8 Folders Services

This chapter describes the Oracle WebCenter Content services available when using and customizing Folders services.

This chapter covers the following topics:

About Folders Services

Folders is the name given to the current WebCenter Content feature that provides a hierarchical folder interface, similar to a conventional file system, for organizing and locating some or all of the content in the Content Server repository. This feature is supported by the FrameworkFolders component in WebCenter Content. For information about services used with the earlier version of Folders named Contribution Folders, supported by the Folders_g component in WebCenter Content, see Contribution Folders Services.

Information about what is a WebCenter Content service and how services can be used is provided in Using Services. Information about basic services structure, attributes, actions, and a service example is provided in Customizing Services. You should be familiar with this information before customizing current services or creating new services

The locations for specific Folders services are listed within each individual service.


In this chapter the most commonly used services have more extensive descriptions.


The most commonly used services have more extensive descriptions.

A typical Extended User Attributes service entry is similar to the following:

UserService 0 null null null !csUnableToAddExtendedAttr(dName)
  • The first line indicates the service name: ADD_EXTENDED_USER_ATTRIBUTES

  • The second line lists the service's attributes:

    • Service class: UserService

    • Access level: 0

    • Template: null (none used)

    • Service type: null (not a subservice)

    • Subjects Notified: null

    • Error message: Unable to add new extended attributes for user

  • The remainder of the entry lists the service's actions, each line designating one action:

    • action type: for example, 3, indicating a Java method.

    • action name: for example, modifyExtendedUserAttributes

    • action parameters: for example, IuserExtendedAttribute. If no parameters are specified, double-colons (::) are included.

    • action control mask: for example, 8, indicating the end of a database transation. The double-colon indicator (::) can also be included.

    • action error message: for example, null if no message is available.

Each element of a service action is separated by a colon (:).


All services have at least one required parameter. The IdcService parameter takes the name of the service as its argument. If other parameters are required, they are noted in the description of the service.

See "Customizing Services" for details about a service's attributes and actions.

A typical service entry is similar to the following:

DocService 56 COLLECTION_PROFILE_SELECT_COLLECTION null null !csCollectionUnableToRetrieveCollections

In this example:

  • The first line indicates the service name: FLD_BROWSE.

  • The second and third lines list the service's attributes:

    • Service class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService.

    • Access level: 54, indicating this is Scriptable, Global, and Admin permissions.

    • Template: FLD_BROWSE_PAGE

    • Service type: null

    • Subjects Notified: null

    • Error message and parameter used for error message: Unable to Retrieve Collections

  • The remainder of the entry lists the service's actions, each line designating one action:

    • action type: for example, 3, indicating a Java method.

    • action name: for example, evaluate

    • action parameters: for example, <$isAdmin="true"$>. If no parameters are specified, double colons (::) are included.

    • action control mask: for example, 0, indicating 'Ignore error' or 2, indicating 'Must exist (at least one record must be returned by the query). If no control mask is specified, double colons (::) or 0 is included.

    • action error message, such as Item No Longer In History, or null if no message is available.

Each element of a service action is separated by a colon (:).


All services have at least one required parameter. The IdcService parameter takes the name of the service as its argument. If other parameters are required, they are noted in the description of the service.

For details about a service's attributes and actions, see Customizing Services.

Folders Services

Individual Folders service types are noted in each service description. The following services are described in this section:


Service that adds the specified folders or files into the current user’s Favorites folder as shortcuts.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • items: Comma-delimited list of folders or files; these can be specified in one of the following forms:

    • fFolderGUID: <guid>

    • fFileGUID: <guid>

    • dDocName: <content ID>

Optional Service Parameters

  • names: Colon-delimited list of item names which should be in the same order as the folders or files listed in the items parameter. By default, the missing or empty name is set to the name of the target.


Service that is used to browse through the folder structure. It can be used to paginate through the folder structure in these browse modes:

  • Paging through folders and files separately (default behavior)

  • Paging through folders and files combined (must set doCombinedBrowse=true)

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • item: (Required if no fFolderGUID, no path, and no items are specified.) The item to browse. Specify in the form path:path to item or fFolderGUID is specified, fFolderGUID:GUID of item. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • items: (Required if no fFolderGUID, no path, and no item are specified.) The items to browse. Specify in the form of a comma-delinated list of identifiers in the form path:path to item or fFolderGUID:GUID of item. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • path: (Required if no lFolderGUID is specified.) The full path to the current folder. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • fFolderGUID: (Required if no path is specified.) Can be used instead of the path to reference the current folder. Can be used in both browse modes.

