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Deployments: Control

Column Display     Related Tasks     Related Topics

This page displays the list of Java EE applications and standalone application modules installed to this domain.

You can start and stop applications and modules from the domain by selecting the checkbox next to the application name and then using the controls on this page.

Column Display

You can show fewer or additional data points on this page by expanding Customize this table and modifying the Column Display list. Each data point displays in its own table column.

The following table lists all of the data points that you can display in columns on this page.

Name Description

The name of this Java EE application or module.


The deployment state.

  • NEW indicates that one or more modules of the application have just been created and are being initialized (default)
  • INSTALLED indicates that the application’s physical files or directory is known to WebLogic Server
  • PREPARED indicates that WebLogic Server has prepared one or more modules of the application, but they are not yet active
  • INITIALIZING indicates that the application is becoming ready to start processing client requests
  • ACTIVE indicates that one or more modules of the application are active and available for processing new client requests
  • ADMIN indicates that the application is currently active for administration channel requests only
  • UPDATE PENDING indicates that changes to the application have been made but the changes are not yet available to WebLogic Server clients
  • RETIRED indicates that the application has been deactivated after the completion of active sessions and in-progress transactions
  • FAILED indicates that the application deployment operation did not succeed

If there is a running DeploymentRequestTask for this deployment, then that status is displayed instead of the application status. See the DeploymentRequestTaskRuntimeMBean for each state description. If there is no active task, you get the deployment state.


The health state of the server as reported by the server's self-health monitoring.

For example, the server can report if it is overloaded by too many requests, if it needs more memory resources, or if it will soon fail for other reasons.

MBean Attribute:


The type of deployment: enterprise application, Web service, EJB, Web application, Java EE library, and so on.


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

MBean Attribute:

Related Tasks

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