AdjustColor

Possible values for the enum option SecureOptions_ProcessingStatus


The document was processed successfully


The document could not be indetified


The document's file format is not supported


Processing the document caused an exception


Processing the document timed out before it could complete

Possible values for the enum option SecureOptions_DecryptionStatus


The document contained no encryption


Parts of the document were encrypted and were successfully decrypted with the default password


Parts of the document were encrypted and were successfully decrypted with a password from the list provided


Parts of the document were encrypted but could not be decrypted with any of the default or provided passwords


Parts of the document were encrypted using an unsupported encryption method

Possible values for the enum option SecureOptions_OutputType


Output to the handler provided in the ElementHandler option


Output text to file provided in the ResultDocument option. Text output is in the encoding defined by the ToTextEncoding option which defaults to Unicode UTF-16, the byte order is the platform's native order, the line seperator is the platform's native line seperator and for UTF-16 output the first character is always the Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM).


Output XML to file provided in the ResultDocument option. XML will be in the namespace ''.


Do not output any data. This value is used to disable extraction.

Possible values for the enum option SecureOptions_ToTextEncoding


Output text in UTF-16


Output text in UTF-8

Possible values for the enum option SecureOptions_ColorObfuscatedTextRemediation


When the Color Obfuscated Text option is set to scrub, the color obfuscated text will be exposed by adjusting either the font color or the applicable background color depending on the context. In rare circumstances the obfuscation cannot be removed because modifying the font or background color would risk adding new obfuscation elsewhere in the document.


When the Color Obfuscated Text option is set to scrub, the color obfuscated text will be exposed by either removing or replacing the obfuscated text with spaces.

Options representing a list of enumerations of possible values. Used with BFSetEnumListOption().


Headers and footers behavior list

This option is a list of behaviors to perform that maps one to one with the regular expressions in the HeadersFootersSearchlist. See the HeadersFootersSearchoption for more details. If the behavior is Replace, the corresponding item in the HeadersFootersReplacelist will be used as the replacement text. Default value is Scrub

Possible values for the enum list option SecureOptions_HeadersFootersBehavior


Leave the header/footer as is


Remove the entire header/footer


Remove the header/footer text but leave other constructs like graphics and fields


Replace the text of the header/footer

Options representing an element handler. Used with BFSetHandlerOption().


Element handler that received the text and elements

This options allows the developer to provide an object that implements the ElementHandlerinterface. This object will receive the text and elements during the executemethod in ExtractRequestThis option is only valid if the OutputTypeoption is set to OUTPUTTYPE_TOHANDLER.

Options representing a stream of bytes. Used with BFSetFileOption() and BFGetFileOption().


The document to process

This option gives the developer a number of ways to provide the document to analyze, scrub or extract.


Document that will contain the extracted data

This option gives the developer a number of ways to provide the file that will receive the plain text or XML rendition of the extracted text and elements. This option is only valid if the OutputTypeoption is set to OUTPUTTYPE_TOXMLor OUTPUTTYPE_TOTEXT.


The XSLT document with which to process the result XML

The XSLT document with which to process the report XML. This option is valid only when OutputType is set to TOXML.


Document that will contain exported data

This option defines where exported data such as embeddedings and fast save data should be placed. Within the element handler methods startEmbeddedObject and startFastSaveData this option will be set on the exportOptions field to decribe where that particular data will be saved and to allow the developer to override that location.


File to replace the exported document with

This option defines the file which should overwrite the exported document. This file must be ExportReplacementSize or less and ExportReplacementFormat must describe its format.


The scrubbed document.

This option gives the application a number of ways to provide the document to produce as a result of scrubbing the source document.

Options representing a list of files. Used with BFSetFileListOption() and BFGetFileListOption().


List of PowerPoint files to be assembled into a new PowerPoint file. Input and output is currently limited to PowerPoint 97-2003.

This option is used when the JustAssemble option is set to true. The set of files defined by this option will be assembled into a new PowerPoint document.

Options representing a directory or folder in a file system. Used with BFSetDirectoryOption() and BFGetDirectoryOption().


Directory to recieve exported embeddings.

This option defines the directory where exported embedding (embedded images, OLE embeddings, etc.) files should be placed. File naming is format specific and cannot be modified at this time. This value defaults to the process's current directory.

Options representing a string. Used with BFSetStringOption() and BFGetStringOption().


Base part of the file name for exported embeddings.

This option defines the beginning of the file name used when exporting embeddings (embedded images, OLE embeddings, etc.) to EmbeddingExportDirectory. The rest of the file name and the file's extension is format specific. Default value is null

Options representing a list of strings. Used with BFSetStringListOption() and BFGetStringListOption().


This option contains a list of passwords to be verified against password protected documents

This option contains a list of passwords to be verified against password protected documents


Headers and footers search list

This option is a list of regular expressions that will be used to test the text of each header or footer. When the first match is found the behavior defined by the corresponding item in the HeadersFootersBehaviorlist is executed against that header or footer. If no match is found the header or footer will be scrubbed in its entirety. This option is only valid if the HeadersFootersscrub target is set to Scrub. If this option is set, both the HeadersFootersBehaviorand HeadersFootersReplacelists must be set and the lengths of all three lists must be the same.


Headers and footers replace list

This option is a list of strings that maps one to one with the behaviors in the HeadersFootersBehaviorlist. A given item is ignored (and may be null or a empty string) unless associated item in the HeadersFootersBehaviorlist is set to Replace.


List of regular expressions against which hyperlinks and content links should be tested to determine their sensitivity

This option allows additional regex-based tests to be run against hyperlinks and content linkes to determine their sensitivity. A match against any of the regular expressions will cause the hyperlink to be clasified 'sensitive'. Hyperlinks classifed this way will be reported or scrubbed depending on the value of the SensitiveHyperlinks target. Content links classifed this way will be reported or scrubbed depending on the value of the SensitiveHyperlinks target.Any link that be with a single alpha character drive letter followed by a colon, or with the file: URI scheme is automatically considered sensitive.