Optional Service Parameters

  • fldapp: Specifies the Folders Application of the location to which the user is browsing. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • doCombinedBrowse: (Integer) If set, performs the service in a combined pagination mode. Default is 0 (zero).

  • foldersFirst: (Integer) If set, lists folders before files in the combined pagination mode. Default is 1.

  • folderCount: (Integer) The number of folders to return. Default is 50. Can be used in separate browse modes.

  • folderStartRow: (Integer) The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. Default is 0 (zero). Can be used in separate browse modes.

  • fileCount: (Integer) The number of files to return. Default is 50. Can be used in separate browse modes.

  • fileStartRow: (Integer) The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. Default is 0 (zero). Can be used in separate browse modes.

  • combinedCount: (Integer) The number of items (folders plus files) to return. Default is 100. Can be used in combined browse modes.

  • combinedStartRow: (Integer) The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. Default is 0 (zero). Can be used in combined browse modes.

  • doRetrieveTargetInfo: (Integer) If set, returns target folder's information for all shortcuts retrieved in the ChildTargetFolders ResultSet. Default is 0 (zero). Can be used in both browse modes.

  • doMarkFavorites: (Integer) If set, adds a fIsFavorite field in the ResultSet to indicate if the folder or file is favorite. It is a favorite if it has a shortcut in the Favorites folder. Default is 0 (zero). Can be used in both browse modes.

  • doRetrieveDocumentURL: (Integer) If set, adds a URL field in the files ResultSet that is the absolute Web location of the document. Default is 0 (zero). Can be used in both browse modes.

  • doRetrieveUniqueLinks: (Integer) If set, post processes the results to return only unique links. For example, if folder's shortcut and folder itself are in the ResultSet, only folder itself will be returned. Same for files. Default is 0 (zero). Can be used in both browse modes.

  • foldersFilterParams: The comma-delinated list of filter parameters for the browse. For example, foldersFilterParams=fIsContribution&fIsContribution=1 will return folders with fIsContribution=1. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • foldersFilterQuery: Standard query for filtering out the folders. This query is in DATABASE engine format in the FolderFolders table. For example, foldersFilterQuery=fFolderName<substring>`test`. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • filesFilterQuery: Standard query for filtering out the files. This query is in DATABASE engine format in the FolderFiles table. For example, filesFilterQuery=fFileName<substring>`test`. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • filesSortField: Field name from the FolderFiles table on which to sort the records. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • filesSortOrder: Specify Asc or Desc for an ascending or descending sort. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • foldersSortField: Field name from the FolderFolders table on which to sort the records. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • foldersSortOrder: Specify Asc or Desc for an ascending or descending sort. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • $fieldName: The value for the specified field in the foldersFilterParams and filesFilterParams parameters. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • filesFilterParams: The comma-delinated list of filter parameters on the browse. For example, filesFilterParams=fOwner&fOwner=sysadmin will return folders with fOwner=sysadmin. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • filterFavorites: If set to Folders, this filters results to only include folders that are favorites. If set to Files, this filters only files that are favorites. If set to 1, this filters both folders and files that are favorites. By default, this filters none. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • filterFollows: If set to Folders, this filters results to only include folders that are followed. If set to Files, this filters only files that are followed. If set to 1, this filters both folders and files that are followed. By default, it filters none. Can be used in both browse modes.

  • combinedSortField: If you use this parameter to list the contents, then its value is assigned to sortField, overriding any value set for sortField in the binder. If you use this parameter to list the contents of system libraries and query folders, the mapping converts the fields in the FolderFiles table to the corresponding field values of core tables.

  • combinedSortOrder: If you use this parameter to list the contents, then its value is assigned to sortOrder, overriding any value set for sortOrder in the binder.

  • IsIncludeTrash: When fetching child folders for a user's home folder, set this parameter to false to remove the Trash folder from the ChildFolders result set.


  • ResultSets:

    • FolderInfo: Information about the folder the user is currently browsing.

    • ChildFolders: Information about all of the folders that exist within this particular folder.

    • ChildTargetFolders: Information about all of the target folders of shortcuts in the ChildFolders ResultSet.

    • ChildFiles: Information about all of the files that exist within this particular folder.

  • numFolders: (string) The number of folders in the ChildFolders ResultSet.

  • hasMoreChildFolders: (Boolean) This is true if the request did not return all of the child folders. This occurs when the folderCount value is reached and additional folders could have been returned.

