2 Migrate Non-Clustered WebCenter Content Release 11g to a New Host on an Identical or Dissimilar Infrastructure

The following topics will guide you in moving an 11g WebCenter Content domain instance, Refinery and WebCenter Content user interface to a new host using the Template Builder tool from WebLogic Server. This information supplements Creating Domain Templates Using the Domain Template Builder.


Consider the following before starting the migration process:

  • The versions of WebLogic Server and WebCenter Content must match between the old host and the new host. The sample steps included in the following topics can't be used to upgrade to a newer version at the same time you migrate WebCentent Content to new hosts.
  • If there are other products in the domain such as WebCenter Portal or BPM, make sure that their instructions are also taken into account. The following topics are oriented toward WebCenter Content alone.

2.1 Preliminary Steps Before Migrating Non-Clustered WebCenter Content Release 11g

Make sure to follow these steps before you start the migration process:
  1. Stop all managed servers, the admin server, and the node manager
  2. Back up WebCenter Content file system. For detailed information, see Recommendations for Oracle WebCenter Content.
  3. Back up WebCenter Content's database using your preferred method.
  4. Install the same JDK version on the new host as the one on the old host
  5. Install WebLogic Server's binaries on the new host.
  6. Install WebCenter Content's binaries on the new host.
  7. Install the same patches on the new host as were applied to the old host.
  8. If WebCenter Content is being migrated and the vault and weblayout directories are on a remote file system, unmount them at this time.
  9. If WebCenter Content is being cloned and the vault and weblayout directories are on a remote file system, unmount them at this time and copy them to their new locations.
  10. There are a few scenarios in which the database will be moving as well. One such scenario is when WebCenter Content is moving to the Oracle Cloud. A second scenario is when the database is moving to a new infrastructure for an on-premise migration. A third scenario could be that WebCenter Content is being cloned. In any of these cases, the database schemas are assumed to be available in their new database instance and reachable from the new hosts on which WebCenter Content will reside. When the Configuration Wizard (config.sh) is run, additional steps will need to be taken to ensure connectivity to the database schemas in their new location.There are three objects within the system schema that are required for Fusion Middleware to operate properly, especially when it comes to upgrades. These objects are: schema_version_registry view, schema_version_registry synonym, and schema_version_registry$ table. If any of these items are missed, you must follow the steps in Recover Lost RCU Database SYSTEM.SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY Objects to recreate the missing objects in the new database instance to prevent issues in the future. In addition to that, you must also include all of the schemas whose names contain the prefix that you defined for the environment in question.

2.2 Recover Lost RCU Database SYSTEM.SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY Objects

The SYSTEM.SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY schema version registry table contains version data for all the schemas. Many operations such as upgrade cannot proceed if this table is not available.

To restore lost database objects:
  1. Check if the schema version registry table/view/synonym are present:
    1. Run following database queries while connected to the repository database as user with the sysdba priviledge
    2. If SYSTEM.SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY$.TABLE is present and only view/synonym is missing go to step 7.
      column OWNER format a10
      select owner, object_name, object_type from all_objects where object_name like'%SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY%';
      ---------- ------------------------------ -------------------
  2. Use the same version of RCU that was used to create the schemas initially. Run RCU against the existing repository and create schemas with a new PREFIX. DEV1 will be used for the rest of the steps as the new prefix.
  3. Create duplicate entries in schema_version_registry by making copies of the original schemas. DEV will be used in the rest of the steps as the original prefix.
    1. Display schema entries that RCU execution just created for DEV1.
      select rowid, mrc_name, owner from system.schema_version_registry$;
      ----------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
    2. Create duplicate entries in system.schema_version_registry$ from DEV1.
      insert into system.schema_version_registry$ select * from system.schema_version_registry$ where mrc_name='DEV1';
    3. Run query to display the duplicate entries.
      select rowid, mrc_name, owner from system.schema_version_registry$;
      ----------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
  4. Alter the duplicate entries to match the original schema PREFIX in the MRC_NAME column. This is done by using the ROWID column to distinguish the newly created RCU entries from the duplicates just made. Note that these ROWID values will be different for your database than this example shows. Using DEV as the original schema prefix.
    update system.schema_version_registry$ set mrc_name='DEV', owner='DEV_MDS' where rowid='AAASqQAABAAAUmJAAE';
    update system.schema_version_registry$ set mrc_name='DEV', owner='DEV_ORASDPM' where rowid='AAASqQAABAAAUmJAAF';
    update system.schema_version_registry$ set mrc_name='DEV', owner='DEV_SOAINFRA' where rowid='AAASqQAABAAAUmJAAG';
    update system.schema_version_registry$ set mrc_name='DEV', owner='DEV_ORABAM' where rowid='AAASqQAABAAAUmJAAH';
  5. Display the change showing the original prefix (DEV).
    select mrc_name, owner, status from schema_version_registry where mrc_name='DEV';
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------
  6. Commit changes
  7. Create public synonym and view for system.schema_version_registry$.
    create view system.schema_version_registry as select comp_id, comp_name,mrc_name, mr_name, mr_type, owner, version, status, upgraded, start_time,modified, edition from system.schema_version_registry$;
  8. May need to grant proper privilege to some schemas (eg. If schemas privs were lost during export/import). This step is site-specific and will depend on your situation and schemas created.
    For example:
    grant select on system.schema_version_registry to DEV_IAU ;
    grant select on system.schema_version_registry to DEV_IAU_APPEND;
    grant select on system.schema_version_registry to DEV_IAU_VIEWER;
    grant select on system.schema_version_registry to DEV_MDS ;
    grant select on system.schema_version_registry to DEV_OPSS;
  9. Run RCU again to drop all the schemas that were created when run in Step#2 above. This will leave just the modified schema_version_registry entries for the PREFIX (Example: DEV) schemas in the system.schema_version_registry$ table that were just added.

