1 Solutions Overview

With Application Adapters for Oracle WebCenter, you can configure business application solutions such as Imaging Solution and Managed Attachments Solution to easily access, view, and act on your business transactions.

Solutions include the Imaging Solution, which provides imaging, capture, and workflow capabilities using Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging, and the Managed Attachments Solution, which enables business users to attach, scan, and retrieve documents stored in an Oracle WebCenter Content Server (Content Server) repository.

This chapter covers the following topics:

1.1 Imaging Solution Overview

The Imaging Solution provides imaging, capture, and workflow capabilities using Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging. Depending on configuration, use the Imaging Solution for tasks such as the following:

  • Launch Imaging from your business application, and select and perform workflow tasks. When you view a selected task, you acquire it for your use and it is no longer available to other users.

  • View attached images and metadata values. Use Imaging's tools for viewing, annotating, and redacting images, as your permissions allow.

  • Key entries in your business application while viewing images and related values in the Imaging viewer. See Keying Entries From Images.

  • Perform actions related to the workflow task, such as routing, canceling, updating, and completing tasks.

  • Scan or upload supporting documents for a selected business application record.

  • View supporting images for a business application record without leaving the business application.

1.1.1 Imaging Scenario 1: Processing Invoices

An Imaging Solution configured for invoice processing might work as follows:

  1. A workflow process automatically generates user tasks.

    An invoice is uploaded, metadata values are assigned, and a task for processing the invoice is generated. Typically, tasks are pooled into profiles from which groups of users select. You may have access to tasks in multiple profiles.

  2. From your business application, you launch the invoices Imaging Solution, by selecting a command or clicking a link or button called Process Invoices.
  3. You select a task from those listed for a selected profile. Once you select (acquire) a task, it is no longer available to other users.
  4. In the Task Viewer, you view the task's invoice image, key entries in your business application based on the image, and perform related commands.

    Additional action commands are typically provided in a side panel. You might route the task to another user or group for approval, add comments for others to view, skip the task, or re-scan or delete the task's document.

  5. You complete the task and begin another, if desired.

Most often, changes you make in your business application are synchronized with Imaging, and vice versa. Keying Entries From Images

When configured, the Imaging Solution enables you to easily key entries in your business application while viewing a related image on another monitor. For example, you might follow this sequence to process invoices:

  1. From your business application's invoice entry window, start the invoice Imaging Solution.
  2. Select a task. In the Task Viewer window, view the invoice image and its associated metadata values.
  3. In the invoice entry window, key in entries such as invoice amount and date.
  4. Save the invoice entry in your business application.
  5. Complete the task.
    • Values are synchronized between Imaging and your business application. For example, suppose the amount was incorrectly listed in the Imaging summary values. If you entered a different amount in the invoice entry window (based on the invoice image), the Imaging metadata value is updated.

    • If configured, the invoice image is stored as an attachment to the corresponding business application record.

  6. You repeat steps 2 through 5 to create additional invoice records, keying from their displayed images.

1.1.2 Imaging Scenario 2: Capturing Employee Supporting Documents

An Imaging Solution configured for capturing supporting documents might work as follows:

  1. From your business application, you retrieve a record such as an employee record.
  2. You launch the document Imaging Solution, by selecting a command or clicking a link or button called Scan Employee Document.
  3. Oracle Distributed Document Capture launches and automatically initiates a scan (if a scanner is attached to the desktop) or enables you to upload electronic images from your desktop.
  4. You enter index values (metadata) in Oracle Distributed Document Capture to store with the images.
  5. You click Send, which transmits the captured document images and their metadata from Oracle Distributed Document Capture to Imaging.

1.1.3 Imaging Scenario 3: Viewing Supporting Employee Documents

An Imaging Solution configured for viewing supporting documents might work as follows:

  1. From your business application, you retrieve a record such as an employee record.
  2. You launch the document Imaging Solution, by selecting a command or clicking a link or button called View Employee Documents.
  3. From the list of documents associated with the employee record and their metadata values, you select a document.
  4. The document is displayed in the Imaging viewer, where you can view its images, and with appropriate permissions, apply annotations or redactions.

1.2 Managed Attachments Solution Overview

The Managed Attachments Solution enables business users to attach, scan, store, and retrieve attachments stored in an Oracle WebCenter Content Server repository. A Content Server repository enables users throughout an enterprise to view, collaborate on, and retire content, ensuring that content is secure, accurate, and up-to-date.

Depending on configuration, use the Managed Attachments Solution for tasks such as the following:

  • Check in new documents to Content Server and attach them to the selected business application entity

  • Scan and import documents using Oracle Distributed Document Capture, attaching them to the selected business application

  • Open documents in their native application, Web-viewable format, or AutoVue viewer (if configured)

  • Detach documents from the selected business application entity

  • Search Content Server and attach documents to the selected business application entity from the Content Server repository; drill down by searching within search results

  • Check out documents, locking them from changes by other users

  • Modify a document's metadata values

  • If configured, view a previous attached revision and update the attachment revision

  • View an attached document's information

1.2.1 Attachments Scenario 1: Capturing Employee Identity Documents

A Managed Attachments Solution configured for capturing employee documents such as passports might work as follows:

  1. From your business application, you retrieve a record such as an employee record.
  2. You launch the Managed Attachments Solution, by selecting a command or clicking a link or button called Scan Employee Document.
  3. Oracle Distributed Document Capture launches and automatically initiates a scan (if a scanner is attached to the desktop) or enables you to upload electronic images from your desktop.
  4. You select attachment settings, click Scan Document, then enter index values (metadata) in Oracle Distributed Document Capture to store with the images.
  5. You click Send, which transmits the captured document images and their metadata from Oracle Distributed Document Capture to Content Server.
  6. You click the Refresh button to see the newly scanned or imported document listed as attached to the selected employee record.

1.2.2 Attachments Scenario 2: Viewing and Editing Employee Identity Documents

A Managed Attachments Solution configured for viewing employee identity documents might work as follows:

  1. From your business application, you retrieve an employee record.
  2. You launch the attachments solution, by selecting a command or clicking a link or button called View Employee Documents.
  3. The Managed Attachments page displays, listing attachments for the employee record.
  4. An attachment may show its revision number, and if it was checked out by you or another user. If revision-specific mode has been configured and an older revision is attached, you can either view the older attached revision or view the newer revision and make it the new attached version.
  5. You select an attached document's Edit icon. As you make updates to the document, it is checked out to you and cannot be edited by others. When you check in the revised document, its revision number is incremented.
  6. The document is displayed in Content Server or the AutoVue viewer, where you can view its images, and with appropriate permissions, apply annotations or redactions.