Create Portal Template

Use the Create Portal Template dialog to create a new portal template based on an existing portal. This task is available to portal members with portal-level permission Portal Templates-Create.

The Create Portal Template dialog includes three steps:


Element Description

Portal Template Name

Enter a suitable name for the portal template. Choose a name that describes the template and other users will recognize.

Portal template names can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, blank spaces, multibyte characters, and special characters such as & and #. The maximum allowable length is 200 characters. The following reserved keywords are not allowed as the full portal template name in either upper or lower case, or a combination of both—admin, builder, group, groups, home, last, page, pages, my portals, my spaces, portal, portals, space, spaces, system, webcenter, webcenter administration, webcenter portal, webcenter portals, webcenter space, webcenter spaces. These reserved words are allowable as part of a longer name (for example, Sales Group).


Optionally, enter a short description explaining the purpose or objective of the portal template.


Select a category under which to list the portal template when creating a portal on the Create Portal Wizard, or leave as <None> if no category is suitable. More


Element Description


Select a portal to use as the basis for the new portal template.


Element Description

Tools and services

Members Info


Roles Info

Select the tools and services that contain data that you want the portal template to inherit from the source portal.

List definitions are always copied; checking Lists in this step specifies that you want to copy the list data, too.

  • If you select Members Info, the Roles Info option is also selected. By selecting Members Info, you are copying the portal members and custom roles from the portal you selected as the basis for the new template into the new template that you are creating.

  • If you select Roles Info and do not select Members Info, you are copying only the roles into your new template. Only the custom roles that are included in the portal you selected as the basis for the new template are copied into the new template.