Administration: Security: Roles

Use the Roles page to manage application roles and permissions for WebCenter Portal. Application roles determine what users can see and do in the Home Portal and controls access to WebCenter Portal administration pages.

You can edit the permissions assigned to application roles, create new application roles, and delete roles no longer required. More

Element Description


Available roles appear in the Roles drop-down. The permissions list shows which actions users with that role can perform.

The following built-in roles are available by default in WebCenter Portal:

  • Administrator. Users with the Portal Server: Manage All permission who have access to all WebCenter Portal Administration pages.

  • Application Specialist. Users with the Portals: Manage Security and Configuration permissions have access to portal administration. They can create portals; manage portal templates; create, edit, and delete pages, page styles, page templates, Content Presenter templates, data controls, navigations, resource catalogs, skins, task flow styles, and task flows; update People Connections data, and connect with people

  • Portal Creator. Users with the Portal Creator role are assigned the Portals: Create Portals permission by default. Users in this role do not have the ability to manage or create portal templates. Upon creating a portal, the Portal Creator role inherits the permissions inherent in the portal-level Portal Manager role.

  • Authenticated-User. Users who can log in to WebCenter Portal are granted the Authenticated-User role. This role inherits permissions from the Public-User role.

  • Public-User. Anyone with access to WebCenter Portal who is not logged in, is granted the Public-User role. Such users are anonymous, unidentified, and can only see public content.


To delete a role, click Delete icon next to the role's name. More

You cannot delete default roles of Administrator, Public-User, and Authenticated User.

In the Permissions table, select permissions for the indicated role(s). For example:

  • Select the Portal Server: View check box to allow a role to view the personal content of other users in the Home portal.

    If you enable this option for public users (not typical), ensure that your WebCenter Portal users understand that any personal page or personal content they choose to make public will become accessible to anyone with Web access.

    Note: When public access is enabled in this way, a welcome page is shown to public users before they log in. Administrators can customize the default welcome page, if required.

Create Role icon Create Role

Click to open the Create Role dialog to define a new application role for WebCenter Portal. More

Application roles are specific to WebCenter Portal. Application roles do not reside in the identity store (like enterprise roles).


Select or deselect permission check boxes to enable or disable permissions for a role. More

Click Apply to save your changes.

Take care to assign appropriate access rights when assigning permissions for new roles. Do not allow users to perform more actions than are necessary for the role, but at the same time, try not to inadvertently restrict them from activities they need to perform. No permission inherits privileges from other permissions. More


Click to save permission updates.

Note: The Apply button is not required for create role or delete role operations.