  • numFiles: (Integer) The number of files in the ChildFiles ResultSet.

  • TotalChildFoldersCount: (Integer) The total number of items (folders and files) in the parent folder.

  • TotalChildFilesCount: (Integer) The total number of files in the parent folder.

  • TotalChildItemsCount: (Integer) The total number of items (folders and files) in the parent folder.

  • hasMoreChildFiles: (Boolean) This is true if the request did not return all of the child files. This occurs when the fileCount value is reached and additional documents could have been returned.

  • hasMoreChildItems: (Boolean) This is true if the request did not return all of the child items (folders and files). This occurs when count is reached and there are additional items that could have been returned.


Services that prepares a small pop-up containing a tree control which can be used to browse through the Folders structure and then select either documents or folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • target: The entity type the user is targeting with this pop-up. Can be set to file or folder depending on what the user is allowed to select.


  • ResultSets:

    • ChildFolders: The child folders of the root item.

    • ChildFiles: The child files of the root item. Will be null if the target is not set to file.


Service that allows a user to copy items from one location to another in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • destination: The destination to which all of the items will be copied. This identifier must be in the form path:$PATH'or fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID.

  • item1: The item to be copied. If more than one item is being copied in this operation, you can specify item2, item3, and so forth. Specify these items either as IDs or as full paths. The items must be in the form of path:$PATH, fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID, or fFileGUID:$FILE_GUID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • overwrite: Set to 1 to overwrite any destinations that already exist in the case of naming conflicts. Items that are overwritten are moved to the trash.

  • copyOwnerFilesToNewFiles: Set to 1 to copy all files of type owner to a new owner file. This action causes a new checkin to occur for each owner file being copied. By default, the copy of an owner file is a "soft" file that points to the source document.

  • copySoftFilesToNewFiles: Set to 1 to create new content items for all soft files being copied. By default, a copy of a soft file is another soft file pointing to the same content item.

  • constructDialog : Set this to 1 to make the server automatically construct an HTML dialog with the results of the copy action or information about why the copy action may have failed.


  • ResultSets:

    • ItemsRequiringOverwrite: If the overwrite flag is not set, and if any conflicting items exist in the destination, this ResultSet lists what conflicts exist. If there are any conflicts, none of the items are moved. This return allows for a quick server response on potential conflicts, enabling the client application to prompt the user for overwrite.

    • TaskList: Information about the tasks performed and which tasks were successful

  • didBackgroundTask: (string) Set this parameter to 1 if some or all of the task was backgrounded.

  • mainTasksComplete: (string) Set this parameter to 1 if the main tasks were completed, even if the service was backgrounded. It is useful to know that items have been copied, even if the post-copy checks have not yet finished.

  • dialogMarkup: (string) HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: (string) JavaScript required to display the dialog.


Service that creates a link to a document in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fParentGUID: The GUID of the parent folder in which the new link will be created.

Optional Service Parameters

  • $fileMeta: Metadata to be assigned to the link.

File Name Restrictions

  • A file name cannot start or end with a space.

  • A file name cannot be longer than 250 characters.

  • Restricted characters:

    Table 8-1 Restricted File Name Characters

    Character Description




    Back slash


    Asterisk, or star




    Less than


    Greater than


    Vertical bar, or OR


    Question mark



  • Restricted strings:

    Here is a list of restricted strings in file names.

    • Users

    • /

    • _shortcuts


    • (space or consecutive space)

    • .

    • ..

    • CON

    • PRN

    • AUX

    • CLOCK

    • NUL

    • NULL

    • COM0

    • COM1

    • COM2

    • COM3

    • COM4

    • COM5

    • COM6

    • COM7

    • COM8

    • COM9

    • LPT0

    • LPT1

    • LPT2

    • LPT3

    • LPT4

    • LPT5

    • LPT6

    • LPT7

    • LPT8

    • LPT9


Service that displays a Folders form for creating a new link object which points to a document.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fParentGUID: The GUID of the parent folder in which the new link will be created.

  • fFileType: The type of link to create.

  • dDocName: The document name of the target of the link.

Optional Service Parameters

  • fApplication: The Folders Application creating the folder. The default is framework.

  • $fileMeta: Default metadata values for the link.


  • ResultSets:

    • ParentInfo: Information about the parent folder.

  • parentPath: (string) The full path to the parent folder.


Service that creates a folder in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fParentGUID: The GUID of the parent folder in which the new folder will be created.

