Create Navigation Item

Use the Create Navigation Item dialog to specify the properties of an item being added to the portal navigation. More

Different properties are displayed on the Target and Options tabs depending on the type of the navigation item selected. The Parameters tab displays if the underlying resource supports parameters.

The Create Navigation Item dialog is arranged in the following tabs:


The Target tab of the Create Navigation Item dialog enables you to identify the item that you want to add to the portal navigation.

Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to any property and select Expression Builder to enter an EL expression that determines property values dynamically.

Common Target Properties

The following properties apply to all types of resources.

Element Description


Enter a unique ID for the item.

This field is automatically populated with a generated ID, for example, newcontentlink. but as it is used to create the URL to access the node in the portal navigation, you may want to change it to something more descriptive.

The ID must be unique within the portal navigation. The first character must be either an uppercase or lowercase letter or the underscore character (_). Subsequent characters can be any alphanumeric character or a dash (-), period (.), or underscore (_).

If the item is at the top level of the portal navigation, the ID must not be wc_navtitle or wcnav_externalId. These IDs are reserved.


Enter a display name for the navigation item.


Enter a brief description of the navigation item.


Select to display a node for this item when the portal navigation is displayed on a page.

Alternatively, click the Expression Editor icon icon and select Expression Builder to enter an EL expression to determine under which conditions the item is included in the navigation. For example, to specify that the item should be visible only to users with the Moderator role, use the following EL expression:


Target Properties for Content Items

The following elements apply to content items.

Element Description


Enter the path of the content item or folder to include in the portal navigation, or browse the content repository to locate it.

Content Presenter Template

Select the Content Presenter display template to use to display the content item or folder when it is selected in the navigation.

Page Template

Select the page template to use to display the content item when it is selected in the portal navigation.

Select [system default] to use the portal or application default page template.

Target Properties for Content Queries

The following elements apply to content queries.

Element Description

Query String

Enter the query criteria to identify the content to include in the portal navigation, for example:

select * from cmis:document WHERE cmis:name LIKE 'Foo%'

Hide Top-Level Folder

Select to display the results of the query directly rather than displaying them under a folder.

Target Properties for Links

The following elements apply to links.

Element Description


Enter an external URL, or click the search icon to select an external application.

Note: In the Select dialog, the Select button becomes active only when you select an item that can be included in the portal navigation.

Page Template

Select the page template to use to display the link when it is selected in the portal navigation.

Select [system default] to use the portal or application default page template.

Target Properties for Pages Queries

The following elements apply to pages queries.

Element Description

Find Pages In


  • Home Portal to add the Home portal and all its pages to the portal navigation.

  • Portal to add the Home page of a specific portal and all its other pages to the portal navigation. Leave blank to specify the current portal, enter the name of a different portal, or click the Select Portal icon to select from available portals. Leave the field blank to link to the current portal. In the Select Portal dialog, you can filter the list of portals to those that you have joined, those that you moderate, or those that are public.

  • Path to add a specific page and all its subpages to the portal navigation. Enter the path of the page, or click the Select Page icon to select from all available pages.

Page Style

Select the style of page to include in the portal navigation. For example, select Wiki to add only pages that use the Wiki page style to the portal navigation.

Select [system default] to display all pages, regardless of style.

Excluded Page Styles

Enter the paths of one or more page styles, separated by commas or spaces, to exclude from the page query. For example:

gsr1b60e8a7_2e23_48ff_9571_31ede592de1a/TemplateWiki.jspx, /oracle/webcenter/siteresources/scopedMD/s8bba98ff_4cbb_40b8_beee_296c916a23ed/pageStyle/

Tip: You can find the path of a page style by selecting it on the Assets or Shared Assets page and choosing Show Properties from the Actions menu.



  • Show all items to expose in the portal navigation every page in the results of the query, regardless of their individual Visibility property setting

  • Show only visible items to filter the results of the query to expose in the portal navigation only those pages whose individual Visibility property is selected

  • Show all but visible items to filter the results to the query to expose in the portal navigation only those pages whose individual Visibility property is deselected

Hide Top-Level Folder

Select to display the subpages in the hierarchy directly rather than displaying them under a folder for the parent page.

Page Template

Select the page template to use to display the item when it is selected in the portal navigation.

Select [system default] to use the portal or application default page template.

Target Properties for Portal Queries

The following elements apply to portal queries.

Element Description


Enter the name of the portal that you want to add to the navigation, or click the Select Portal icon to select from all available portals. Leave blank to specify the current portal.

Hide Top-Level Folder

Select to display the selected portal directly rather than displaying it under a folder.

Advanced Query

Enter an EL expression to further refine the list of portals included in the portal navigation.


The Options tab of the Create Navigation Item dialog enables you to specify additional display options for the navigation item.

Element Description

Access Key

Enter a key mnemonic (single character) to use to select the navigation item without using the mouse.

Icon URI

Enter a path and file name of an image to use to represent the item in the portal navigation.

Search Keywords

Enter keywords to facilitate keyword searching of the navigation item.

Tool Tip

Enter brief descriptive text to display when users hover the mouse over the item in the portal navigation.

External ID

Enter an ID to enable a direct reference to the item from a static link in the page.

Navigation items with this attribute defined can be accessed using /faces/wcnav_externalId/externalId from an af:goLink component in a page or using /wcnav_externalId/externalId from an External Link navigation item in the portal navigation. The alternative is to access the node by its hierarchy, which is faster, but may change as the application develops.

Open Link in

Select where to display the navigation item when it is selected. The options available depend on the type of navigation item.

Note: Popups are not supported for pages.


Select to redirect the URL specified for the item. If you do not select this option, then the URL is rendered within the current page template.

For Link items that point to business role pages (for example, the My Profile page), Redirect has no effect; clicking the link always displays the page in the Home portal.

For Link and Page Link items that point to a page in a different portal, you must select Redirect to open the page inside the portal to which the page belongs. You cannot view another portal's page in the current portal, but you can redirect there to view the other portal's page in that portal

New Attribute Name

Enter the name of an attribute to that has been defined for the item but not exposed in the dialog. You can also select an attribute from the drop-down list.

You can also create your own attributes that can then be referenced in page templates to render the item.

New Attribute Value

Enter a value for the attribute specified in the New Attribute Name field, then click Add.

Tip: To delete an attribute, clear the attribute value and click Save.


The Parameters tab of the Create Navigation Item dialog enables you to provide values for any parameters supported by the underlying navigation item. You can also add custom parameters.

Element Description

New Parameter Name

Specify the name of a parameter to use for this navigation item.

New Parameter Value

Specify a value for the new custom parameter.

Click the Expression Editor icon icon and select Expression Builder to enter an EL expression that specifies a variable value instead of a constant value.

Tip: To delete a parameter, clear the parameter value and click Save.


Click to display the new parameter name/value pair.