7 Export Functions

This chapter outlines the basic functions used to initiate the conversion of documents using the Search Export SDK.

This chapter covers the following functions:

7.1 EXOpenExport

This function is used to initiate the export process for a file that has been opened by DAOpenDocument. If EXOpenExport succeeds, EXCloseExport must be called regardless of any other API calls.


SCCERR EXOpenExport(
   VTHDOC         hDoc,
   VTDWORD        dwOutputId,
   VTDWORD        dwSpecType,
   VTLPVOID       pSpec,
   VTDWORD        dwFlags,
   VTSYSPARAM     dwReserved,
   EXCALLBACKPROC pCallbackFunc,
   VTSYSPARAM     dwCallbackData,
   VTLPHEXPORT  phExport);

phExport is not a file handle.


  • hDoc: A handle that identifies the source file, created by DAOpenDocument. Knowledge of this should only affect OEMs under the most unusual of circumstances.

  • dwOutputId: File ID of the desired format of the output file. This value should be set to one of the following values:





  • dwSpecType: Describes the contents of pSpec. Together, dwSpecType and pSpec describe the location of the initial output file. Must be one of the following values:

    • IOTYPE_ANSIPATH: Windows only. pSpec points to a NULL-terminated full path name using the ANSI character set and FAT 8.3 (Win16) or NTFS (Win32 and Win64) file name conventions.

    • IOTYPE_UNICODEPATH: Windows only. pSpec points to a NULL-terminated full path name using the Unicode character set and NTFS file name conventions.


      If you are using IOTYPE_UNICODEPATH as a file spec type, if the calling application is providing an export callback function, you should set the option SCCOPT_EX_UNICODECALLBACKSTR to TRUE. For more information, see to the documentation on callbacks such as EX_CALLBACK_ID_CREATENEWFILE and the EXURLFILEIOCALLBACKDATAW structure.

    • IOTYPE_UNIXPATH: UNIX platforms only. pSpec points to a NULL-terminated full path name using the system default character set and UNIX path conventions. Unicode paths can be accessed on UNIX platforms by using a UTF-8 encoded path with IOTYPE_UNIXPATH.

    • IOTYPE_REDIRECT: All platforms. A pointer to a BASEIO structure filled in by your application. This must not be set to NULL or conversion fails.

  • pSpec: Initial output file location specification. The form of this data depends on the value of the dwSpecType parameter (see above).Initial output file location specification. This is either a pointer to a buffer or NULL.

  • dwFlags: Must be set by developer to 0.

  • dwReserved: Reserved. Must be set by developer to 0.

  • phExport: Pointer to a handle that receives a value uniquely identifying the document to the product routines. If the function fails, this value is set to VTHDOC_INVALID.

Return Values

  • SCCERR_OK: If the open was successful. Otherwise, one of the other SCCERR_ values in sccerr.h is returned.

7.2 EXCloseExport

This function is called to terminate the export process for a file.


SCCERR EXCloseExport(
   VTHEXPORT   hExport);


  • hExport: Export handle for the document. Must be a handle returned by the EXOpenExport function.

Return Values

  • SCCERR_OK: Returned if the close was successful. Otherwise, one of the other SCCERR_ values in sccerr.h is returned.

7.3 EXRunExport

This function is called to run the export process.


   VTHEXPORT   hExport);


  • hExport: Export handle for the document. Must be a handle returned by the EXOpenExport function.

Return Values

  • SCCERR_OK: Returned if the export was successful. Otherwise, one of the other SCCERR_ values in sccerr.h is returned.

7.4 EXExportStatus

This function is used to determine if there were conversion problems during an export. It can either return detailed information about sub-document failures or a structure that describes areas of a conversion that may not have high fidelity with the original document.


SCCERR EXExportStatus(VTHEXPORT hExport, VTDWORD dwStatusType, VTLPVOID pStatus)


  • hExport: Export handle for the document.

  • dwStatusType: Specifies which status information should be filled in pStatus.

    • EXSTATUS_SUBDOC – fills in the EXSUBDOCSTATUS structure (only implemented in Search Export and XML Export)


  • pStatus: Either a pointer to a EXSUBDOCSTATUS or EXSTATUSINFORMATION data structure depending on the value of dwStatusType.

Return Values

SCCERR_OK: Returned if there were no problems. Otherwise, one of the other SCCERR_ values in sccerr.h is returned.


The EXSUBDOCSTATUS structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct EXSUBDOCSTATUStag
VTDWORD dwSize;      /* size of this structure */
VTDWORD dwSucceeded; /* number of sub documents that were converted */
VTDWORD dwFailed;    /* number of sub documents that were not converted */


The EXSTATUSINFORMATION structure is defined as follows:

   VTDWORD dwVersion;              /* version of this structure */    
   VTBOOL bMissingMap;             /* a PDF text run was missing the toUnicode table */    
   VTBOOL bVerticalText;           /* a vertical text run was present */    
   VTBOOL bTextEffects;            /* a run that had unsupported text effects applied.  One example is Word Art */    
   VTBOOL bUnsupportedCompression; /* a graphic had an unsupported compression */    
   VTBOOL bUnsupportedColorSpace;  /* a graphic had an unsupported color space */    
   VTBOOL bForms;                  /* a sub documents had forms */    
   VTBOOL bRightToLeftTables;      /* a table had right to left columns */    
   VTBOOL bEquations;              /* a file had equations */    
   VTBOOL bAliasedFont;            /* The desired font was missing, but a font alias was used*/    
   VTBOOL bMissingFont;            /* The desired font wasn't present on the system */    
   VTBOOL bSubDocFailed;           /* a sub document was not converted */    
   VTBOOL bTypeThreeFont;          /* a PDF Type 3 embedded font was encountered */    
   VTBOOL bUnsupportedShading;     /* a PDF input file had an unsupported shading type */    
   VTBOOL bInvalidHTML;            /* invalid HTML was encountered */    
   VTBOOL bVectorObjectLimit;      /* The vector object limit was reached */    
   VTBOOL bInvalidAnnotationNotApplied;    /* Annotation/Redaction wasn't displayed */    
   VTBOOL bInlineImageFound;       /* An inline image was found and may not have been rendered */    
   VTBOOL bIncorrectPageSize;      /* a PDF file was larger than 200 in x 200 in, as specified in the PDF reference guide */    
   VTBOOL bIncorrectPageSize_lower;/* a PDF file was smaller than 3 units x 3 units, as specified in the PDF reference guide */    
   VTBOOL bPDFOneToMany;           /* A PDF input file contained an embedded font with a ToUnicode table which maps one Unicode value to multiple glyphs */    
   VTBOOL bIsBidi;                 /* a PDF file contains Bi-Directional Text*/    
   VTBOOL bUnsupportedFont;        /* an unsupported font was encountered */    
   VTDWORD currPathSize, maxPathLimit; // Current size of the paths seen, Max number of Paths allowed    
   VTDWORD currVectSize, maxVectLimit; // Current size of the Vectors seen, Max number of Vectors allowed    
   VTDWORD currObjtSize, maxObjtLimit; // Current size of the Objects seen, Max number of Objects allowed    
   VTBOOL bFontWidthUsed;          /* a PDF file is using Width parameter to change widths of glyphs */



When processing the main document, Search Export, HTML Export, and XML Export never use fonts, so bAliasedFont and bMissingFont will never report TRUE; however, when doing graphics conversions XML Export and HTML Export may use fonts, so bAliasedFont and bMissingFont may report TRUE.

bVectorObjectLimit applies only to WebView Export, and bInvalidAnnotationNotApplied applies only to Image Export, PDF Export, and Web View Export.