Optional Service Parameters

  • $folderMeta: Metadata to be assigned to the folder.

Folder Name Restrictions

  • A folder name cannot start or end with a space.

  • A folder name cannot be longer than 250 characters.

  • Restricted characters:

    Table 8-2 Restricted Folder Name Characters

    Character Description




    Back slash


    Asterisk, or star




    Less than


    Greater than


    Vertical bar, or OR


    Question mark



  • Restricted strings:

    Here is a list of restricted strings in folder names.

    • Users

    • /

    • _shortcuts


    • (space or consecutive space)

    • .

    • ..

    • CON

    • PRN

    • AUX

    • CLOCK

    • NUL

    • NULL

    • COM0

    • COM1

    • COM2

    • COM3

    • COM4

    • COM5

    • COM6

    • COM7

    • COM8

    • COM9

    • LPT0

    • LPT1

    • LPT2

    • LPT3

    • LPT4

    • LPT5

    • LPT6

    • LPT7

    • LPT8

    • LPT9


Service that displays a Folders form for creating new folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fParentGUID: The GUID of the parent folder in which the new folder will be created.

Optional Service Parameters

  • fApplication: The Folders Application creating the folder. The default is framework.

  • fFolderType: The type of folder to create. The default is owner.

  • $folderMeta: Default metadata values for the folder.

  • fTargetGUID: If the fFolderType value is soft, this must be the GUID of the target folder.


  • ResultSets:

    • ParentInfo: Information about the parent folder.

    • TargetInfo: Information about the target folder, if there is a target folder.

  • parentPath: (string) The full path to the parent folder.

  • targetPath: (string) The full path to the target, if there is a target.


Service that allows a user to delete one or more items from the Framerwork Folders hierarchy. By default, the deleted items are moved to the Trash folder. To delete an item permanently, use the optional service parameter PermanentDelete.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • item1: The item to be deleted. If more than one item is being deleted in this operation, then you can specify item2, item3, and so on. These items can be specified either as IDs or as full paths, and they must be specified in one of these forms:

    • path:$PATH

    • fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID

    • fFileGUID:$FILE_GUID

Optional Service Parameters

  • constructDialog: (Boolean) Set this parameter to 1 if you want the server to automatically construct an HTML dialog with the results of the FLD_DELETE operation or information about why the operation may have failed.

  • PermanentDelete: (Boolean) Set this parameter to 1 if you want to delete an item permanently.

  • dRevLabel: A particular revision of a document. When dRevLabel of a document is passed along with the FLD_DELETE service, the specified revision of the document is expired and moved to trash. If the specified revision has already expired or is part of a workflow, it will be deleted permanently.


  • ResultSets:

    • TaskList: Information about the tasks performed and which were successful.

  • didBackgroundTask: (Boolean) Set to 1 if some or all of the task was backgrounded.

  • dialogMarkup: (string) HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: (string) JavaScript necessary to display the dialog.

  • mainTasksComplete: (Boolean) Set to 1 if the main tasks were completed, even if the service was backgrounded. It is useful to know that items have been deleted, even if the post-delete checks have not yet finished.


Service that edits a link to a document in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFileGUID: The ID of the link being edited.

Optional Service Parameters

  • $fileMeta: Metadata to be assigned to the link being edited.


Service that displays a form for editing links to documents in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFileGUID: The GUID of the link being edited.


  • $fileMeta: Metadata values currently assigned to the link being edited.

  • folderPath: (string) The full path to the link being edited.


Service that edits a folder in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFolderGUID: The ID of the folder being edited.

Optional Service Parameters

  • $folderMeta: Metadata to be assigned to the folder being edited.


Service that displays a form for editing folders in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFolderGUID: The GUID of the folder being edited.


  • ResultSets:

    • $folderMeta: Metadata values currently assigned to the folder being edited.

  • folderPath: (string) The full path to the folder being edited.

  • targetPath: (string) The full path to the target if the folder being edited is a shortcut.

  • TargetInfo: Information about the target if the folder being edited is a shortcut.


Service that edits metadata rules assigned to a folder.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFolderGUID: The GUID of the folder being edited.

  • $fieldName: The value for the specified field.


Service that displays a form for editing content metadata defaults assigned to a folder. in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFolderGUID: The GUID of the folder being edited.


  • ResultSets:

    • FolderInfo: Information about the folder that was edited.

  • $fieldName: (string) The value for the specified field.

