4 Configuring WebCenter Forms Recognition Integration with WebCenter Capture 10g

This chapter describes how to configure WebCenter Forms Recognition Integration with WebCenter Capture 10g (also referred to as Oracle Document Capture 10g).

This chapter includes the following sections:

4.1 WebCenter Capture 10g Integration Overview

Below are the main steps by which documents are captured, autopopulated, and committed by WebCenter Capture 10g, then imported, processed, and exported by WebCenter Forms Recognition, and finally imported into Imaging.

  1. Documents enter Capture via one of several scenarios. Documents can consist of single or multiple pages, and may include a patch code or bar code on their first page.

    For example, users might scan invoices using WebCenter Capture, or vendors might email invoices to an Accounts Payable account. See WebCenter Capture 10g Integration Scenarios for configuration scenarios.

  2. In WebCenter Capture 10g, documents are separated and index fields are autopopulated.

    Depending on configuration and Capture components used, document separation occurs automatically or by users, who can separate or join documents on-the-fly by pressing a specified keyboard shortcut (hot key).

    Instead of indexing, key values such as a unique reference number (URN) and batch name are typically autopopulated by Capture.

  3. Documents are committed from Capture via a text file commit profile.

    The commit creates a folder for the batch and outputs each document as a single or multiple page TIFF file, named using its autopopulated values, including its unique reference number.

  4. WebCenter Forms Recognition imports the image files from the Capture commit folder and processes them.

    It monitors the Capture commit folder, importing image files it finds, parsing their filename metadata, and processing them through OCR, classification, and extraction.

  5. WebCenter Forms Recognition exports processed data to an export folder. The export includes:

    • A TIFF image file for each processed document.

    • An XML file for each processed document, containing values extracted by WebCenter Forms Recognition. For example, XML files for invoices might contain detailed information such as line item values.

    • A CSV file that identifies, on a batch level, the location of image and XML files and key metadata values.

  6. Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging's Input Agent imports the CSV, image, and XML files into Imaging.

    Typically, image files become viewable in the Imaging Viewer, and each XML data is stored in Imaging as a supporting document. In Imaging, workflow processing is initiated that processes the XML data.

4.1.1 WebCenter Capture 10g Integration Scenarios

Below are several configurations for capturing invoice documents using WebCenter Capture 10g components.

Centralized Capture Using WebCenter Capture

In this scenario, users use WebCenter Capture to scan invoices centrally. A WebCenter Capture 10g/WebCenter Forms Recognition scan macro allows users to scan, review, and commit images without indexing. For configuration information, see Configure the Capture Scan Macro.

Distributed Capture Using Import Server (Via Email, MFD, or Fax)

In this scenario, invoices are received through any of these methods:

  • via an email alias, such as AP@example.com

  • scanned remotely using an MFD (Multi-Function Device) to a network folder

  • transferred by fax to a network folder

In each case, WebCenter Capture's Import Server monitors the folder or email alias inbox and imports the documents using settings stored in the WebCenter Capture 10g/WebCenter Forms Recognition Import Server macro. Key values are autopopulated, and Commit Server commits the invoices to a folder for WebCenter Forms Recognition import. For configuration information, see Configuring the Import Server Macro.

Distributed Capture Using WebCenter Distributed Capture

In this scenario, users use WebCenter Distributed Capture to scan invoices at remote locations, which are then sent for committing via Commit Server and centralized processing. A WebCenter Capture 10g/WebCenter Forms Recognition VBScript assigns each document its unique reference number. For configuration information, see Configuring the WebCenter Distributed Capture VBScript.

4.1.2 Overview of WebCenter Capture 10g Integration Tasks

Configuring a WebCenter Capture 10g/WebCenter Forms Recognition integration involves the following key tasks:

  1. Configure Capture index fields to be autopopulated. These values will be committed with images via their filenames. See Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating.


    If you imported a file cabinet configuration using the Capture Import/Export utility as part of a solution, these index fields may already be configured.

  2. Configure settings in the Capture scan macro and scan profile, Import Server macro and batch job, or WebCenter Distributed Capture VBScript and scan profile.

    See Task 2: Configure the Capture Macro or VBScript.

  3. Configure the WebCenter Capture commit profile.

    The commit profile must be configured using the commit text file driver and set to commit documents to a network folder that WebCenter Forms Recognition monitors. See Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile.