Options representing targets that may be identified and removed. Used with BFSetScrubOption(), BFGetScrubOption() and BFGetScrubResult().


Bounded whitespaces can be used to indent text.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to scrub bounded spaces.

Bounded whitespaces can be used to indent text.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to scrub bounded spaces.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Text that is used as an alternative to displaying a graphic image in constrained viewing environments.

Each graphic image and shape in a document may include an optional piece of text that can be used in place of the image when viewing the document in a constrained environment.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Apps for Office allow for integration of 3rd party applications into the Office applications

Apps for Office allow for integration of 3rd party applications into the Office applications using web technologies. There are two types of Web extensions; content and taskpane. Web extensions enable 3rd party applications to tightly integrate into Office using web based interfaces like JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3. A Web extension runs inside of a web page frame within Office. The web page is served by some web server and the page has access to the Office document object model allowing rich feature connections between document content and the 3rd party web app. Content extensions contribute to content directly within a frame of the document. Taskpane extensions enable user interactions that enhance the authoring process but don’t directly generate document content (for example a dictionary app).

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


XML Comments are used to provide semantic information to the human reader.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set extract and scrub XML Comments.

XML Comments are used to provide semantic information to the human reader.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set extract and scrub XML Comments.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


XML Processing instruction can be used to pass information to applications.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XMP Processing instruction.

XML Processing instruction can be used to pass information to applications.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XMP Processing instruction.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


XML CDATA refers to character data.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XML CDATA.

CDATA is defined as blocks of text that are not parsed by the parser, but are otherwise recognized as markup.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XML CDATA.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


XML namespace in the document which is not part of whitelisted namespace list.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XML UnknownNamespace.

CC stores a list of namespaces which has internal schema definitions.There are many namespace which can not map to whitelisted namespace list and thus has no schema definition within CC.These namespaces are flagged as unknown namespaces.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XML UnknownNamespace.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


XML external entity are references to external file.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XML external entity.

CC would show if external entity references exist in the document and user can decide to remove them.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XML external entity.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


XML namespace prefix are used to avoid name conflict in XML.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to rename namespace prefix.

When using prefixes in XML, a namespace for the prefix must be defined.XML namespace prefix are used to avoid name conflict in XML.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to rename namespace prefix.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


XML namespace are used to avoid name conflict in XML.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XML unused namespaces.

A XML can have multiple namespaces defined which are not being used.Note ScrubOption OfficeXMLFeatures must be set to extract and scrub XML unused namespaces.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Embedded audio and video objects that reference their data through a local or network share path

Microsoft PowerPoint supports linking to audio and video files using the 'Insert > Movies and Sounds > Movie from File' and 'Insert > Movies and Sounds > Sound from File' commands. Use of this feature results in storing a potentially sensitive link to a local or network file path. Note that this type of path can also be removed only when it is considered sensitive using the Sensitive Content Links target .

Applies to:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Hidden author history in Microsoft Word document

Up to the last 10 authors that saved the document are stored in an area of the document that is inaccessible using the Word application. In Word 97 and Word 2000 this information also contains the paths where the document was saved and may include sensitive user logon or network share information.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Some characters are hidden because they fall outside the current clipping path.

The PDF file format allows a clipping path to be established that limits the region of the page affected by painting operations including text drawing. The page boundary inherently establishes the initial clipping region and it can be adjusted from there as needed. This target detects the existence of text that is drawn outside the current clipping region and is therefore not visible.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Some characters are visually obscured due to the font color matching the background color.

The font color of some document text closely matches the background color of the text resulting in text that is not visible in the authoring application. This feature targets the more common ways to obfuscate text by setting the text color to match a solid background color and includes consideration for numerous cases where the background is inherited from underlying objects. Complex backgrounds that include underlying images, objects, shapes, and transparency may inadvertantly generate false positives and false negatives.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Author or reviewer comments in the document

Microsoft Office supports adding user comments to a document through the 'Insert > Comment' command. Comments often contain private or sensitive information.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above binary
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Document properties categorized as content properties

Content properties are viewable in Office using the 'File > Properties > Contents' command. They are document properties that provide a view into some of the content within the document. These properties include: Title and Headings in Word documents, Sheet Names and Named Ranges in Excel documents, and Fonts Used, Design Template, and Slide Titles in PowerPoint documents.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Document properties categorized as custom properties

Custom document properties can be created using the 'File > Properties > Custom' command. They may include user defined properties or application generated properties. Custom properties include: Checked by, Client, Date completed, Department, Destination, Disposition, Division, Document number, Editor, Forward to, Group, Language, Mailstop, Matter, Office, Owner, Project, Publisher, Purpose, Received from, Recorded by, Recorded date, Reference, Source, Status, Telephone number, Typist, and all other user defined properties and application generated properties.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Any custom XML data

Custom XML data added to the document through various means

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Office 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Word 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Database connection and query information

Microsoft Office supports powerful connectivity to databases that results in database connection and query information being stored in Office documents. This information may include a path or URL to a database server, the database username, database password and SQL query strings, all of which can be highly sensitive information.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The default scrub behavior

Defines the behavior of a ScrubOption that has the value of DEFAULT. Setting this option to DEFAULT itself has the same effect as setting it to NONE.

Applies to:

  • All formats

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Programmatic variables that can be stored in PowerPoint documents.