  • $fieldName:isDefault: (Boolean) Set to 1 if the specified field has a default value associated with it.

  • $fieldName:isForced: (Boolean) Set to 1 if the specified field is forced upon all children of the folder.

  • $fieldName:isRecursiveForced: (Boolean) Set to 1 if the specified field is forced upon all children of the folder and upon its children's children.

  • $fieldName:inhibitPropagation: (Boolean) Set to 1 if the specified field can be propagated to children of the folder.

  • folderPath: (string) The full path to the folder.

  • dpTriggerField: (string) The profile trigger field, if one exists.

  • dpTriggerValue: (string) The current profile trigger value, if one exists.

  • dpDisplayLabel: (string) The current profile display label, if one exists.


Service that displays a dialog for migrating Folders_g legacy folder data into FrameworkFolders data structures. A history of migrations and status of any ongoing migration is displayed.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm


Service that search for folders in Folders and returns the result.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • QueryTest: The text of the search query.

  • SortField: The field on which to sort the search results.

  • SortOrder: The order in which to sort the search results. Use one of these:

    • asc

    • desc


  • ResultSets:

    • SEARCH_RESULTS: The results of the search.


Service that displays a form for searching folders in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters


  • ResultSets:


Service that displays a dialog for choosing a destination during a move or copy operation in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • action: Set to move or copy depending on the action being performed.

  • item1: The item to be copied. If more than one item is being touched in this operation, then item5, item3, and so on can be specified. These items can be specified either as IDs or as full paths, and they must be in the form of one of these:

    • path:$PATH

    • fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID

    • fFileGUID:$FILE_GUID


  • dialogMarkup: (string) HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: (string) JavaScript required to display the dialog.


Service that displays a dialog for creating a link to an existing content item in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fParentGUID: The GUID of the folder in which to create the link. Either this or dDocName must be set.

  • dDocName: The target document of the new link. Either this or fParentGUID must be set.

  • fFileName: The type of link to create.


  • dialogMarkup: (string) HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: (string) JavaScript required to display the dialog.


Service that displays a dialog for creating a shortcut to an existing folder in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fTargetGUID: The target document ID of the shortcut.

  • fParentGUID: The parent folder ID where the shortcut will be created.


  • dialogMarkup: (string) HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: (string) JavaScript required to display the dialog.


Service that retrieves a dialog used to rename a file in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFileGUID: The GUID of the file to rename.


  • dialogMarkup: (string) HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: (string) JavaScript required to display the dialog.


Service that retrieves a dialog used to rename a folder in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFolderGUID: The GUID of the folder to rename.


  • dialogMarkup: (string) HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: (string) JavaScript required to display the dialog.


Service that returns information about a particular folder or file in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • path: The path to the folder or file whose information is being requested. This parameter must be specified if no fFolderGUID or fFileGUID parameter is specified.

  • fFolderGUID: The GUID of the folder whose information is being requested. This parameter must be specified if no path or fFileGUID parameter is specified.

  • fFileGUID: The GUID of the file whose information is being requested. This parameter must be specified if no path or fFolderGUID parameter is specified.


  • ResultSets:

    • FileInfo: Information about the link to the document (file). Also the metadata associated with the document itself.

    • FolderInfo: Information about the folder.

    • TargetInfo: Information about the target (shortcut).

  • filePath: (string) The full path to the item if the item is a document link.

  • folderPath: (string) The full path to the item if the item is a folder.

  • targetPath: (string) The full path to the target item if the item is a shortcut.


Service that loads all soft links which reference a particular content item in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The name of the content item.

  • dID: The identifier for the content item.

Optional Service Parameters

  • constructSoftLinkTableRows: (Boolean) Whether or not to construct HTML for the soft link table rows. The default is 1 (true).


  • ResultSets:

    • softLinks: The soft links for the content item.

  • softLinkTableRows: (string) HTML to display the soft link table rows.


Service that migrates Folders_g legacy folder data into FrameworkFolders data structures.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm


Service that moves one or more content items from one location to another in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • destination: The destination where all of the items should be moved. If the destination is an existing folder, then all of the items being moved will be moved into that folder. If you are moving a single file, the destination may point to the location (including the new filename) where the file should be moved. This identifier should be in the form path:$PATH or fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID.

  • item1: The item to be moved. If more than one item is being moved in this operation, the item2, item3, and so on can be specified. These items can be specified either as IDs or as full paths. They must be in one of the following forms:

    • path:$PATH

    • fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID

    • fFileGUID:$FILE_GUID

Optional Service Parameters

  • overwrite: (Boolean) Set to 1 to overwrite any destinations that already exist in the case of naming conflicts. Items that are overwritten are moved to the trash.