  4. Configure WebCenter Forms Recognition to import the document image files, as described in the WebCenter Forms Recognition documentation. See Task 4: Configure WebCenter Forms Recognition to Process Committed Documents.

4.1.3 System Requirements for WebCenter Capture 10g Integration

Integrating WebCenter Capture 10g with WebCenter Forms Recognition 11g requires the following components:

  • WebCenter Capture 10g Release 3 ( or later)

  • WebCenter Distributed Capture 10g Release 3 ( or later); required for remote scanning only

  • WebCenter Forms Recognition 11g Release 1 ( or later), including a project

  • Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging (referred to as Imaging) 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

  • Capture/WebCenter Forms Recognition macros and VBScript, contained in the ..\Projects\AP\Capture Integration subfolder in the WebCenter Forms Recognition installation folder.

4.2 Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating

To commit batches, index values are autopopulated in Capture. A scanned or imported document's index values are then passed to WebCenter Forms Recognition via its filename. Autopopulating and passing the index values requires these main steps:

  • Add the index fields in Capture as described in this section.

  • When configuring the Capture text commit profile, select each Capture field on the Document File Naming tab to pass it to WebCenter Forms Recognition via an image file name, as described in Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile.

  • In the WebCenter Forms Recognition INI file (IMP section), identify these fields' position so WebCenter Forms Recognition can properly parse the file name into fields. See the WebCenter Forms Recognition documentation for more information.

Table 4-1 lists Capture fields available for autopopulating by the macros. Note that the URN field, which will contain the document's unique reference number generated automatically by the macro or VBScript, is required.

Table 4-1 Capture Fields for Autopopulating

Capture Field Values Required or Optional How Used


Data Type: Alphanumeric

Max Value: 32


Unique identifier that must be passed through to WebCenter Forms Recognition upon commit.

Batch Name

Data Type: Alphanumeric

Max Value: 25


Pass through the batch name, for tracking purposes.

Scan Date

Date Type: Date


Pass through the scan date, for tracking purposes.

Other default fields to autopopulate, such as Organization, CompanyCode, or DepartmentCode

Data Type: Alphanumeric


Pass through standard values, such as organization, or company or department code.

Follow these steps to add key index fields to Capture.

  1. In Capture Administration, select File Cabinets from the Admin menu.
  2. In the tree, select the file cabinet to which to add index fields.
  3. Click Add. Complete fields in the Add New Index Field dialog box.
  4. Create fields as listed in Table 4-1.

4.3 Task 2: Configure the Capture Macro or VBScript

This section covers the following topics:

4.3.1 Configure the Capture Scan Macro

The scan macro enables users to scan and commit batches directly to a WebCenter Forms Recognition import folder, without requiring the use of the WebCenter Capture Index component.

About Document Separation With the Scan/Commit Macro

When batches include multiple page documents, you must configure how Capture identifies the start of new documents.

You can configure document separation using the following methods:

  • Physically include a printed patch code or bar code on a page and specify it for detection in the scan profile. WebCenter Capture searches for a patch code or the specified bar code during batch scanning, and if found, applies the virtual patch code specified in the macro (II, III, or T). If no patch or bar codes are detected during scanning, the scan macro assumes that the batch is comprised of single page documents.

  • Include blank separator sheets between documents and specify a Blank Page size threshold in the scan macro. Pages whose size is less than this setting are considered blank and treated as document separators, as if a patch code were physically printed on them.

  • Allow users to assign a virtual patch code to any page during document review, by pressing a hot key that switches between starting a new document (if no patch code is applied) or joining the document with the previous document (if a patch code has been applied).

Importing the Scan/Commit Macro

Follow these steps to import the scan/commit macro into WebCenter Capture.

  1. Locate the scan macro for your configuration. See System Requirements for WebCenter Capture 10g Integration.

    Two versions of the scan macro are provided:

    • WFR-Scan-ISIS-Macro.bas, for use with Scan for ISIS

    • WFR-Scan-Adrenaline-Macro.bas, for use with Scan for Adrenaline

  2. In WebCenter Capture, import the WebCenter Forms Recognition scan macro.

    1. From the System menu, select Manage Macros.

    2. In the Category field of the Manage Macros screen, select Scan for ISIS or Scan for Adrenaline.

    3. Click the Import button on the toolbar.

    4. In the Import Macro File dialog box, select the appropriate macro (.bas) file. Add an optional description and click OK.

