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JMS Server: Monitoring

Monitoring Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

Use this page to view runtime statistics for this JMS server.

Monitoring Options

Name Description

The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

MBean Attribute:


The current server hosting this JMSServer.

Session Pools Current

The current number of session pools instantiated on this JMS server.

MBean Attribute:

Session Pools High

The peak number of session pools instantiated on this JMS server since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Session Pools Total

The number of session pools instantiated on this JMS server since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Destinations Current

The current number of destinations for this JMS server.

MBean Attribute:

Destinations High

The peak number of destinations on this JMS server since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Destinations Total

The number of destinations instantiated on this JMS server since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Current

The current number of messages stored on this JMS server. This number does not include the pending messages.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Pending

The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on this JMS server.

Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages.

MBean Attribute:

Messages High

The peak number of messages stored in the JMS server since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Received

The number of messages received on this destination since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Threshold Time

The amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Pageable Current

Return the number of messages that are currently available for paging in this JMS server but have not yet been paged out. Note that due to internal implementation details, this count may be zero even if "PageableByteCurrentCount" is zero.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Paged Out Total

Return the total number of messages that were written to the paging directory since the JMS server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Paged In Total

Return the total number of messages that were read from the paging directory since the JMS server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Current

The current number of bytes stored on this JMS server.

This number does not include the pending bytes.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Pending

The current number of bytes pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on this JMS server.

Pending bytes are over and above the current number of bytes.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes High

The peak number of bytes stored in the JMS server since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Received

The number of bytes received on this JMS server since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Threshold

The amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Pageable Current

Return the total number of bytes in all the messages that are currently available to be paged out, but which have not yet been paged out. The JMS server attempts to keep this number smaller than the "MessageBufferSize" parameter.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Paged Out Total

Return the total number of bytes that were written to the paging directory since the JMS server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Paged In Total

Return the total number of bytes that were read from the paging directory since the JMS server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Related Tasks

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