Document variables are named pieces of data that can be attached to PowerPoint documents.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Data from other applications embedded in the document

The Office embedded object feature (Insert > Object..) allows embedding an object into the document that is created and served by another application. The resulting object data may then contain any of the hidden and sensitive data issues found in the serving application. Adobe PDF documents may include attached documents through the embedded files feature of the PDF format. Files embedded in a PDF document are detected under this analysis option.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above binary
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Text or other data that was 'deleted' but still exists in the file

The fast save feature in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint is set using the 'Tools > Options > Save > Allow fast saves' command. When fast save is activated deleted text and data can remain in the file even though it is no longer visible or accessible from within the application. Adobe PDF documents may also include earlier revisions of nearly any type of content through the Incremental Update feature of the file format.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Headers and footers

Headers and footers in documents, spreadsheets and presentations. When this option is set to Scrub, the scrubbing behavior may be modified using the HeadersFootersSearch, HeadersFootersBehaviorand HeadersFootersReplaceoptions.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above binary
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Slides that have been hidden from presentation and printing

The PowerPoint hidden slide feature (Slide Show > Hide Slide) allows individual slides to be hidden during the slide show and printing of the presentation. Hidden slides may contain information that is not intended for general release.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Text that has been hidden by the author

Text that has been intentionally hidden (Format > Font... > Font > Hidden) by the user may contain sensitive information that should be reviewed or removed before distributing the document.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


A redundant storage of Excel workbooks created for backwards combpatibility with Excel 95

Microsoft substantially changed the Excel format between Excel 95 and Excel 97. In order to maintain backwards compatbility with Excel 95 it was possible to store both versions of the file inside the XLS document. This target detects and optionally scrubs the 'Book' stream that hodls the Excel 95 version of the workbooks.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Links to files from other applications

The Office linked object feature (Insert > Object...) allows linking to an external file that is managed and rendered by another application. These links can expose local and network path information.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Macros and other executable code

Microsoft Office includes support for Visual Basic and can be used to create everything from simple macros to data entry forms to full blown applications. Visual Basic can also be used to create macro viruses that travel with documents. Adobe PDF documents may contain code in the form of Java Script.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above binary
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Meeting minutes entered using the PowerPoint Meeting Minder feature.

Meeting minutes can be attached to PowerPoint documents with the PowerPoint Meeting Minder feature and are typically associated with an action item list. The action item list is included in the presentation as part of a slide or series of slides. The associated minutes are accessible only through the Meeting Minder user interface.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


A document property that provides a globally unique identifier (GUID) of the document and originating computer

The Office GUID property is a document property created by versions of Microsoft Office prior to the release of Office 2000. This globally unique identifier (GUID) can be used to identify the computer from which the document originated.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Document properties added to Office document email attachments by Microsoft Outlook

Outlook properties are custom document properties that may be added by Microsoft Outlook to Office documents when they are sent as attachments. These properties include the author, email address, subject of the email, and review cycle identifiers associated with the attachment.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Some characters are hidden because they have been overlapped by a rectangular shape or image..

Text may be covered by graphics elements that are drawn after the text operations. This target detects specific use cases where that may occur including rectangles and thick lines that are a known source of poor PDF text redaction. Detection of overlapped text is limited to specific use cases due to the complexity of the transparent imaging model. However, the common cases associated with poor text redaction are covered.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


PDF supports a set of interactive features called actions that range from jumping to a particular destination in the document to submitting the data of an interactive form to a server. Individual targets are defined for each specific type of action. This target acts covers the entire set of actions as a single target.

The PDF format supports a set of interactive features called actions. Example actions include jumping to a particular destination in a document, thread, or URI location, launching an external file, playing a sound or movie, importing or submitting form data, executing JavaScript code, and numerous other interactive features. Actions can be associated with outline items, annotations, form fields, pages, or the document as a whole and can be triggered based on specific user or document interactions like opening the document, viewing a page, or selecting an outline item. Each triggering event can execute one or more actions in sequence. Each type of action is given its own scrub target while this target is provided to cover all actions in a single target.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


The GoTo action causes the Viewer software to change the current view of the document to specific location within the document.

The GoTo action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to change the current view of the document to specific location within the document.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The GoToR (Go to remote location) action causes the Viewer software to change the current view to a specific location in another PDF file.

The GoToR (Go to remote location) action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to change the current view to a specific location in another PDF file.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The GoToE (Go to embedded file) action causes the Viewer software to change the current view to a specific location in another PDF file that is embedded in this or another PDF file.

The GoToE (Go to remote location) action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to change the current view to a specific location in another PDF file that is embedded in this or another PDF file..

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Launch action launches an application or opens or prints a document.

The Launch action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to launch an application or open or print a document.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Thread action causes the Viewer software to change the current view of the document to specific location in an article thread within the document.

The Thread action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to change the current view of the document to specific location in an article thread within the document.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The URI action causes the Viewer software to resolve and open a resource described by a Uniform Resource Identifier.

The URI action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to resolve and open a resource described by a Uniform Resource Identifier.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Sound action causes the Viewer software to play a sound object.

The Sound action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to play the associated sound object.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Movie action causes the Viewer software to play a movie object that is stored as an external file.

The Movie action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to play the associated movie object that is stored as an external file.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Hide action causes the Viewer software to change the visibility of annotations and form fields.

The Hide action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to change the visibility of annotations and form fields.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Named action causes the Viewer software to change the current view of the document to a specific named location in the current document.

The Named action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes the Viewer software to change the current view of the document to a specific named location in the current document. The supported named locations include NextPage, PrevPage, FirstPage, LastPage.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Set OCG State action sets the state of one or morel optional content groups.

The Set OCG State action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and sets the state of one or morel optional content groups.Optional content refers to sections of content in a PDF document that can be selectively viewed or hidden. Optional content features are typically seen in interactive PDF documents like CAD drawings or Maps.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Rendition action controls the playback of multimedia content.