    The imported scan macro is listed for the selected category.

  3. Close the Manage Macros screen.

Configuring Scan/Commit Macro Settings

After importing the scan macro, follow these steps to configure its settings.

  1. In the Manage Macros screen of WebCenter Capture, select the scan macro from the list of macros and click the Setup button on the toolbar.

  2. In the Scan/Commit Macro Settings screen shown in Figure 4-1 and described in Table 4-2, specify commit batch settings.

    1. Specify if batches are to be committed directly after scanning or if users will review, edit, and commit them.

    2. Specify how multiple page documents are identified and separated within batches. Also specify if users can create or join documents when reviewing and if separator sheets should be retained in documents.

    3. Specify how document files are to be autopopulated, by identifying the Capture index fields you created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating.

  3. Click OK.

Figure 4-1 WFR Scan Macro Settings

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 WFR Scan Macro Settings"

Table 4-2 Scan/Commit Macro Settings Screen

Element Description

Document Separation Settings

Patch Code

Select a patch code to be applied virtually to identify the start of new documents.

Choose from the following patch codes: Patch II, Patch III, and Patch T.

Set Patch Code Using

Interactive Hot Key

Optionally specify a hot key that users can press for the selected page when reviewing batches. Pressing the hot key either:

  • inserts a virtual patch code if none was detected, starting a new document.

  • removes detection of a previously detected patch code or removes a previously applied virtual patch, merging the selected document with its previous document.

Note: This interactive hot key option requires that the Prompt User Upon Closing Review option be selected, which allows users to edit and review batches after scanning.

Bar Code Value

To identify new documents by bar code during batch scanning, enter the bar code value to detect. In the scan profile, configure the bar code type and detection method. When a barcode of this value is detected on a page, the specified virtual patch code is applied.

Note: Detected bar code values are used for document separation only. The value cannot be passed via Capture as an index value.

Blank Page

To identify new documents by blank separator pages, enter the byte threshold at which to detect a blank page. Any page of a size less than this setting is considered blank and is used as a document separator, as if a patch code is physically printed on it.

A value of zero indicates that this setting is not in use. You may need to experiment with this setting as file size varies with resolution. The recommended starting value is 3000 bytes.

Include Separator Pages in Documents

Select this option to retain pages on which a patch code or bar code is detected. By default, this setting is deselected. Note that blank pages detected as document separator sheets are automatically removed from documents.

If patch codes or bar codes are present on otherwise blank pages, leave this field deselected so that separator sheets are removed from documents.

User Prompt Field 1

Define a prompt field linked to a defined Capture picklist. If you specify a prompt in these fields and/or under User Prompt Field 2 options, a dialog box displays when users close the batch review window or immediately after they scan, depending on the Index Documents field selection. This dialog box requires the user to select a value from the picklist, then populates the specified Capture field with the selected value for all documents in the batch.


Select the picklist from which users will be required to select an index value. Note that this picklist must exist in the Capture file cabinet.

Field Name

Enter the name of the Capture index field to which to apply the selected picklist value.

Note that you must enter this field name as it is defined in the Capture file cabinet. Validation does not occur until commit.

Index Documents

Prompt User Upon Closing Review

After scanning, allow users to review and edit document batches before committing them. When selected, users are prompted to commit batches when they close the review window.

Automatically After Scanning

Commit each batch immediately after the user has scanned it, without allowing the user to review and edit its documents.

Batch Status

Specify a status to assign to batches upon commit (optional).

Auto-Populate Fields

Unique Reference Number

Enter the Capture index field (created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating) to contain the document's unique reference number. This number will uniquely name document files upon their commit into the Capture commit/WebCenter Forms Recognition import folder. The scan macro generates this number automatically. This field is required.

When configuring the text commit profile (described in Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile), select this field on the Document File Naming tab to pass this unique image identifier to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name.

Note: Enter the index field name exactly as it exists in Capture Administration, including case.

Batch Name

Enter the Capture index field (created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating) to contain the batch's name. This field is optional and needed only to include the batch name as part of document names.

To pass this batch name to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name, select this field on the Document File Naming tab when configuring the text commit profile, as described in Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile.

