Administration: Security: Users and Groups

Use the Users and Groups page to manage application roles for all the users who have access to WebCenter Portal, that is, all users defined in the identity store. From here, you can change application role assignments, grant administrative privileges, and revoke user permissions.

Only users granted special (non-default) application privileges will appear in this table. Initially, all users in the identity store are assigned minimal privileges through the Authenticated-User role. Users with the default Authenticated-User role are not listed here.

To grant alternative roles or permissions for one or more users in your identity store, complete the fields in the Grant Access to WebCenter Portal section. More


Users and groups can be assigned more than one role. When assigned more than one role, the highest privileges apply.

This topic describes the following tasks:

Grant Access to WebCenter Portal

The Grant Access to WebCenter Portal section of the Users and Groups page includes the following fields.

Element Description

Select User / Group

Choose User to grant access to one or more users. To grant access to user groups, choose Group. More

User / Group Name Box

Do one of the following:

If you know the name(s) of the user (or user group):

  1. Type the name, using a comma to separate multiple names.

  2. Select a suitable application role from the Role drop down list.

  3. Click Grant Access.

If you are not sure of the name, you can search your identity store:

  1. Click the Find icon (Search icon).

  2. In the Find User or Find Group dialog, type a search pattern containing at least one character of the name you are looking for. The search is not case-sensitive.

  3. Click the search icon (Search icon) to find all the user names (or group names) matching your search criteria.

  4. Select one or more names from the list.

    To multi-select, Ctrl-Click all the names required.

  5. Click OK. All the names you selected appear on the Users page.

  6. Select a suitable application role for all these users (or groups) from the Role drop down list.

  7. Click Grant Access.


Choose a suitable application role from the list.

The Administrator role and all custom roles are listed here. More

Grant Access

Click to grant a new application role to one or more named users (or groups).

All new role assignments display in the table.

Manage Existing Grants

The Manage Existing Grants section of the Users and Groups page includes the following columns.

Element Description

User Name

Displays the name of any user who has been granted special application privileges.

(Users with the default Authenticated-User role are not listed here.)


Identifies whether the name is for a user or a group.


Displays current role assignments.


Click Actions icons to select any of the following actions:

  • Change Role to open the Change Role to change a user or group's current roles. More

  • Delete Role Assignments to revoke the user or group's current role assignments.

    When you revoke role assignments the user or group is removed from the table. The user or group remains in the identity store and still has access to WebCenter Portal through the Authenticated-User role. More

  • Send Mail to send a mail to the user or group.