2.3 Build a Template for an Existing Domain

After you've performed the preliminary steps, build a template for the domain you plan to migrate.

To build the domain template:
  1. Run the Template Builder to create a domain template on the old host.
    (On Windows, config_builder is named as config_builder.cmd)
  2. In the Template Builder Release 11g dialog box:
    1. On the Create a New Template page, select Create a Domain Template, and click Next.
    2. On the Select a Template Domain Source page, select the Domain and click Next.
    3. On the Describe the Template page, confirm and provide the template JAR name and version. Optionally, you can also enter the author information. Click Next.
    4. On the Specify Template Jar Name and Location page, confirm or provide the Template jar name and the Template location, and then click Next.
    5. On the Add or Omit Applications page, click Next.
    6. On the Add Files page, click Next.
    7. On the Add SQL Scripts page, click Next.
    8. On the Configure the Administration Server page, confirm the values, and click Next.
    9. On the Configure Administrator User Name and Password page, confirm the values and click Next.
    10. On the Specify Start Menu Entries page, click Next.
    11. On the Prepare Scripts and Files with Replacement Variables page, click Next.
    12. On the Review WebLogic Domain Template page, click Create.
    13. On the Creating Template page, click Done.
  3. Copy the domain template that was just created to the new host.

2.4 Create a New Domain

You've created the domain template and copied it to the new host to which you are migrating your WebCenter Content instance. Now create a new domain on the new host.

To create a new domain:
  1. Run the Configuration Wizard on the new host using the template you created earlier.
    $ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/config.sh  (On Windows, this is named config.cmd)
  2. In the Configuration Wizard dialog box:
    1. On the Welcome page, select Create a new WebLogic Domain, and click Next.
    2. On the Select Domain Source page, select Base this domain on an existing template and select the template created earlier, and then click Next.
    3. On the Specify Domain Name and Location page, provide or confirm the values for Domain name, Domain location, Application location, and then click Next.
    4. On the Configure Administrator User Name and Password page, enter desired values for Name, User password, and Confirm user password. Click Next.
    5. On the Configure Server Start Mode and JDK page, select the desired startup mode and JDK, and then click Next.
    6. On the Configure JDBC Component Schema page, do one of the following (as applicable):
      • If the database is not moving, select the schema and click Next.
      • If the database is moving, enter the new values for Host Name, DBMS/Service, Port, Schema Owner, and Schema Password for each of the data sources and click Next.


      If multiple data sources are selected on this page, then the value can be changed for the same field at the same time for all of the selected data sources.