  • constructDialog: (Boolean) Set to 1 to make the server automatically construct an HTML dialog with the results of the move operation or information about why the move may have failed.


  • ResultSets:

    • ItemsRequiringOverwrite: If the overwrite flag is not set, and if any conflicting items exist in the destination, this ResultSet is returned listing which conflicts exist. If there are any conflicts, none of the items are moved. This allows for a quick server response on potential conflicts, and allows the client application to prompt the user for overwrite.

    • TaskList: Information about the tasks performed and which were successful.

  • dialogMarkup: (string) HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: (string) JavaScript required to display the dialog.

  • didBackgroundTask: (string) This is set to 1 if some or all of the task was backgrounded.

  • mainTasksComplete: (string) This is set to 1 if the main tasks were completed, even if the service was backgrounded. It is useful to know that items have been moved, even if the post move sanity check has not yet finished.


Service that provides information so a requesting client can determine if a metadata entry dialog should be presented to a user before checking in a content item.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFolderGUID: The base folder ID for items in CONTENTS. This parameter must be used if fFolderPATH is not set.

  • fFolderPath: The base folder path for items in CONTENTS. This parameter must be used if fFolderGUID is not set.

  • CONTENTS: (ResultSet) Set of paths for folders and content items relative to the base folder. If the specified path ends with a "/" (slash) character, the path is assumed to be a folder, otherwise it is assumed to be a content item.

  • EXTRA_INFO_FIELDS: (ResultSet) A list of extra information fields to be returned for each item. Extra information field data is only populated for content items that already exist. Valid fields that can be requested are any of the columns from the REVISIONS, DOCMETA or DOCUMENTS tables as well as these fields (as in WebDAV): getcontentlength, getcontenttype, getlastmodified, creationdate.

Optional Service Parameters

  • allowPromptForExistingItem: (Boolean) If set to 1, enables client requests to allow prompting for second revisions. Normally prompts occurs only for first revisions.


  • ResultSet: REQUIRES_METADATA_PROMPT: For each row in CONTENTS, this returned ResultSet contains these fields:

    • FLAG field: Two flag characters: {flag1}{flag2}. For flag1, if set to 1 the specified path already exists, otherwise it does not. For flag2, if set to 1 the client is directed to present a prompt dialog for entering metadata for this item.

    • DP_TRIGGER_VALUE: The document profile that was used for this item. It shows one column for each field specified in the EXTRA_INFO_FIELDS parameter.


Service that propagates metadata down through the folder structure in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • $fieldName:isSelected: Set to 1 to propagate the specified field.

  • $fieldName: The value of the field to propagate

Optional Service Parameters

  • propagateThroughSoftLinks: (Boolean) Set to 1 to propagate metadata to documents pointed to by soft links.

  • FldAllowPropagatingEmptyValue: Set it to true to propagate empty values to Access Control List (ACL) fields and custom fields. But, you cannot set certain standard fields to empty value, such as DID, XCOLLECTIONID, XIDCPROFILE, XLIBRARYGUID, XCHECKSUM, XESIGHASELECTRONICSIGNATURES, and XCOMMENTS.


Service that displays a form to allow people to propagate metadata to all children of a folder in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFolderGUID: The ID of the folder.


  • ResultSets:

    • FolderInfo: Information about the folder.

  • folderPath: The full path to the folder.

  • $fieldName: The default value of the field to propagate. This value is taken from metadata rules or the metadata of the folder itself.

  • dpTriggerField: The profile trigger field, if one exists.


Service that reindexes all currently indexed documents within a particular folder in Folders. Only a system administrator can call this service.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • fFolderGUID: The GUID of the folder.


Service that allows a user to restore one or more items from the user's Trash folder. The items are restored to their original location in the Folders hierarchy. Executing this service will unexpire content items. If the original parent folder of an item in Trash has been moved to another location at the time of restoring the item, the parameter RestoreOptionOnMoved provides options to select the destination for the item being restored.


