Create Portal Wizard

Use the Create Portal wizard to create a new portal based on any available portal template. More

The Create Portal wizard consists of the following pages:

Choose Your Portal Template

The Choose Your Portal Template page of the Create Portal wizard lists the portal templates that you can select as the basis for your new portal.

Element Description

Search Portal Templates

Enter a full or partial search term in the search field, then click Filter icon to refresh the list with all portal templates for which a match is found in the name, description, or keywords.


Each category groups portal templates according to their general purpose. The out-of-the-box portal templates are listed under the Portals and Team Collaboration categories. Other categories are available for custom templates that you create. More

Template graphics

Click any portal template to select that template as the basis for your new portal.

When you select a custom template to build your portal, the new portal includes all the preseeded data included in the custom template.

Portal Specification

The portal specification page of the Create Portal wizard enables you to enter a portal name and optional description and keywords.

Element Description


Enter a suitable name for the portal. Choose a name that describes the portal and other users will recognize. The name entered here is the display name that displays at the top of the portal and other places where portals are available for selection, such as the Portals menu and the Portals page.

Portal titles can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, blank spaces, multibyte characters, and special characters such as & and #. The maximum allowable length is 200 characters.

The following reserved keywords are not allowed as the full portal name in either upper or lower case, or a combination of both—admin, builder, group, groups, home, last, page, pages, my portals, my spaces, portal, portals, space, spaces, system, webcenter, webcenter administration, webcenter portal, webcenter portals, webcenter space, webcenter spaces. These reserved words are allowable as part of a longer name (for example, Sales Group).

Note: WebCenter Portal removes any unsupported special characters (such as -) and character spaces in the display name specified here to derive the initial internal name for the portal. For example, My Mega-Portal becomes MyMegaPortal.


Optionally, enter a short description explaining the purpose or objective of the portal.


Optionally, enter keywords related to the content of the portal to make it more easily discoverable in search results. Keywords are individual words. To enter multiple keywords at once, separate them with a space. Press Enter to save your keywords.

To delete a keyword in the list, click the Delete icon on the keyword.


Optionally, modify the end of the default URL for the portal. The default URL is based on the Title you specify. The internal name of the portal is derived from this field.




Select the required user access:

  • Public (default): Anyone can visit the portal, whether they are a registered WebCenter Portal user or not. When this setting is selected, the Public-User role in the portal is automatically granted permissions to view pages, lists, events, links, notes, and documents. Public users do not have edit, create, or manage permissions in the portal.

  • Private: To access the portal, membership is required (either through invitation or self-registration, if enabled). The portal will be shown in the list of available portals in the portal browser and will appear in search results.

    The permissions of the Administrator role allow administration of private portals (such as modifying portal membership), but the portal pages and content are viewable only by portal members.

  • Hidden: To access the portal, membership is required (through invitation). The portal will not be shown in the list of available portals in the portal browser and will not appear in search results. Members can access the portal through direct URL.

    The permissions of the Administrator role allow administration of hidden portals (such as modifying portal membership) on the WebCenter Portal administration All Portals page, but the portal pages and content are viewable only by portal members.


(Default view) Click to see a preview of the portal template.

To browse and select a different portal template, click the left and right arrows to scroll through available templates, or click Template Gallery to return to the full gallery display of all portal templates.


Click to show the existing pages in the portal, inherited from the portal template.

In the Add More Pages input area, you can create pages and subpages in-place while creating the portal, using special syntax. More

To create a set of top-level pages for the portal, type the page names separated by commas, or type the name of each page on its own line.

For example: Meetings, Schedules, Press Releases

Click see more options to view syntax and examples for creating a more advanced page hierarchy including subpages, adding a link in the page navigation to certain system pages, or renaming a page that came from the portal template.

Create Portal

Click to create the new portal and display it in the portal editor.