    7. On the Test JDBC Component Schema page, select the schema(s), then click Test Connections, and then Next.
    8. On the Select Optional Configuration page, select Administration Server, Managed Servers, Clusters, and Machines, and then click Next.
    9. On the Configure the Administration Server page, enter the listen address of the new host and click Next. This could be set to a DNS name or localhost, or left blank. If left blank, then it listens on all available options.
    10. On the Configure Managed Servers page, enter the listen address of the new host for all managed servers and click Next.
    11. On the Configure Clusters page, click Next.
    12. On the Configure Machines page, enter the listen address of the new host for any defined machines and click Next.
    13. On the Assign Servers to Machines page, click Next.
    14. On the Configuration Summary page, click Create.
    15. On the Creating Domain page, click Done.

2.5 Copy WebCenter Content 11g Directory to the New Host

Now that the domain is created, go ahead and copy the WebCenter Content directory to the new host. Several tools are available to help you accomplish this task. In this example, we'll use rsync to copy from one Linux host to another.

To copy the WebCenter Content directory to the new host:
  1. Run mkdir ucm on target host in the DOMAINHOME directory.
  2. Copy the DOMAINHOME/ucm directory from the old host to the new host.
    rsync -avzh ucm/ oracle@target.domain.com:DOMAINHOME/ucm

2.6 Mount Vault and Weblayout Directories and Adjust Configuration Settings for WebCenter Content 11g and Inbound Refinery 11g

By default, both the vault and weblayout directories are located in the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs directory. If WebCenter Content was migrated and the vault and weblayout directories were on some remote file system, mount them at this time. Instead, if it was cloned and the vault and weblayout directories were on some remote file system, mount their copies from the new location at this time.

If you moved vault and weblayout directories elsewhere, you need to edit the WebCenter Content's DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin/intradoc.cfg file for the VaultDir and WeblayoutDir configuration entries to see what those are set to. In and later releases, you not only need to check the intradoc.cfg, but also the MANAGEDSERVERNAME_intradoc.cfg in the same directory, which takes precedence over the intradoc.cfg.
To adjust configuration settings of WebCenter Centent and Refinery:
  1. Edit WebCenter Content's and Refinery's MANAGEDSERVERNAME_intradoc.cfg and intradoc.cfg files with the updated directory paths, if necessary. The intradoc.cfg file and the MANAGEDSERVERNAME_intradoc.cfg file are located in the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory for WebCenter Content and in the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin directory for the Refinery.


    The MANAGEDSERVERNAME_intradoc.cfg file is available in version (2016-06-24 00:16:34Z-r144917) or 12c ( or greater.

    Update the following:
    • IdcHomeDir
    • FmwDomainConfigDir
    • AppServerJavaHome
    • IntradocDir
    • VaultDir
    • WeblayoutDir
    • UserProfilesDir
  2. Edit WebCenter Content's and Refinery's config.cfg files to include the updated host name for HttpServerAddress. On WebCenter Content, this file is located in the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/config directory. Inbound Refinery's config.cfg is in the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/config. directory.
  3. Edit WebCenter Content's and Refinery's config.cfg files to include the updated host name for SocketHostNameSecurityFilter or IP address for SocketHostAddressSecurityFilter.

2.7 Start Servers and Create boot.properties Files

Configuring a boot.properties file allows you to start the managed server from the command line without being prompted to provide a user name and password during startup. You store the user name and password in the boot.properties file which is read during startup.

Using the Admin Server and Node Manager to start the managed servers is one option. Another option is to just use the startManagedWebLogic.sh/cmd scripts from a terminal session.
  1. Start the Admin Server on the new host.
  2. Start the Node Manager on the new host.
  3. Start the managed servers on the new host.
  4. Create the boot.properties files for the Admin Server and each managed server.

2.8 Swap Out Executables

If the operating system has changed or directory paths have changed, you will need to replace the executables or redo the symbolic links with the proper ones. Here are a few possible scenarios.

2.8.1 Windows to Linux

  1. Delete .exe files in the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory on the new Linux host.
  2. From the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory, create a symbolic link to FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh:
    ln -s /FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh Launcher.sh
  3. From the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory, create symbolic links to DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin/Launcher.sh called:
    • Archiver
    • BatchLoader
    • ComponentTool
    • ComponentWizard
    • ConfigurationManager
    • IdcAnalyze
    • IdcCommand
    • IdcServer
    • IdcShell
    • Installer
    • IntradocApp
    • RepositoryManager
    • SystemProperties
    • UnixProcCtrl
    • UserAdmin
    • WebLayoutEditor
    • WorkflowAdmin