Enter the index field name exactly as it exists in Capture Administration, including case.

Default Values

Define one or more static values to pass to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name. Separate multiple field definitions with a ; (semi-colon).

For example, you might include the following default value to pass an organization's ID to WebCenter Forms Recognition:


Scan Date

To pass the scan date to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name, enter the Capture index field (created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating) to contain the batch's scan date.

This field is optional and needed only to include the scan date as part of document names.

To pass this scan date to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name, select this field on the Document File Naming tab when configuring the text commit profile, as described in Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile.


Select the date format to use.

User Prompt Field 2

Define a prompt field linked to a defined Capture picklist. If you specify a prompt in these fields and/or under User Prompt Field 1 options, a dialog box displays when users close the batch review window or immediately after they scan, depending on the Index Documents field selection. This dialog box requires the user to select a value from the picklist, then populates the specified Capture field with the selected value for all documents in the batch.


Select the picklist from which users will be required to select an index value. Note that this picklist must exist in the Capture file cabinet.

Field Name

Enter the name of the Capture index field to which to apply the selected picklist value. Note that you must enter this field name as it is defined in the Capture file cabinet. Validation does not occur until commit.

Commit Options

Commit Batch

Select to commit the batch, rather than make it available for indexing.

Use Commit Server

Mark the batch for commit processing by the Commit Server. If deselected, batches are committed immediately from WebCenter Capture.

Do not Commit Batch

If selected, the batch will not be committed. Instead, the batch will be available for indexing in Capture's Batch Indexing.

Configuring the Scan Profile

After configuring the macro's settings, follow these steps to incorporate it in a scan profile.

  1. In WebCenter Capture, choose Manage Scan Profiles from the Scanning menu, and select a scan profile.

  2. Select General options.

  3. In the Macro Name field, select the macro you configured (WFR-Scan-ISIS-Macro or WFR-Scan-Adrenaline-Macro).

  4. To detect a patch code or bar code during scanning, configure detection in the scan profile. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide for Oracle Document Capture.

  5. Save the scan profile. Close the Manage Scan Profiles screen.

Handling Multiple Scan/Commit Macro Configurations

If you need to provide users with multiple scan/commit configuration options, follow these steps to import additional instances of the scan macro and configure them separately. For example, if users are processing batches that use different document separation methods, you will need to create multiple scan profiles that utilize different macro settings.

  1. Save the scan/commit macro (.bas) file under a new name.

  2. In the Manage Macros screen, import the scan/commit macro you just saved.

  3. Select the macro, click Setup, and configure this new instance of the macro with alternate settings.

  4. In the Manage Scan Profiles screen, create a new scan profile and select the new macro in the Macro Name field under General options.

4.3.2 Configuring the Import Server Macro

The Import Server macro enables importing and committing documents to a WebCenter Forms Recognition import folder without using the Index component.

About Document Separation With the Import Server Macro

With this macro, you identify to Import Server how imported files are comprised (one document, single page documents, or multiple page documents). If a file includes multiple page documents (for example, a single PDF file containing documents with multiple pages that are separated with a blank page), you must configure how Capture identifies the start of new documents, by specifying a patch code to be applied and a blank page byte threshold for detection.


The Import Server does not support patch code or bar code recognition. Therefore, this macro depends upon a blank page for multiple page document separation.

Importing the Import Server Macro

Follow these steps to import the Import Server macro.

  1. Locate the WFR-Import-Server-Macro.bas file.

    See System Requirements for WebCenter Capture 10g Integration.

  2. In the Import Server, import the WebCenter Forms Recognition macro.

    1. From the Setup Menu, select Macro Manager.

    2. In the Category field of the Manage Macros screen, select Oracle Document Capture Import Server.

    3. Click the Import button on the toolbar.

    4. In the Import Macro File screen, select the WFR-Import-Server-Macro.bas file. Add an optional description and click OK.

    The imported macro is listed.

  3. Close the Macro Manager screen.

Configuring Import Server Macro Settings

After importing the Import Server macro, follow these steps to configure its settings.

  1. In the Macro Manager screen of Import Server, select Oracle Document Capture Import Server from the Category field.

  2. Select the Import Server macro and click the Setup button on the toolbar.

  3. In the Import Server/WebCenter Forms Recognition Macro Settings screen shown in Figure 4-2 and described in Table 4-3, specify commit batch settings.

