11 Physical Content Management Services

This chapter describes the services available when using and customizing Physical Content Management (PCM), which is associated with Oracle WebCenter Content: Records.

This chapter covers the following topics:

About Physical Content Management Services

Information about what is a WebCenter Content service and how services can be used is provided in Using Services. Information about basic services structure, attributes, actions, and a service example is provided in Customizing Services. You should be familiar with this information before customizing current services or creating new services

The locations for specific PCM services are listed within each individual service.


In this chapter the most commonly used services have more extensive descriptions.

For more information about PCM, see Configuring Physical Content Management in Managing Oracle WebCenter Content.


The most commonly used services have more extensive descriptions.

A typical service entry is similar to the following:

DocService 56 COLLECTION_PROFILE_SELECT_COLLECTION null null !csCollectionUnableToRetrieveCollections

In this example:

  • The first line indicates the service name: COLLECTION_ADMIN_SELECT_COLLECTION.

  • The second and third lines list the service's attributes:

    • Service class: DocService.

    • Access level: 54, indicating this is Scriptable, Global, and Admin permissions.


    • Service type: null

    • Subjects Notified: null

    • Error message and parameter used for error message: Unable to Retrieve Collections

  • The remainder of the entry lists the service's actions, each line designating one action:

    • action type: for example, 3, indicating a Java method.

    • action name: for example, evaluate

    • action parameters: for example, <$isAdmin="true"$>. If no parameters are specified, double colons (::) are included.

    • action control mask: for example, 0, indicating 'Ignore error' or 2, indicating 'Must exist (at least one record must be returned by the query). If no control mask is specified, double colons (::) or 0 is included.

    • action error message, such as Item No Longer In History, or null if no message is available.

Each element of a service action is separated by a colon (:).


All services have at least one required parameter. The IdcService parameter takes the name of the service as its argument. If other parameters are required, they are noted in the description of the service.

For details about a service's attributes and actions, see Customizing Services.

Physical Content Management Services

The following services are used in PCM functions:


This service is used to create new function barcodes.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dFunctionValue: The unique identifier of the function barcode to be created.

  • dFunctionName: The name for of the function barcode to be created


This service is used to adjust an invoice.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dInvoiceID: The unique identifier of the invoice to be adjusted.

  • dAmount: The amount to add/subtract to the invoice.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to adjust an invoice.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dInvoiceID: The unique identifier of the invoice to be adjusted.

  • dInvoiceAmount: The current of the invoice.


This service is used to process the uploaded barcode file.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • barcodeFile: The path to the file to be processed.


This service is used to paint the Storage Creation Utility form.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to block a storage location

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the storage location to be blocked


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse transactions invoices.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse transactions belonging to the specified invoice.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dInvoiceID: The unique identifier of the invoice for transactions to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse charge transactions.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse transactions that have not been invoiced.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse items belonging to a the specified request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the request for items to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse Storage Items.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the storage item to be retrieved. Set to 0 if you want the root.


This service is used to check in an external item in a request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the request.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the physical item to check in.


This service is used to check out an external item in a request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the request.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the physical item to check out.


This service is used to clean up the storage table location values.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm


This service is used save Chargeback settings.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to configure Chargeback settings.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse customers.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse payment types.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to browse charge types.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to create a payment type customer.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dBillerTypeID: The unique identifier of the customer to be created.

  • dBillerName: The name of the customer to be created.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a customer.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to create a payment type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dPaymentTypeID: The unique identifier of the payment type to be created.

  • dPaymentTypeDesc: The name of the payment type to be created.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a payment type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to create a charge type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dChargeTypeID: The unique identifier of the charge type to be created.

  • dChargeTypeDesc: The name of the charge type to be created.

  • dChargeAction: The action assigned to the charge type.

  • dChargeAmount: The amount for the action for the charge type.

  • dExtObjectTypes: The object types associated with the charge type.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a charge type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to create a transaction.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dChargeTypeID: The unique identifier of the charge type to be used for the transaction.

  • dChargeAction: The type of charge action for the transaction.

  • dID, dDocName: The unique identifier or name of the charge external item if this is not a storage charge action.

  • dChargeAmount: The amount of the transaction.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a transaction.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to create a transaction.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dIDList: The comma-separated list of dIDs for the items to have transactions created for them.

  • dChargeTypeID: The unique identifier of the charge type to be used for the transaction.

  • dChargeAction: The type of charge action for the transaction.

  • dChargeAmount: The amount of the transaction.