    ln -s Launcher.sh Archiver
  4. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin directory and delete the following items:
    • IdcAdmin.exe
    • IdcAdminNT.exe
    • NTProcCtrl.exe
  5. Create the symbolic link for the Launcher.sh using the new location:
    ln -s FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh Launcher.sh
  6. Create the symbolic links for IdcAdmin and UnixProcCtrl to point to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin/Launcher.sh:
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcAdmin
    ln -s Launcher.sh UnixProcCtrl
  7. If a refinery was moved, delete the .exe files in the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin directory.
  8. In the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin directory, create a symbolic link to the FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh.
    ln -s FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh Launcher.sh
  9. From the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin directory, create symbolic links to DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin/Launcher.sh called:
    • ComponentWizard
    • IdcCommand
    • IdcRefinery
    • Installer
    • SystemProperties
    • UnixProcCtrl


    ln -s Launcher.sh ComponentWizard
  10. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin directory and delete the following items:
    • IdcAdmin.exe
    • IdcAdminNT.exe
    • NtProcCtrl.exe
  11. Create the symbolic link for the Launcher.sh using the new location:
    ln -s FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh Launcher.sh
  12. Create the symbolic links for IdcAdmin and UnixProcCtrl to point to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin/Launcher.sh:
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcAdmin
    ln -s Launcher.sh UnixProcCtrl

2.8.2 Linux to Linux

  1. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory.
  2. Delete the Launcher.sh symbolic link.
  3. Create the symbolic link for the Launcher.sh using the new location.
    ln -s FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh Launcher.sh
  4. Delete the items below:
    • Archiver
    • BatchLoader
    • ComponentTool
    • ComponentWizard
    • ConfigurationManager
    • IdcAnalyze
    • IdcCommand
    • IdcServer
    • IdcShell
    • Installer
    • IntradocApp
    • RepositoryManager
    • SystemProperties
    • UnixProcCtrl
    • UserAdmin
    • WeblayoutEditor
    • WorkflowAdmin
  5. Create the various symbolic links to point to the Launcher.sh:
    ln -s Launcher.sh Archiver
    ln -s Launcher.sh BatchLoader
    ln -s Launcher.sh ComponentTool
    ln -s Launcher.sh ComponentWizard
    ln -s Launcher.sh ConfigurationManager
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcAnalyze
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcCommand
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcServer
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcShell
    ln -s Launcher.sh Installer
    ln -s Launcher.sh IntradocApp
    ln -s Launcher.sh RepositoryManager
    ln -s Launcher.sh SystemProperties
    ln -s Launcher.sh UnixProcCtrl
    ln -s Launcher.sh UserAdmin
    ln -s Launcher.sh WeblayoutEditor
    ln -s Launcher.sh WorkflowAdmin
  6. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin directory and delete the following items:
    • IdcAdmin
    • Launcher.sh
    • UnixProcCtrl
  7. Create the symbolic link for the Launcher.sh using the new location:
    ln -s FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh Launcher.sh
  8. Create the symbolic links for IdcAdmin and UnixProcCtrl to point to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin/Launcher.sh.
  9. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for other content server cluster nodes in the domain.
  10. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin directory and delete the Launcher.sh.
  11. Create the symbolic link for the Launcher.sh using the new location:
    ln -s FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh Launcher.sh
  12. Delete the items below:
    • ComponentWizard
    • IdcCommand
    • IdcRefinery
    • Installer
    • SystemProperties
    • UnixProcCtrl
  13. Create the symbolic links to point to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin/Launcher.sh:
    ln -s Launcher.sh ComponentWizard
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcCommand
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcRefinery
    ln -s Launcher.sh Installer
    ln -s Launcher.sh SystemProperties
    ln -s Launcher.sh UnixProcCtrl
  14. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin directory and delete the following items:
    • IdcAdmin
    • Launcher.sh
    • UnixProcCtrl
  15. Create the symbolic link for the Launcher.sh using the new location:
    ln -s FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/Launcher.sh Launcher.sh
  16. Create the symbolic links to point to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin/Launcher.sh:
    ln -s Launcher.sh IdcAdmin
    ln -s Launcher.sh UnixProcCtrl