    1. Specify how files are comprised: of one document, single page documents, or multiple page documents.

    2. For multiple page documents, specify the blank page byte threshold at which to detect blank pages and the virtual patch code value to set.

    3. Specify how document files are to be autopopulated, by identifying the Capture index fields created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating.

  4. Click OK.

Figure 4-2 Import Server/WebCenter Forms Recognition Macro Settings

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of "Figure 4-2 Import Server/WebCenter Forms Recognition Macro Settings"

Table 4-3 Import Server/WebCenter Forms Recognition Macro Settings

Element Description

File Contains

Specify how imported files are comprised:

  • One document only

  • Single page documents

  • Multiple page documents

    If a file contains multiple documents, also specify document separation options, which require a blank separator page.

Document Separation Settings

Patch Code

For multiple page documents, select a patch code to be applied virtually to identify the start of new documents. This setting specifies the patch code attribute to apply to the page if a blank page is detected.

Choose from the following patch codes: Patch II, Patch III, and Patch T.

Blank Page

To identify the start of new documents by blank separator pages, enter the byte threshold at which to detect a blank page. Any page consisting of a file size less than this setting is considered blank and is used as a document separator, as if a patch code is physically printed on it. Blank pages are not included in the document.

A value of zero indicates that this setting is not in use. You may need to experiment with this setting as file size varies with resolution. The recommended starting value is 3000 bytes.

Batch Status

Specify a status to assign to batches upon commit (optional).

This is particularly useful when batches are not being exported directly to WebCenter Forms Recognition, but may require review within WebCenter Capture. For example, batch statuses might include Requires Review or Waiting for Commit Server.

Auto Populate Fields

Unique Reference Number

Enter the Capture index field (created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating) to contain the document's unique reference number. (Enter the index field name exactly as it exists in Capture Administration, including case.) This number will uniquely name document files upon their commit into the Capture commit/WebCenter Forms Recognition import folder. The scan macro generates this number automatically. This field is required.

When configuring the text commit profile (described in Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile), you must select this field on the Document File Naming tab, in order to pass this unique image identifier to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name.

Batch Name

Enter the Capture index field (created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating) to contain the batch's name. (Enter the index field name exactly as it exists in Capture Administration, including case.) This field is optional and needed only to include the batch name as part of document names.

In order to pass this batch name to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name, you must select this field on the Document File Naming tab when configuring the text commit profile, as described in Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile.

Scan Date

To pass the scan date to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name, enter the Capture index field (created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating) to contain the batch's scan date.

This field is optional and needed only to include the scan date as part of document names.

In order to pass this scan date to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name, you must select this field on the Document File Naming tab when configuring the text commit profile, as described in Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile.


Select the date format to use for the scan date.

Default Values

Define one or more static values to pass to WebCenter Forms Recognition via image file name. Separate multiple field definitions with a ; (semi-colon).

For example, you might include the following to pass an organization's ID to WebCenter Forms Recognition:


Configuring the Import Server Batch Job

After configuring the macro's settings, follow these steps to associate it with an Import Server batch job.

  1. In Import Server, create or open a batch job by selecting Batch Jobs from the Setup menu. For example, create an email or folder-type batch job.

  2. In the Server Macro field on the General tab, select the Import Server macro you configured.

  3. If you configured blank page separation in the macro, select the Processing tab and select Skip page in the If invalid page found or timeout occurs field.

  4. Under Commit Options on the Processing tab, select the Commit Batches field. Typically, you would also select the Use Commit Server field to off load processing to Commit Server. (Note that batches may also appear in WebCenter Capture while waiting for Commit Server to process them.)

    To route batches to WebCenter Capture, leave the Commit Batches field deselected.

  5. Save the batch job and use the Scheduler to schedule the job to be run.

4.3.3 Configuring the WebCenter Distributed Capture VBScript

The VBScript's task is to autopopulate the URN (Unique Reference Number) for documents. Follow these steps to configure the script and a scan profile for the integration.

  1. Locate the WebCenter Forms Recognition script file (WFR-ODDC-AssignURN.vbs) and save it to the ...\Document Capture\WebPages\Scripts folder.
  2. Open the script and search for the constant conURNField. Set its value to match the index field you added in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating to contain the unique reference number for each document (for example, URN).

