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Java EE Library: Overview

Configuration Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

Use this page to view and edit general configuration information about this Java EE library, such as its name, path to the source of the application, and staging mode. Use the Deployment Order field to change the order that the library is deployed at server startup, relative to other deployments.

The Java EE library feature provides an easy way to share one or more types of Java EE modules among multiple enterprise applications.

In particular, a Java EE library is a standalone EJB or Web application module, multiple EJB or Web application modules packaged in an enterprise application (EAR), or a single plain JAR file that is registered with the Java EE application container upon deployment.

After the library has been registered, you can deploy enterprise applications that reference the library. Each referencing application receives a reference to the required library module(s) on deployment, and can use those modules as if they were packaged as part of the referencing application itself. The shared library classes are added to the classpath of the referencing application, and the referencing application's deployment descriptors are merged (in memory) with those of the Java EE library modules.

The name of the Java EE library is always followed by a version number of the form ( Specification@ Implementation), where Specification identifies the version number of the specification (for example, the Java EE specification number) to which a library or package conforms, and Implementation identifies the version number of the actual code implementation for the library or package. This versioning of Java EE libraries enables referencing applications to specify a required minimum version of the library to use, or an exact, required version.

Configuration Options

Name Description

The name of this Java EE library.

Implementation Version

The implementation version, specified from the manifest or overridden during deployment.

Specification Version

The specification version, specified from the manifest or overridden during deployment.

Application Name

The name of this Java EE library.

Module Name

The name of this module.


The path to the source of the deployable unit on the Administration Server.


If the source path is relative, it is resolved relative to InstallDir/app if InstallDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsoluteSourcePath to get a fully resolved value.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Install Directory

The path to the application's install-root directory, relative to the domain/config/deployments directory.

When the installation directory is specified, SourcePath, PlanDir, and PlanPath are derived from this path and need not be specified.

The default value for this is the name of the deployment.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Staging Mode

The mode that specifies whether an application's files are copied from a source on the Administration Server to the Managed Server's staging area during application preparation.

Deployment Order

An integer value that indicates when this unit is deployed, relative to other deployable units on a server, during startup.

Units with lower values are deployed before those with higher values.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Deployment Principal Name

A string value that indicates the principal that should be used when deploying the file or archive during startup and shutdown. This principal will be used to set the current subject when calling out into application code for interfaces such as ApplicationLifecycleListener. If no principal name is specified, then the anonymous principal will be used.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

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