Items must be dummy items in the Trash concept. If dRevLabel of a file is passed, that particular revision of the specified file is restored.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • item: (String) Item to be restored. This parameter is required if the parameters items and item1 are not available. It should be specified in one of the following forms:

    • path:$PATH

    • fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID

    • fFileGUID:$FILE_GUID

  • items: (String) Comma-separated list of items to be restored; items may be specified either as IDs or as full paths. This parameter is required if the parameters item and item1 are not available. It should be specified in one of the following forms:

    • path:$PATH

    • fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID

    • fFileGUID:$FILE_GUID

  • item1: (String) The item to be restored. If more than one item is being restored in this operation, item2, item3, and so on can be specified. These items can be specified either as IDs or as full paths. This parameter is required if the parameters item and items are not available. It should be specified in one of the following forms:

    • path:$PATH

    • fFolderGUID:$FOLDER_GUID

    • fFileGUID:$FILE_GUID

Optional Service Parameters

  • RestoreOptionOnMoved: (String) Value can be one of AbortOnMoved, OldLocationOnMoved, NewLocationOnMoved, or UsersHomeOnMoved. The default is AbortOnMoved. Use OldLocationOnMoved to create the original path and restore the item to the location where it was present at the time of being trashed. Use NewLocationOnMoved to restore the item under its original parent folder. Use UsersHomeOnMoved to restore the item under your Personal folder.

  • dRevLabel: (String) Set this parameter if you want to restore a particular revision of an item; this will unexpire the revision mentioned.


Service that enables easy pagination of child documents returned by the FLD_BROWSE service in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • path: The full path to the current folder. This parameter must be used if no folderGUID parameter is specified.

  • fFolderGUID: The GUID of the folder. This parameter an be specified instead of the path to reference the current folder.

Optional Service Parameters

  • fldapp: The Folders Application of the location to be browsed.

  • fileCount: The number of files to return.

  • folderStartRow: The row number at which to start returning data. Used for paging responses. The default is 0.

  • constructListingMarkup: Specify whether or not the markup for the additional folders should be returned. This parameter is useful when performing this request in an AJAX environment. The default is 1 (true).


  • ResultSets:

    • FolderInfo: Information about the folder currently being browsed.

    • ChildFolders: Information about all of the folders that exist within this particular folder.

    • FileListingHTML: HTML that can be used to display the additional documents. Only returned when constructListingMarkup is set to 1 (true).

    • FileListingScript: JavaScript that must be run to display the additional documents. Only returned when constructListingMarkup is set to 1 (true).

  • numFolders: The number of folders in the ChildFolders ResultSet.

  • hasMoreChildFiles: This is 1 (true) if the request did not return all of the child files. This occurs when fileCount is reached and there are additional documents that could have been returned.


Service that enables easy pagination of child folders returned by the FLD_BROWSE service in Folders.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • path: The full path to the current folder. This parameter must be used if no folderGUID parameter is specified.

  • fFolderGUID: The GUID of the folder. This parameter an be specified instead of the path to reference the current folder.

Optional Service Parameters

  • fldapp: The Folders Application of the location to be browsed.

  • folderCount: The number of folders to return. The default is 50.

  • folderStartRow: The row number at which to start returning data. Used for paging responses. The default is 0.

  • constructListingMarkup: Specify whether or not the markup for the additional folders should be returned. This parameter is useful when performing this request in an AJAX environment. The default is 1 (true).

  • IsIncludeTrash: When fetching child folders for a user's home folder, set this parameter to false to remove the Trash folder from the ChildFolders result set.


  • ResultSets:

    • FolderInfo: Information about the folder currently being browsed.

    • ChildFolders: Information about all of the folders that exist within this particular folder.

    • FolderListingHTML: HTML that can be used to display the additional folders. Only returned when constructListingMarkup is set to 1 (true).

    • FolderListingScript: JavaScript that must be run to display the additional folders. Only returned when constructListingMarkup is set to 1 (true).

  • numFolders: The number of folders in the ChildFolders ResultSet.

  • hasMoreChildFolders: This is 1 (true) if the request did not return all of the child folders. This occurs when fileCount is reached and there are additional folders that could have been returned.


Service that allows a user to subscribe to a folder. The subscription notification is sent to the user's e-mail as specified in the profile. If neither the profile e-mail address or the dSubscriptionEmail setting is provided, Content Server sets the flag isNoSubscriptionNotificationSent=1 in the response binder.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameter

  • fParentGUID: The ID of the folder to which the user will subscribe.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dSubscriptionEmail: The subscriber's e-mail address. If a non-empty value is provided, the service uses the value to update the user's e-mail value in the profile.

  • constructDialog: (boolean) Set this to 1 (true) if you want Content Server to automatically construct an HTML dialog with the results of the subscription or information about why the subscription may have failed.