The Rendition action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and controls the playback of multimedia content. The rendition action was introduced in PDF 1.5 to allow a far richer mechanism to control multimedia playback than supported by the earlier release Movie and Sound actions. Rendition actions can make use of extensive options to describe the location and sequence of multimedia content, the player to be used, allow for JavaScript execution to further control the playback, as well as many other parameters. Rendition actions are closely tied to a Screen annotation that specifies the region of a page where media clips are played.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The GoTo3D View action controls the view of a 3D annotation.

The GoTo3D View action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and controls the view of a 3D annotation. PDF supports a rich collection of features to define and view three-dimensional objects, such as those used by CAD software. This action targets a 3D annotation and can change how the 3D artwork appears to the user by setting parameters such as lighting, rendering, and projection that control the virtual camera illustrating the 3D artwork.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Rich Media action identifies a rich media annotation and specifies a command to be sent to that annotation handler. Rich media PDF contstructs support playing a SWF file to provide enhanced rich media. The command defined in this action can either be an ActionScript or JavaScript function name.

The Rich Media action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and identifies a rich media annotation and specifies a command to be sent to that annotation handler.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The JavaScript Action causes Javascript code to be executed by the Java interpreter supported by the PDF Viewer.

The JavaScript action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and causes Javascript code to be executed by the Java interpreter supported by the PDF Viewer. This is often used to dynamically control the view of a PDF document, particularly forms.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Submit Form action transmits the names and values of selected form fields to a specified URL.

The Submit Form action can be executed from a variety of triggering events and transmits the names and values of selected form fields to a specified URL (uniform resource locator).

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Reset Form action resets a selected set of interactive form fields.

The Reset Form action resets a selected set of interactive form fields causing their current values to return to a default value. It can be executed from a variety of triggering events.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Import Data action imports Forms Data Format (FDF), XFSD, or XML into the interactive form fields of the PDF document.

The Import Data action imports Forms Data Format (FDF), XFSD, or XML into the interactive form fields of the PDF document and can be executed from a variety of triggering events.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The Transition action is used in a sequence of actions to define transition appearances during the sequence.

The Transition action is used in a sequence of actions to define transition appearances during the sequence. It can be executed from a variety of triggering events.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Any action that is not in the list of supported actions is treated as an Unknown action.

Clean Content supports scrub targets for all PDF actions defined through Version 1.7 and the supplement to ISO 32000. Any PDF action that is not in the list of supported action is treated as an Unknown action. The most likely occurrence of an Unknown action is either due to an PDF file specification update supporting new actions or due to an attempt to create a custom action.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Alternate versions of an image they may be used by readers.

Alternate images are additional versions of an image that may be used by readers though there is no clear description on when or why.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Postscript objects embedded inside PDF documents.

Postscript objects embedded inside PDF documents. These objects are no longer recommended to be included in PDF documents.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Alternate Presentations can be used to view a PDF document in an alternative way more consistent with a presentation rendition.

Alternate Presentations allow a PDF document to be viewed in a slide show like manner. PDF 1.4 allowed a page to be viewed for a specified duration before moving into an automatic or user enabled page transition phase. PDF 1.5 allowed for a more extensive, JavaScript driven, alternate presentation rendering. This PDF feature is seldom used and has ben deprecated by ISO 32000-1. This target addresses both forms.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Private data stored in PDF documents by applications using the PDF Page-Piece dictionary construct.

The PDF file format supports storing private data in PDF documents to allow extended functionality to be created by an application. This data is stored in the Page-Piece dictionary construct described in the PDF Reference manual. For example, it is common for applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to store additional data using this feature. The Embedded Search Index feature supported by Adobe Acrobat is also enabled using this approach.The PDF Private Application Data target provides a general target for detecting and removing any private application data found in PDF documents that leverage the PieceInfo entry to store a Page-Piece construct.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Indicates that the document contains an embedded search index provided to make text searches faster within Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat supports an option to embed a search index into a PDF document. The search index makes user searches faster, particularly in large documents. This index is a private data structure supported by Adobe and may retain content from previous versions of the document. This scrub target is a child of the more general PDF Private Application Data target in order to allow this target to be scrubbed while leaving other private application data if desired.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Indicates that the document contains private application data other than an embedded search index.

The PDF file format supports storing private data in PDF documents to allow extended functionality to be created by an application. This scrub target specifically addresses private application data other than the Embedded Search Index private application data. The Embedded Search Index data is addressed by a specific target in order to provide explicit control over that use case.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Data stored in PDF documents used to import content from external Web pages

The PDF file format supports creating information from web or local files using a method called Web Capture. Content can be retrieved from the referenced external files, either once or through additional updates. The original web capture information is maintained in the PDF file.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Information that specifies the existence of content that may result in unexpected rendering of a document.

The PDF file format supports including information that describes the existence of any content that may result in unexpected rendering of a document. This information is commonly included in documents that also include a document certification signature. It can be used by PDF applications to determine the trustworthiness of a document. The information primarily indicates the use of certain PDF features like JavaScript, Launching, URI's, multimedia objects, and the like that may result in a document that will render differently in different environments.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Thumbnail images are small images that provide a represenation of either a PDF page or an externally referenced file.

Thumbnail images are typically used to provide a representation of each page in a PDF document that allows viewers to quickly render an image of each page. They can also be associated with an external file reference. Thumbnails have been deprecated from use in PDF as of ISO 32000-1 and can safely be scrubbed from files.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


PDF supports a set of interactive features called annotations that allow numerous types of content to be associated with a page location or provide user interaction.. This target covers the entire set of actions as a single target.

