A.3 Security Fields

The following security-related fields may be included:

Table A-3 Metadata Fields

Field Description
Supplemental Markings Supplemental markings applied at the content level.
Security Classification Current classification of the content item (denoted as Current Classification in the DoD 5015.2 specification).

If No Markings is set as the lowest classification level in the system and if this field is set to No Markings, then no classification validation is performed.

Classifying Agency Agency or person classifying the record. For example, an agency head, a corporate CEO, and so forth.
Classified By Person classifying the item. This is required if Classification Derived from is not populated.
Classification Derived From Classification guide(s) from which the classification of the item is derived. This is mandatory if the Classified by field is blank. Suggested values for the following fields are shown, but can be changed:
  • Initial classification
  • Reason(s) for classification
  • Declassify exemption category
  • Declassify on event
  • Declassify on date
Derived From Topic Topic associated with a classification guide used to derive classification. This is an option list whose values are dependent on the Classification Derived from field. The information icon to the right of the list presents the description of the selected topic.
Initial Classification Classification at time of creation. Required for classified content. This is entered automatically if the classification is derived from a source, multiple sources, or a topic. The available options include:
  • Top Secret
  • Secret
  • Confidential
  • No Markings
  • Any custom classification as defined by the organization
Reason(s) for Classification Specification for classification. Required if Classified by field is populated; otherwise, optional. This is entered automatically if the classification is derived from a source, multiple sources, or a topic. This is an automatically populated custom option list with values varying by organization.
Declassify Exemption Categor A category that exempts the item from being declassified after the standard declassification period (as defined by the records administrator; typically 10 years). Examples are "reveal an intelligence source," "compromises corporate security," and so on.
Declassify on Event An event triggering the declassification of an item automatically. Classified content requires Declassify on event, Declassify on date, or both fields to be completed. This may be entered automatically if the classification is derived from a source, multiple sources, or a topic.
Declassify on Date A date triggering the automatic declassification of an item. This can be entered automatically if the classification is derived from a source, multiple sources, or a topic.
Downgrade Instructions Instructions on how content can be downgraded if it is subject to downgrading. This is required if there is a Downgrade on event or Downgrade on date or a combination of both.
Downgrade on Event An event triggering the automatic downgrading of content classification.
Downgrade on Date A date triggering the automatic downgrading of content classification.
Content Relations Used to link items to each other. After inserting a link, it can be deleted by clicking the Delete icon (a red X).
Classification Guide Remarks Text describing the classification guide usage.
Release Date Date and time the revision is available for viewing. Default: date and time of checkin. If another date is entered, the revision remains in DONE status until that date. Time is optional. This is required but is pre-filled.
Expiration Date Date and time the revision will no longer be available for viewing in the repository. On expiration, the revision is not deleted.