2.8.3 Linux to Windows

  1. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory and delete these items:
    • Archiver
    • BatchLoader
    • ComponentTool
    • ComponentWizard
    • ConfigurationManager
    • IdcAnalyze
    • IdcCommand
    • IdcServer
    • IdcShell
    • Installer
    • IntradocApp
    • RepositoryManager
    • SystemProperties
    • UnixProcCtrl
    • UserAdmin
    • WebLayoutEditor
    • WorkflowAdmin
  2. Copy the FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/windows-amd64/bin/Launcher.exe to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory.
  3. Copy the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin/Launcher.exe to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory with the following names:
    • Archiver.exe
    • BatchLoader.exe
    • ComponentTool.exe
    • ComponentWizard.exe
    • ConfigurationManager.exe
    • IdcAnalyze.exe
    • IdcCommand.exe
    • IdcServer.exe
    • IdcShell.exe
    • Installer.exe
    • IntradocApp.exe
    • RepositoryManager.exe
    • SystemProperties.exe
    • UserAdmin.exe
    • WebLayoutEditor.exe
    • WorkflowAdmin.exe
  4. Delete the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin/Launcher.exe file.
  5. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin directory and delete these items:
    • IdcAdmin
    • Launcher.sh
    • UnixProcCtrl
  6. Copy the FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/windows-amd64/bin/Launcher.exe file to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin directory
  7. Copy the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin/Launcher.exe to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin directory with the following names:
    • IdcAdmin.exe
    • IdcAdminNT.exe
  8. Delete the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin/Launcher.exe file.
  9. Copy the FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/windows-amd64/bin/NtProcCtrl.exe file to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/admin/bin directory.
  10. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for other content server cluster nodes in the domain.
  11. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin directory and delete these items:
    • ComponentWizard
    • IdcCommand
    • IdcRefineryInstaller
    • Launcher.sh
    • SystemProperties
    • UnixProcCtrl
  12. Copy the FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/windows-amd64/bin/Launcher.exe file to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin directory.
  13. Copy the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin/Launcher.exe to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin directory with the following names:
    • ComponentWizard.exe
    • IdcRefinery.exe
    • IdcRefineryNT.exe
    • Installer.exe
    • SystemProperties.exe
  14. Delete the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/bin/Launcher.exe file.
  15. Go to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin directory and delete these items:
    • IdcAdmin
    • Launcher.sh
    • UnixProcCtrl
  16. Copy the FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idcnative/windows-amd64/bin/Launcher.exe file to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin directory.
  17. Copy the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin/Launcher.exe to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin directory with the following names:
    • IdcAdmin.exe
    • IdcAdminNT.exe
  18. Delete the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin/Launcher.exe file
  19. Copy the FMWHOME/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/native/windows-amd64/bin/NtProcCtrl.exe file to the DOMAINHOME/ucm/ibr/admin/bin directory.

2.9 Adjust Outgoing Provider Settings on WebCenter Content for the Inbound Refinery

  1. Log into WebCenter Content.
  2. Go to the Administration - Providers page. For the outgoing provider connected to the refinery, click Info and then click Edit.
  3. Provide the new values for Server Host Name and HTTP Server Address, and click Update.
  4. Restart the managed server for WebCenter Content.

2.10 Configure Security Providers

Manually port the security provider data to the domain's new location. This is required because the Domain Template Builder is an offline utility, and therefore, does not export security provider data such as embedded LDAP data, into domain templates.

2.11 Update Database Information for Standalone Java Applications

If the database location has changed:
  1. From the DOMAINHOME/ucm/cs/bin directory, run the SystemProperties application.
  2. From within the SystemProperties application, update the database information on the Database tab so that the standalone Java applications in WebCenter Content's bin directory can be launched successfully.

2.12 Verify Everything Works

If you have never run any of the standalone java applications before, you need to reset the local sysadmin user's password using the UserAdmin applet and also configure the jdbc connection using SystemProperties so the standalone java applications can interact with the database and function.
To check that migration has been successful:
  1. Run IdcAnalyze to confirm there are no errors. On the Configuration tab, ensure the following:
    • Database is selected

    • DatabaseRevClassIDs is selected

    • DatabaseClean Database is deselected

    • Search index is selected

    • Search indexClean Search Index is deselected

    • file system is selected

    • Generate Report is selected

    If errors are reported, fix them as necessary.
  2. Update other applications' configuration settings with the new host name for WebCenter Content. The changes are highly dependent upon the application that's connecting.