The PDF format supports a set of interactive features called annotations. Example annotations include text, file attachments, watermarks, redaction, rich-media and numerous other interactive features. Each type of annotation has been categorized into a scrub target in order to provide finer control over detection and removal of the various types of annotations. This target is provided to cover all annotations in a single target.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Notes associated with a slide presentation

The PowerPoint notes feature allows notes to be associated with each slide. Notes may contain general content or internal commentary that should be reviewed or removed prior to distributing a presentation.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Printer information in the document

Printer setup information is often stored within a Microsoft Word or Excel document. In the case of network printers, this information may include potentially sensitive network share information and less sensitive printer model names.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Email routing information

The email routing feature of Microsoft Office (File > Send To > Routing Recipient) stores the email addresses and user names of recipients in the document.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Scenarios are an Excel feature that allow for multiple data models

Microsoft Excel supports entering multiple data models within specific areas of a spreadsheet (Tools > Scenario...). Once a specific scenario is selected the remaining scenarios may expose data models that should not be exposed once the document is released to an outside party.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Sensitive paths or URI's to external content that is to be included in this file

Microsoft Office and Acrobat PDF include a number of features that allow referencing an external document that is then pulled into the primary document while maintaining the original link. In Microsoft Office 2007 and above, the insert picture feature is an example that allows the inserted picture to optionally retain the link to the original file. Microsoft PowerPoint through versions up to 2003 allows external links to Audio and Video files. Microsoft Word (through 2003) uses an include field to provide non-OLE based linking to external files (Insert > Field->IncludeText and Insert > Field > IncludePicture). Any of these examples may contain fully qualified local paths or network paths. A content link is considered sensitive if it begins with 'file:' or begins with a drive letter followed by a colon or it begins with two backward slashes or it matches any of the regular expressions defined using the Sensitive Links Regular Expressions option. Note that OLE based linking is handled by the Linked Objects target.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Hyperlinks containing either fully qualified local paths or network share names

The Adobe PDF (link annotations) and the Office hyperlink feature (Insert->Hyperlink) allows the creation of links to various locations. Two of the possibilities, fully qualified local paths and network paths, can provide unwanted insight into an organization's internal structure. A hyperlink is considered sensitive if it begins with 'file:', begins with a drive letter followed by a colon, begins with two backslashes, or it matches any of the regular expressions defined using the Sensitive Links Regular Expressions option.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above binary
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


INCLUDETEXT and INCLUDEPICTURE fields containing either fully qualified local paths or network share names

The Microsoft Word include field feature provides non-OLE based linking to external files (Insert > Field->IncludeText and Insert > Field > IncludePicture). These fields may contain fully qualified local paths or network paths.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Some character's sizes are outside a certain normal range

The sizes of some of the character in the document are below the value defined by the SizeObfuscatedTextMinimum or above the value defined by SizeObfuscatedTextMaximum

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.ANALYZE


Tags applied to text that matches a defined pattern allowing specific actions to be executed based on the category of the smart tag.

Smart tags are a feature of Office that allows specific actions to be associated with text content that matches a pattern associated with each category of smart tags. For example, stock ticker symbols can be recognized and tagged in order make related actions available to the user whenever a ticker symbol is encountered.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above binary
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Document properties categorized as statistics properties

Statistic properties (File > Properties > Statistics) are document properties that include: Created, Modified, Accessed, Printed, Last saved by, Revision number, Total editing time, Pages, Paragraphs, Lines, Words, Characters, Bytes, Notes, Hidden Slides, Multimedia clips, and Presentation format. Additional application maintained properties in this category include: Application name, Hyperlinks changed flag, Links up to date flag, and Scale flag. Some or all of these properties should be reviewed or removed prior to document distribution.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Word's Structure dDocument Tags

Structured Document Tags are a feature of Word 2007 and above that allows user input through gadgets such as date pickers and picture pickers.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Document properties categorized as summary properties

Summary properties (File > Properties > Summary) are document properties that include: Title, Subject, Author, Manager, Company, Category, Keywords, Comment, Hyperlink Base, Template, and Preview Picture. Some or all of these properties should be reviewed or removed prior to document distribution.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


If a template other than is used the document will contain a full path to the template file

If a template other than is used, the document will contain a full path to the template file. This can expose local path or network share information.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Tracked changes in the document

The change tracking feature of Microsoft Office tracks insertions, deletions and formatting changes made to the document. Such changes contain deleted text and author and date information that may be unintentionally left in the document upon distribution.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Uninitialized data segments found in the Docfile format leveraged by Office 2003 and below and many other formats.

The Microsoft Office binary file formats, among many other formats, leverage the Docfile file format (aka Structured Storage or Microsoft Compound File Binary File Format) to store a collection of data streams within a single file. This file allocation method allows data sectors to be allocated and freed as needed by the application (i.e. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). This scrub target detects and optionally scrubs data sectors that are not currently in use but contain uninitialized (non-zero) data, including extra data sectors that may have been concatenated to the end of a valid file but are not intended to be part of the actual file.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Docfile

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


The names of users associated with the document

A number of Office features cause user names to be saved in the document including the document properties Author and Last Saved By, document routing recipients, Word comment and tracked change authors, Excel scenario authors, file sharing participants, and the last user to edit a Microsoft Excel document or view a Microsoft PowerPoint document.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Version information in Word documents

The versioning feature (File > Versions) in Microsoft Word allows multiple historical versions of a document to be saved within a single file. Versioning is useful during document creation but potentially sensitive once a document is released.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


Weak or easily breakable protections and passwords

Weak protections are features of an application that appear to provide a strong level of protection against specific user actions on the document but in fact can be easily removed from the file without access to a password. A protection is only considered weak if it requires a password to remove the protection. Protections that don't require passwords are considered simple but not weak since they don't imply any additional password based strength.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


XMP Metadata streams are leveraged to store metadata properties using the Extensible Metadata Platform standard.