  • dialogMarkup: HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: JavaScript needed to display the dialog.


Service that tests the capability of a user to perform an operation on a document, folder, or library, based on:

  • user's authorization

  • item's access control policy

  • item's state

  • enabled WebCenter Content components

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersServices

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • testedItems: A list of items to be tested. The type and ID of each item should be specified in the string testedItems with the format Type1:ID1,Type2:ID2,Type3:ID3

    Type is:

    • fFolderGUID for Folder

    • fFileGUID for File

    • dDocName for Document

    • dID for Document Revision

    ID is the value of those fields.

    For example:

  • testedCapabilities: A list of capabilities separated by a comma; for example, MOVE,COPY,DELETE. The full list of all capabilities that can be tested is:








    • MOVE

    • COPY

    • DELETE








    • FOLLOW


Capabilities Supported for Testing

Table 8-3

Capability Folder owner link (fFolderGUID) Folder soft link (fFolderGUID) File owner link (fFileGUID) File soft link (fFileGUID) Document (dDocName) Revision (dID) Description



Can the user create a new subfolder in this folder?



Can the user create a new document in this folder.



Can the user create an owner link to this document?




Can the user delete this owner link (without deleting the document)?







Can the user update the metadata of this item?




Can the user change the access control fields of this folder or file?



Is this the latest revision of the document?







Can the user move this folder, document, or shortcut?







Can the user copy this folder, document, or shortcut?







Can the user delete this folder, document, or shortcut?



Can the user propagate the metadata fields of this folder? It returns false for personal library/folders (LibraryType=4).



Can the user check out this document? It returns false for documents in personal library/folder.



Can the user cancel the check out of this document?



Can the user check in a new revision of this document? It returns TRUE for a document that is checked out by the current user, or is not checked out and the user has permissions to do an auto-checkout and checkin cycle.



Can the user delete this revision of this document?



Can the user create a new revision of this document as a copy of this revision?



Can the user share this personal library or personal folder?




Can the user follow this folder, document, or revision? A document or folder is considered "followed" if it is subscribed to directly.




Can the user "unfollow" this folder, document, or revision?


(1) Equivalent to testing DELETE on the target Revision.

(2) Need to be able to test capabilities without knowing the fFileGUID.

(3) A personal library or personal folder can be shared only if each of the following conditions hold: (a) the ancestor personal library is not shared (for a personal folder); (b) no ancestor personal folder is shared (for a personal folder); and (c) no descendant personal folder is shared. If one or more of these conditions is not true, the user does not have the capability, and the FLD_TEST_USER_CAPABILITIES service should return the fFolderGUIDs of the library or folder that prevent the personal library or folder from being shared.



  • TestResults: The test results in which:

    • "1" means "True" and the current user has the capability

    • "0" means "False"

    • "-1" means "N/A" (not applicable)

    • a string of shared ancestor/descendant folders will be returned for the failed test of the SHARE_PERSONAL_FOLDER capability because of existing shared ancestor/descendants

    • if SHARE_PERSONAL_FOLDER fails because the user doesn't have the share permission on the item, the service returns "0"


Service that allows a user to unsubscribe a folder.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameter

  • fParentGUID: The ID of the folder to be unsubscribed.

Optional Service Parameter

  • constructDialog: (boolean) Set this to 1 (true) to have Content Server automatically construct an HTML dialog with the results of the unsubscription or information about why the unsubscription may have failed.


  • dialogMarkup: HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: JavaScript needed to display the dialog.


Service that allows a user to unfile one or more items from the Folders hierarchy. This immediately deletes the link object without affecting the target document in any way.

Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/frameworkfolders/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • item1: The item to be unfiled. If more than one item is being unfiled in this operation, then item2, item3, and so on can be specified. These items can be specified either as IDs or as full paths. They must be in the form of path:$PATH or fFileGUID:$FILE_GUID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • constructDialog: Set this to 1 if you want the server to automatically construct an HTML dialog with the results of the unfile or information about why the unfile may have failed.


  • ResultSets:

    • TaskList: Information about the tasks performed and which were successful.

  • didBackgroundTask: This is set to 1 if some or all of the task was backgrounded.

  • mainTasksComplete: This is set to 1 if the main tasks were completed, even if parts of the service were backgrounded. It is useful to know that items have been unfiled, even if the post unfile checks have not yet finished.

  • dialogMarkup: HTML for the dialog.

  • dialogScript: JavaScript required to display the dialog.