Change Membership

Use the Change Membership dialog to request a role change or cancel your membership in the current portal. More

You can request a change to your membership role to allow you to perform more actions than authorized by your current role. Or, you might want to participate in an interesting discussion thread or raise a new issue, but in your current role you are only allowed to view ongoing discussions.

Element Description

Current Role

Displays the roles available in the portal. The selected roles are your current membership roles.

Select your preferred roles. Deselect the roles you no longer want to be assigned to.

The portal manager configures the roles available. Out-of-the-box the only portal role includes that of Portal Manager, but a subset of this or other custom roles names may also be available.

Role change requests may or may not require approval. If approval is required, you will receive a worklist notification (if the SOA server is configured to use BPM Worklist) when your new role is approved.



Enter a message to the portal manager providing a reason for your request.

Cancel Membership

Click to cancel your membership in the portal.

Some cancellation requests require approval from the portal manager, so you might not be removed from the portal immediately. You will receive a worklist notification when your membership is cancelled (if the SOA server is configured to use BPM Worklist).