    Once configured, the script assigns a system generated unique reference number to this URN field before the batch is sent.

  3. In WebCenter Distributed Capture administration, create or open a scan profile for scanning or importing documents for WebCenter Forms Recognition.
  4. In the Scanning Type field under General options, select a scanning type that allows indexing: either 2 - Scan and Index Documents or 3 - Scan and Index Batches. (The script does not work if the scanning type is set to 1 - Scan Only.)
  5. In the Profile Script field, select the WebCenter Forms Recognition script.
  6. Under Auto Populate options, configure other fields (created in Task 1: Configure Capture Index Fields For Autopopulating) to be autopopulated. For example, you might autopopulate scan date, batch name, and a default value such as an organization code.

4.4 Task 3: Configure the WebCenter Capture 10g Commit Profile

After configuring how documents enter Capture, follow the steps below to configure how images and metadata are committed so WebCenter Forms Recognition can import and process them. You do this by configuring a text file-type commit profile to output images as multi-page TIFF files for import into WebCenter Forms Recognition.

  1. In Capture Administration, create a commit profile.

    1. From the Admin menu, choose File Cabinets and select the file cabinet.

    2. Choose Commit Profiles in the left pane and click the New (sun) button from the toolbar. Enter a name for the profile and click OK.

  2. In the Document Output field, select TIFF - Multiple Page. (Select this output format even if scanning single page documents.)

  3. In the Commit Driver field, select Commit Text File. Click its adjacent Configure button.

  4. Select settings on the General tab, as shown in Figure 4-3.

    1. In the Commit Text File Settings screen, select the Do not create Commit Text File field.

    2. In the Document Folder field, click Browse and specify the folder to which to commit images for import by WebCenter Forms Recognition.


      Ensure that this path matches the path to the WebCenter Forms Recognition project's Import folder.

    3. Select the Create a folder per committed batch option.

      Figure 4-3 Commit Text File Settings, General Options

      Description of Figure 4-3 follows
      Description of "Figure 4-3 Commit Text File Settings, General Options"
  5. On the Document File Naming tab (shown in Figure 4-4), map all Capture autopopulated fields to pass to WebCenter Forms Recognition in image filenames.

    1. Select the Name document file based on index values field.

    2. Select the Unique Reference Number field you created (for example, URN) from the Available Fields list and move it to the Selected Fields list.

    3. Map other fields you configured (for example, Organization, ScanDate, or the system field <Batch ID>), by selecting them in the Available Fields list and moving them to the Selected Fields list.

    4. Enter an underscore (_) in the Field Delimiter field.

      Figure 4-4 Commit Text File Settings, Document File Naming Options

      Description of Figure 4-4 follows
      Description of "Figure 4-4 Commit Text File Settings, Document File Naming Options"

    For example, the following image file might be named as follows:



    • 12 identifies the WebCenter Capture batch ID, useful for batch auditing in WebCenter Capture's audit table.

    • FC7C58E4... identifies the document's unique reference number, populated by the macro or VBScript.

    • 1733 identifies the organization code, autopopulated as a default value

    • 15122010 identifies the scan date.

  6. Activate the commit profile by selecting Commit Profiles in the left pane and selecting the profile.

4.5 Task 4: Configure WebCenter Forms Recognition to Process Committed Documents

After completing these tasks, configure WebCenter Forms Recognition to import the committed invoice documents, extract and validate their data, and store the documents in WebCenter Content Imaging. See the WebCenter Forms Recognition documentation listed in Related WebCenter Capture 10g Integration Documents. For an A/P invoice solution, see the Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition AP Project Guide.

4.6 Related WebCenter Capture 10g Integration Documents

See the following documents for information related to a WebCenter Forms Recognition/WebCenter Capture 10g integration.

WebCenter Capture/WebCenter Distributed Capture

  • Administrator's Guide for Oracle Document Capture

  • Administrator's Guide for Oracle Distributed Document Capture

Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Installation Guide

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition AP Project Guide

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Runtime Server User's Guide

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Designer User's Guide

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Verifier User's Guide

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Web Verifier User's Guide

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Scripting User's Guide

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition Product Migration Guide

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition AP Project Migration Guide

WebCenter Content: Imaging

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Imaging and Process Management