Administration: Portal Deployments

Use the Portal Deployments page to view deployment history of portals. This page contains the following tabs:

  • Recent Deployments

  • Deployment History

Recent Deployments

The Recent Deployments tab displays the status of all deployments performed in the last one day.

Element Description

Portal deployments in the last one day

Lists the deployments performed in the last one day and their status. For example, if MyPortal was deployed, propagated, and then redeployed in the last one day, the Recent Deployments tab displays details of all the three actions for MyPortal in separate rows.


Enter a full or partial search string in the Filter field, then click The Search icon. to refresh the list to display all portals for which a match is found.

To clear the current search string and display all portals deployed in the last one day, click Clear Search icon


Displays deployment details of the selected portal. It specifies the deployment status - whether the deployment succeeded or failed, and the deployment type - whether the portal was deployed, redeployed or propagated. It also lists the portal server connection name and the date and time of deployment. In the case of failed deployments, the error details are provided.

Deployment History

The Deployment History tab lists the portals deployed till date, and detailed information about each successful and failed deployment attempt.

Element Description


Enter a full or partial search string in the Filter field, then click The Search icon. to refresh the list to display all portals for which a match is found.

To clear the current search string and display all deployed portals, click Clear Search icon

Deployment message link

Next to each deployed portal, the number of its successful and failed deployment attempts are listed. For example, if MyPortal was deployed successfully once, and its subsequent propagation and redeployment failed, the details will show up as 1 successful and 2 failed deployment(s). When you click this link for a portal, the following details are displayed:

  • Target Server: Displays name of the portal server connection used to deploy the portal.

  • Status: Displays whether the deployment operation failed or was successful.

  • Operation Type: Specifies whether the portal was deployed for the first time, propagated, or redeployed.

  • Deployed Time: Displays the time stamp of portal deployment.

  • Detail Link: Click to display detailed information about the selected deployment operation.

Click the Deployment for Portal icon Deployment for Portal icon to go back to the main view of the Deployment History tab.