Extensible Metadata Platform streams are used by a number of formats, including PDF, to associate metadata properties with an entire document or objects within a document. In PDF an XMP stream can be associated with the document and specific pages, drawing and image objects, and color profiles. Note that PDF often replicates a set of standard document properties into an XMP stream as well as its own internal property storage format. This type of metadate typically contains standard properties like Author and Title, but can be extended to include any type of metadata.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT


GPS location information

Metadata may have location information about the source of the document or the location of the authors or consumers

Applies to:

  • Extensible Metadata Platform

Default value is ScrubOption.Action.DEFAULT

Options representing targets that may be identified. Used with BFSetAnalyzeOption(), BFGetAnalyzeOption() and BFGetAnalyzeResult().


Invisible author history contains paths

The hidden author history contains the last 10 fully qualified path names where the document was saved. Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Invisible author history contains network share names

The hidden author history contains network share names. This information can provide dangerous insight into an organization's internal network. Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


The document is encrypted

The document is encrypted and most analysis and scrubbing requests cannot be accomplished. This is distinguished from ScrubOptions.WeakProtectionin that it cannot be easily circumvented short of brute force or dictionary based password attacks. However, using the Microsoft Office encryption feature (Tools > Options > Security > Password to open) does not encrypt the entire document, potentially leaving document properties and embeddings into Word and Excel unencrypted. Both Office and PDF documents can be encrypted with a default password. Clean Content will test the default password and decrypt the document when used on PowerPoint and PDF documents.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Indicates the Excel workbook contains a relational data source and corresponding connection information to other data sources.

Indicates the Excel workbook contains a relational data source and corresponding connection information to other data sources. Office Excel 2013 introduced the Data Model extension to allow integrating data from multiple tables, effectively building a relational data source inside an Excel workbook. The data model leverages a binary stream that stores a tabular data model of all data that has been imported into the data model. It also includes the definition of each data source, including connection information required for external data sources (connection strings and potentially passwords), as well as relationships between tables, user-defined hierarchical relationships between columns, and calculated columns that are a function of existing columns. Scrubbing of this data is not supported due to the complexities of disconnecting dependencies from tables, queries, pivot tables. Detection is provided to allow the risk to be surfaced and reviewed.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Indicates the document contains one or more ranges of spreadsheet cells that are located an extreme distance from other cell ranges.

The Extreme Cells target indicates that ranges of spreadsheet cells within the document are located an extreme distance from other cell ranges. The definition of an extreme cell range can be controlled by setting two options; Extreme Cell Horizontal Gap Allowance and Extreme Cell Vertcal Gap Allowance.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Certain indenting, margin and other settings result in text that does not display or print.

The Extreme Indenting target indicates that indent, margin, gutter or other settings could result in text that is off the page or outside a table or column. Such text will not display or print. Note that the existence of the Extreme Indenting target does not guarantee that text is hidden; only that text may be hidden.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Word 97 thru 2003

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Indicates the document contains one or more objects that are positioned an extreme distance outside the standard viewing area.

The Extreme Objects target identifies embedded, linked, and graphic objects that have been positioned in such a way that a majority of the object may fall outside the reasonable viewing area when viewed or printed in the authoring application. This may include objects positioned outside the slide or speaker note frame in PowerPoint, and in an extreme cell range in Excel documents. Extreme objects are reported but modifications can only be made upon author review in the authoring application.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Hidden spreadsheet columns, rows, or worksheets

Spreadsheet rows, columns, or worksheets that have been hidden. Hidden cells may contain sensitive data that requires user review prior to release. Hidden cells can be identified during analysis and can be made visible by setting the Unhide Hidden Cells option. Hidden cells are not deleted or cleared when cleaned since they may be required to resolve references from visible cells.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Found XML elements that are invalid against the schema

Many applications that use XML formats, especially Microsoft's Office, do not strictly follow the XML format's schema when writing out documents. This target indicates that one or more invalid elements have been found and ignored. Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Found XML elements in unknown namespaces

Many applications that use XML formats, especially Microsoft's Office, have situations where any element may appear or an particular namespace may be ignored. This target indicates that such an element is in a namespace that is not known and can therefore cannot be validated. Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


This document contains parts are not are not referenced or required by the document that represent a significant unintentional disclosure risk if not scrubbed or further analyzed.

This target identifies the existence of parts that are not referenced or required by the document. When this target is set to Analyze and the OfficeXMLPartValidation option is enabled, the extracted output will contain a Collection element of type OfficeXMLPartDisclosureRisks that includes each rogue part using an OfficeXMLPartRisk element that provides further information about the part. Parts of this type are always removed when the OfficeXMLPartValidation option is enabled.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


This document contains parts that are not processed by the Clean Content analysis process.

This target identifies the existence of parts that may represent a disclosure risk if the offending part is not further inspected by human or machine review. When this target is set to Analyze and the OfficeXMLPartValidation option is enabled, the extracted output will contain a Collection element of type OfficeXMLPartDisclosureRisks that includes each unexpected part using an OfficeXMLPartRisk element that provides further information about the part.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


This document contains parts that understood but not analyzed by the Clean Content analysis process.

This target identifies the existence of parts that may represent a disclosure risk if the offending part is not scrubbed from the document or further inspected by human or machine review. When this target is set to Analyze and the OfficeXMLPartValidation option is enabled, the extracted output will contain a Collection element of type OfficeXMLPartDisclosureRisks that includes each unanalyzed part using an OfficeXMLPartRisk element that provides further information about the part.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


This document contains parts that represent some level of disclosure risk if not scrubbed or further analyzed.

