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JMS Topic: Monitoring: Durable Subscribers

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Use this page to monitor and manage durable subscribers that are running on a JMS topic. From this page, you can view detailed runtime statistics for each durable subscriber, as well as create new durable subscribers or delete existing ones.

Click on a subscriber to view its configuration details. To view a subscriber's messages, select the check box next to its name, and then click Show Messages.

Durable subscribers are persisted to a disk-based file store or a JDBC-accessible database until the message has been delivered to the subscribers or has expired, even if those subscribers are not active when the message is delivered. A durable subscriber registers a durable subscription with a unique identity that is retained by JMS. Subsequent subscriber objects with the same identity resume the subscription in the state it was left by the prior subscriber. If there is no active subscriber for a durable subscription, JMS retains the subscription's messages until they are received by the subscription or until they expire.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Uniform Distributed Topic Members

Filter by member topic: only display subscriptions that exists on selected member topics

Each selection is a fully-qualified name of this uniform distributed topic member resource. The uniform distributed topic name is preceded by the parent module name, separated by an exclamation point (!).

Advanced Configuration Options

Name Description
Client ID

Filter by Client ID: only display subscriptions that contain the given string somewhere in their client-id.

MBean Attribute:

Subscription Name

Filter by Subscription Name: only display subscriptions that contain the given string somewhere in their subscription name.

MBean Attribute:


Filter by Selector: only display subscriptions that contain the given string somewhere in their selector string.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum Message Count

Filter by Minimum Message Count: only display subscriptions whose current and pending messages total is greater than this value.

Minimum Message Bytes

Filter by Minimum Message Bytes: only display subscriptions whose current and pending bytes total is greater than this value.

Minimum Idle Seconds

Filter by Minimum Idle Seconds: only display subscriptions that have been idle for greater than this value.

Maximum Subscriptions Allowed

Filter by Maximum Subscriptions Allowed: Do not display subscriptions higher than this count.


Name Description

Creates a new durable subscriber on the topic.


Deletes specific durable subscribers from the topic.

Show Messages

Displays all messages sent to selected durable subscribers.

Show Durable Subscriptions Matching the Above Criteria

Applies the pre-filter criteria for durable subscription selection.

Column Display

You can show fewer or additional data points on this page by expanding Customize this table and modifying the Column Display list. Each data point displays in its own table column.

The following table lists all of the data points that you can display in columns on this page.

Name Description
Subscription Name

The subscription name for this durable subscriber. This name must be unique for each client ID.

Valid durable subscription names cannot include the following characters: comma ",", equals "=", colon ":", asterisk "*", percent "%", or question mark"?".

MBean Attribute:

Client ID

A unique client identifier for this durable subscriber.

Note: The client ID is not necessarily equivalent to the WebLogic Server username; that is, a name used to authenticate a user in the WebLogic security realm. You can set the client ID to the WebLogic Server username if it is appropriate for your JMS application.

MBean Attribute:

Client ID Policy

The policy for the client identifier for this durable subscriber.

Note: The client ID policy is either Restricted or Unrestricted.

MBean Attribute:

Subscription Sharing Policy

The Subscription Sharing Policy on this subscriber.

MBean Attribute:

No Local Messages

Specifies whether this durable subscriber receives local messages that it has published.

To prevent this, set the noLocal parameter to true.

MBean Attribute:


Indicates whether this subscription is being used by a durable subscriber.

MBean Attribute:


The message selector defined for this durable subscriber.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Pending Count

The number of messages pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this durable subscriber.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Current Count

The number of messages still available by this durable subscriber.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Pending Count

The number of bytes pending by this durable subscriber.

MBean Attribute:

Bytes Current Count

The number of bytes received by this durable subscriber.

MBean Attribute:

Last Messages Received Time in Millis

The time when the last time a subscriber received a message from the subscription. The returned value is a standard java absolute time, which is measured in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC

This returns the JMS durable subscription boot time if there were no messages that were successfully delivered to any subscriber on this subscription since the subscription was booted. We define the boot time of a durable subscription to be the time the subscription is originally created or recovered during a server reboot or jms migration, which ever is latest.

MBean Attribute:

Subscribers Total Count

The total number of subscribers that have accessed this subscription since the creation or the last reboot of the subscription, whichever is later.

MBean Attribute:

Subscribers High Count

The highest number of subscribers that have shared this subscription at the same time since the creation or the last reboot of the subscription, which ever is later.

MBean Attribute:

Subscribers Current Count

The number of subscribers that currently share this subscription.

MBean Attribute:

Messages Deleted Due to Subscription Limit

The number of messages deleted because of a subscription limit.

MBean Attribute:

Related Tasks

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