This service is used to retrieve to create physical items.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ExternalHelper/resources/erm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSource: Source for which the external item is created; for example, Physical.

  • dDocTitle: The title of the external item to be created.

  • Other: Any field that is set to be required by the user.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create physical items.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ExternalHelper/resources/erm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSource: Source in which the external item is created; for example, Physical.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a physical item similar to another external item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ExternalHelper/resources/erm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSource: Source in which the external item is created; for example, Physical.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the external item from which to create a similar item.


This service is used to create a media type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dMediaTypeID: The unique identifier of the Media Type to be created.

  • dMediaTypeName: The name of the Media Type item.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a media type.


This service is used to create an object type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectTypeID: The unique identifier of the Object Type to be created.

  • dObjectTypeName: The name of the Object Type item.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create an object type.


This service is used to create a reservation.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the Request to be created.

  • dRequestName: Name of the Request.

  • dRequestDate: Date of the Request.

  • dRequestor: User for whom the request is made.

  • dSecurityGroup: Security Group of the request.

  • dTransferMethod: Transfer Method of the request.

  • dRequestPriority: Delivery Priority for the request.

  • dIDList: Comma-separated list of dID values for physical items to request.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a reservation.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dIDList: Comma-separated list of dID values for physical items to request.


This service is used to create a storage location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dParentID: The unique identifier of the parent storage location for the storage location to be created.

  • dObjectName: The name of the storage location to be created.

  • dStorageType: The unique identifier of the location type assigned to the storage location.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a storage location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dParentID: The unique identifier of the parent storage location for the storage location to be created.


This service is used to create a location type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dStorageTypeID: The unique identifier of the location type to be created.

  • dStorageTypeName: The name of the location type to be created.

  • dOrder: The order the location type is located within the location types.

  • dStorageImage: The name of the image to be associated with the location type


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a location type.


This service is used to delete a customer.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dBillerID: The unique identifier of the customer to be deleted.


This service is used to delete an invoice.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dInvoiceID: The unique identifier of the invoice to be deleted.


This service is used to delete a payment type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dPaymentTypeID: The unique identifier of the payment type to be deleted.


This service is used to delete a transaction.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dTransactionID: The unique identifier of the transaction to be deleted.


This service is used to delete a charge type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dChargeTypeID: The unique identifier of the charge type to be deleted.


This service is used to remove completed reservations from the system.


This service is used to delete physical items.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ExternalHelper/resources/erm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSource: Source from which the external item is deleted; for example, Physical.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the external item.


This service is used to delete a media type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dMediaTypeID: The unique identifier of the Media Type to be deleted.


This service is used to delete a object type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectTypeID: The unique identifier of the Object Type to be deleted.


This service is used to delete a Reservation.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the Reservation to be deleted.


This service is used to delete a request item from a request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique request identifier of the requested item to be deleted.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the requested item to be deleted.


This service is used to delete a storage item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the Storage item to be deleted.


This service is used to delete a location type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dStorageTypeID: The unique identifier of the Location Type to be deleted.


This service is used to edit a customer.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dBillerID: The unique identifier of the customer to be created.

  • dBillerName: The name of the customer to be created.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit a customer.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to edit a payment type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dPaymentTypeID: The unique identifier of the payment type to be created.

  • dPaymentTypeDesc: The name of the payment type to be created.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit a charge type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to edit physical items.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ExternalHelper/resources/erm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSource: Source for which the external item is edited; for example, Physical.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the external item.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit a physical item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ExternalHelper/resources/erm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSource: Source in which the external item is edited; for example, Physical.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the external item.


This service is used to edit a media type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dMediaTypeID: The unique identifier of the Media Type to be edited.

  • dMediaTypeName: The name of the Media Type item.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit a media type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dMediaTypeID: The unique identifier of the Media Type to be edited.


This service is used to edit an object type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectTypeID: The unique identifier of the Object Type to be created.

  • dObjectTypeName: The name of the Object Type item.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit an object type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectTypeID: The unique identifier of the Object Type to be edited.


This service is used to edit object type relationships.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectTypeID: The unique identifier of the Object Type to be created.

  • SelectListValues: List of Object Types that the Object Type can contain.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit object type relationships.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectTypeID: The unique identifier of the Object Type Relationship to be edited.


This service is used to edit the request data.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the Request to be edited.

  • dRequestName: Name of the Request.

  • dRequestDate: Date of the Request.