This target identifies the existence of parts that may represent a disclosure risk if the offending part is not scrubbed from the document or further inspected by human or machine review. When this target is set to Analyze and the OfficeXMLPartValidation option is enabled, the extracted output will contain a Collection element of type OfficeXMLPartDisclosureRisks that includes each Alternate Content Choice part using an OfficeXMLPartRisk element that provides further information about the part.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Indicates the document contains one or more objects that have been overlapped by another object.

The Overlapped Objects target identifies embedded, linked, and graphic objects that have been covered by another object thus obscuring some portion of the underlying object. At least 50% of an object must be covered to be treated as overlapped. Overlapped objects are reported but modifications can only be made upon author review in the authoring application.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above
  • Microsoft Excel 97 thru 2003
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 thru 2003

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Digital signatures are used to authenticate the identity of the author and the contents of the document.

Digital signatures are used to authenticate the identity of the author and the contents of the document and may come in three forms. Digital signatures can be used for approval signatures, modifications and detection prevention, and to enable usage rights that are not available without the required signature.

Applies to:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE


Printer information that includes network share names

The printer information described in ScrubOptions.PrinterInformationcontained network share information. This information can provide dangerous insight into an enterprises internal network. Default value is AnalyzeOption.Action.ANALYZE

Options representing a list of structures Used with BFSetObjectListOption()


List of actions to perform on named checkboxes in the document while scrubbing

A List of actions to perform on named checkboxes in the document while scrubbing.


List of locator-based actions to perform on the document while scrubbing

A List of locator-based actions to perform on the document while scrubbing.

Values that represent the various actions that can be taken on a ScrubOption or AnalyzeOption.


Take the default action.


Take no action.


Report on the existence of a ScrubOption or AnalyzeOption but do not remove.


Report on the existence of a ScrubOption and remove it if it exists.

Values that represent the various reactions to an action taken on a ScrubOption or AnalyzeOption.


No action was performed.


The ScrubOptions or AnalyzeOption does not exist.


The ScrubOptions or AnalyzeOption exists but was not removed.


Function Documentation

BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetScrubOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum ScrubOptions  option,
const enum ScrubOptionActions  action,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a scrub option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in ScrubOptions
action One of the actions in Actions
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetAnalyzeOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum AnalyzeOptions  option,
const enum ScrubOptionActions  action,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets an analyze option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in AnalyzeOptions
action One of the actions in the Actions enum
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetBooleanOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum BooleanOptions  option,
const int  value,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a boolean option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in BooleanOptions
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetIntegerOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum IntegerOptions  option,
const BFINT64  value,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets an integer option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in IntegerOptions
value the option should take
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetEnumOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum EnumOptions  option,
const int  value,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets an enum option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in EnumOptions
value the option should take
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetEnumListOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum EnumListOptions  option,
const int  values[],
int  count,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets an enum list option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in EnumListOptions
values An array integers
count Number of integers in the array
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetStringOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum StringOptions  option,
const wchar_t *  string,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a string option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in StringOptions
string pointer to a NULL terminated UNICODE string
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetStringListOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum StringListOptions  option,
const wchar_t *  strings[],
int  count,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a string list option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in StringListOptions
strings An array of pointers to a NULL terminated UNICODE strings
count Number of strings in the array
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileOptions  option,
const wchar_t *  path,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a file option using a path to the file.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileOptions
path Pointer to a NULL terminated UNICODE string containing a fully qualified path to the file
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetDateOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum DateOptions  option,
int  year,
int  month,
int  day,
int  hour,
int  minute,
int  second,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a date option. The date information provided is without locale or time zone information.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in DateOptions
year The year, value is AD
month The month, value is 0-based where 0 is January
day Day of the month
hour Hour
minute Minute
second Second
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetDurationOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum DurationOptions  option,
int  duration,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a duration option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in DurationOptions
duration Duration in milliseconds
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetDirectoryOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum DirectoryOptions  option,
const wchar_t *  path,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a directory option using a path to the directory.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in DirectoryOptions
path Pointer to a NULL terminated UNICODE string containing a fully qualified path to the directory
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileOptionUsingMemory ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileOptions  option,
const void *  memory,
const long  length,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a file option using a block of memory.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileOptions
memory A pointer to a block of memory containing the entire file
length The size of the file in memory
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileOptionUsingChannel ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileOptions  option,
BFCHANNEL channel,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a file option using a set of callbacks routines.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileOptions
channel Pointer to a BFCHANNEL structure contained read, write and other IO routines supplied your code
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileOptionUsingChannelCopy ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileOptions  option,
BFCHANNEL channel,
BFCHANNEL **  copy,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Sets a file option using a set of callbacks routines, making a copy of those routines.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileOptions
channel Pointer to a BFCHANNEL structure contained read, write and other IO routines supplied your code.
copy Pointer that recieves a pointer to the copied BFCHANNEL.
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC void BFFreeChannelCopy ( BFCHANNEL channel  ) 

FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Frees a channel.

channel Pointer to a BFCHANNEL structure to be freed. This pointer must have been the result of a BFSetFileOptionUsingChannelCopy() call
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileFormatOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileFormatOptions  option,
const enum FileFormats  format,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a file format option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileFormatOptions
format One of the values in FileFormats
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetFileFormatListOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileFormatListOptions  option,
const enum FileFormats  formats[],
const int  count,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets a file format list option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileFormatListOptions
formats Any array containing zero or more FileFormats
count Number of FileFormats in the formats array
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetHandlerOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum HandlerOptions  option,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Sets an element handler option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option Current only the value ExtractElementHandler is allowed
handler A BFELEMENTHANDLER structure with all function pointers initialized to NULL or valid functions
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFSetHandlerOptionCopy ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum HandlerOptions  option,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetScrubOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum ScrubOptions  option,
enum ScrubOptionActions action,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a scrub option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in ScrubOptions
action Pointer to an Actions that will receive the value
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetAnalyzeOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum AnalyzeOptions  option,
enum ScrubOptionActions action,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets an analyze option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in AnalyzeOptions
action Pointer to an Actions that will receive the value
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetBooleanOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum BooleanOptions  option,
int *  value,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a boolean option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in BooleanOptions
value Pointer to an int that will receive either BFTRUE or BFFALSE
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetIntegerOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum IntegerOptions  option,
BFINT64 *  value,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets an integer option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in IntegerOptions
value Pointer to an int that will receive the value
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetStringOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum StringOptions  option,
wchar_t *  string,
int  length,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a string option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in StringOptions
string Pointer to a buffer of wide charcters that will receive the zero-terminated UNICODE string
length Length of the buffer in characters. Returned string will be truncated if it will not fit in the buffer.
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetEnumOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum EnumOptions  option,
int *  value,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a enum option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in EnumOptions
value Pointer to an int that will receive the value
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetStringListOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum StringListOptions  option,
wchar_t *  strings[],
int *  count,
int  length,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a string list option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in StringListOptions
strings Array of pointers to Unicode string buffers that will receive the values. If this parameter is NULL then count will be set to the size of the array required to hold all the strings.
count Pointer to an integer that specifies how large the passed strings array is and will receive the actual number of strings.
length Length of the string buffers in characters. Each returned string will be truncated if it does not fit in the buffer.
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetTargetOptionFormatInformation ( const int  option,
enum FileFormats formats,
wchar_t *  descriptions[],
int *  count,
const int  length,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a list of file formats and associated descriptions that apply to a given target option (an analyze option or scrub option).

option One of the values in AnalyzeOptions or ScrubOptions
formats Array of FileFormats that will recieve the formats that apply to the target option. If this parameter or the descriptions parameter is NULL then count will be set to the size of the array required to hold all the descriptions.
descriptions Array of pointers to Unicode string buffers that will receive the descirptions of how each formats applies to the target option. If this parameter or the formats parameter is NULL then count will be set to the size of the array required to hold all the descriptions.
count Pointer to an integer that specifies how large the passed arrays (they must be the same) are and will receive the actual number of items.
length Length of the string buffers in characters. Each returned string will be truncated if it does not fit in the buffer.
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetFileOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileOptions  option,
wchar_t *  path,
int  length,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a file option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileOptions
path Pointer to a buffer of wide charcters that will receive the zero-terminated UNICODE string contained the full path to the file
length Length of the buffer. Returned path will be truncated if it will not fit in the buffer.
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetDirectoryOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum DirectoryOptions  option,
wchar_t *  path,
int  length,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a directory option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileOptions
path Pointer to a buffer of wide charcters that will receive the zero-terminated UNICODE string contained the full path to the directory
length Length of the buffer. Returned path will be truncated if it will not fit in the buffer.
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetFileFormatOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileFormatOptions  option,
enum FileFormats format,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a file format option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileFormatOptions
format Pointer to a FileFormats that will receive the value
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFGetFileFormatListOption ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const enum FileFormatListOptions  option,
enum FileFormats formats,
int *  count,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Gets a file format list option.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
option One of the values in FileFormatListOptions
formats Pointer to an array of FileFormats that will receive the values. If this parameter is NULL then count will be set to the size of the array required to hold all the FileFormat values.
count Pointer to an integer that specifies how large the passed formats array is and will receive the actual number of FileFormats values.
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFReadOptionsFromXML ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const wchar_t *  path,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Read options from an XML file.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
path Full path to the XML file to read
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC int BFWriteOptionsToXML ( const BFHANDLE  request,
const wchar_t *  path,
BFHANDLE *  errorinfo 

Write options from an XML file.

request BFHANDLE that represents the request
path Full path to the XML file to write
errorinfo Pointer to a handle that will be set to an error information handle if the function's return value is not BFRESULT_OK. This parameter may be NULL and may be set to NULL if no error information is available.
One of the BFRESULT codes
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum BooleanOptions* BFGetAllBooleanOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all boolean options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of boolean options.
Pointer to an array of boolean options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum IntegerOptions* BFGetAllIntegerOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all integer options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of integer options.
Pointer to an array of integer options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum FileFormatOptions* BFGetAllFileFormatOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all file format options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of file format options.
Pointer to an array of file format options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum FileFormatListOptions* BFGetAllFileFormatListOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all file format list options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of file format list options.
Pointer to an array of file format list options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum EnumOptions* BFGetAllEnumOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all enumeration options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of enumeration options.
Pointer to an array of enumeration options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum EnumListOptions* BFGetAllEnumListOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all enumeration list options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of enumeration list options.
Pointer to an array of enumeration list options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum HandlerOptions* BFGetAllHandlerOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all element handler options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of element handler options.
Pointer to an array of element handler options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum FileOptions* BFGetAllFileOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all file options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of file options.
Pointer to an array of file options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum FileListOptions* BFGetAllFileListOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all file list options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of file list options.
Pointer to an array of file list options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum DirectoryOptions* BFGetAllDirectoryOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all directory options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of directory options.
Pointer to an array of directory options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum StringOptions* BFGetAllStringOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all string options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of string options.
Pointer to an array of string options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum StringListOptions* BFGetAllStringListOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all string list options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of string list options.
Pointer to an array of string list options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum ScrubOptions* BFGetAllScrubOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all scrub target options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of scrub target options.
Pointer to an array of scrub target options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum AnalyzeOptions* BFGetAllAnalyzeOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all analyze target options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of analyze target options.
Pointer to an array of analyze target options.
BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC enum ObjectListOptions* BFGetAllObjectListOptions ( int *  count  ) 

Gets a list of all object list options.

count Pointer to an int that receives the count of object list options.
Pointer to an array of object list options.
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