  • dRequestor: User for whom the request is made.

  • dSecurityGroup: Security Group of the request.

  • dTransferMethod: Transfer Method of the request.

  • dRequestPriority: Delivery Priority for the request.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit a request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the Request to be edited.


This service is used to edit the requested item data.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the request to be edited.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the requested item to be edited.

  • dRequestDate: Date of the Request.

  • dRequestStatus: Current status or the requested item.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit a specific requested item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the Request to be edited.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the Physical Item to be edited.


This service is used to edit the requested items status.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the request to be edited.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the requested item to be edited.

  • dRequestStatusNew: Current status or the requested item.


This service is used to edit a storage location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dParentID: The unique identifier of the parent storage location for the storage location to be created.

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the storage location to be edit.

  • dObjectName: The name of the storage location to be created.

  • dStorageType: The unique identifier of the location type assigned to the storage location.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to create a storage location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the storage location to be edit.


This service is used to edit a location type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dStorageTypeID: The unique identifier of the location type to be edited.

  • dStorageTypeName: The name of the location type to be edited.

  • dOrder: The order the location type is located within the location types.

  • dStorageImage: The name of the image to be associated with the location type.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to edit a location type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dStorageTypeID: The unique identifier of the location type to be edited.


This service is used to generate invoices.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a export file for invoices

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified storage type customer.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dBillerID: The unique identifier of the storage type to be created.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified Invoice.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dInvoiceID: The unique identifier of the invoice to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified payment type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dPaymentTypeID: The unique identifier of the payment type to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified Transaction.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dTransactionID: The unique identifier of the transaction to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified charge type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dChargeTypeID: The unique identifier of the charge type to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve an information page for a physical item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ExternalHelper/resources/erm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSource: Source of the external item; for example, Physical.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the external item.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified media type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dMediaTypeID: The unique identifier of the media type to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified object type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectTypeID: The unique identifier of the object type to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the request to be retrieved.

  • dID: The unique identifier of the physical item to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for the specified requested physical item.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier of the request to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified storage item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the storage item to be retrieved.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to display information for a specified storage type.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dStorageTypeID: The unique identifier of the storage type to be retrieved.


This service is used to mark an invoice paid.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dInvoiceID: The unique identifier of the invoice to be marked paid.

  • dPaymentType: The unique identifier of the payment type.

  • dPaymentNumber: The number of the credit card or check, or a miscellaneous number.

  • dExpirationDate: The expiration date of the credit card if using one or just blank.

  • dAmount: The amount paid.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to mark an invoice paid.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dInvoiceID: The unique identifier of the invoice so be marked paid.

  • dInvoiceAmount: The current amount of the invoice.


This service is used to move one storage item into another.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the Storage Item to be move.

  • newParentID: The unique identifier of the Storage Item to move to (Parent Storage Item).


This service is used to notify users of overdue requests.


This service is used to update requests that have become overdue.


This service is used to update the storage counts, that is, it updates the number of spaces used at each levels.


This service is used to reserve a storage location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the storage location to be reserved.

  • dRequestor: The User ID of the person reserving the storage.


This service is used to run a invoice report.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • rpReportTemplate: The Report Template to use for the report.

  • rpReportType: The report type of the report to run.


This service is used to run an invoice report.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • rpReportTemplate: The Report Template to use for the report.

  • rpReportType: The report type of the report to run.

  • selectedDocList: The list of comma-separated invoice IDs to report on.


This service is used to run a function barcode report.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm


This service is used to run a reservation report.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dRequestID: The unique identifier for the request to run a report for.


This service is used to run the reservation search results report.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • QueryText: The query to run to get the reservations.


This service is used to run a storage label report.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier for the storage item for which the report is run.


This service is used to run a storage report

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier for the storage item for which the report is run.


This service is used to run a user report.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSelectUser: The unique identifier of the user for which to run a report.

  • dPrintAllUsers: Flag to set if you want to run for all users not a specific one.


This service is used to retrieve a page used to generate invoices using advanced page.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to generate invoices

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/chargebacks_service.htm


This service is used to retrieve a page used to search physical items.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ExternalHelper/resources/erm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dSource: Source in which the external item is searched; for example, Physical.


This service is used to unreserve a storage location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dObjectID: The unique identifier of the storage location to be unreserved.


This service is used to update the dDepth value for storage items.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm


This service is used to update users that do not have barcode values.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/PhysicalContentManager/resources/pcm_service.htm