Create Page

Use the Create Page wizard to create a new page in the current portal, automatically adding it to the portal navigation.

The Create Page wizard includes the following pages:

Select a Style

The Select a Style page of the Create Page wizard enables you to select a style for the new page that describes the layout and may also dictate the type of content the page supports. More

Page Information

The Page Information page of the Create Page wizard enables you to enter a page name and optional description and keywords.

Element Description


Enter a suitable name for the page. The name that you enter here displays at the top of the page and other places where pages are available for selection, such as in the page navigation for the portal.

  • If you enter a name that duplicates an existing page name, WebCenter Portal automatically adds a numeric suffix to the page name and creates the new page with the modified name. For example, if MyPage exists, and you try to create a new page named MyPage, the new page will be created with the name MyPage1.

  • For wiki pages, the following characters may not be used in the page name:

    ? \ / : [ ] * ' " |

    For wiki page names, you can use letters, numbers, character spaces, and periods (.).


Optionally, enter a short description explaining the purpose or objective of the page.


Optionally, enter keywords related to the content of the page to make it more easily discoverable in search results.


The Settings page of the Create Page wizard enables you to edit page parameters, when the selected page style supports parameters.


If you do not edit page parameters in the Create Page wizard at this time, you can do so later in the portal editor. More

For example, the built-in Blog page style includes the following parameters with default values:

Element Description

Left Width

Center Width

Right Width

Use to adjust the fixed width of page columns.

Show Header

Show Footer

Use to display (true) or hide (false) a page footer and header. Both of these content areas are immune to user customizations, preventing them from being dragged to a new position or otherwise altered in page view mode.


The Access page of the Create Page wizard enables you to establish the permissions for other users, groups, and roles to work with the selected page.


You can override the default page security to create a page that does not take the permissions from the portal roles, but instead allows custom scenarios to be set up where you can control who can see the page, who can edit it, who can create subpages, and so on. If you do not set security in the Create Page wizard at this time, you can set it later in the portal editor. More

Element Description

Access Method

Click to select an access method for the selected page:

  • Override Security. Select to customize access on the current page. When selected, the settings below are made available.

  • Inherit Parent Security. Select to specify that the page should inherit access settings from the permissions established for the portal, or for the parent page (if a subpage). When selected, the settings below are not available.

Add Access

Add Users icon Add Users

Add Groups icon Add Groups

Add Roles icon Add Roles

(When Override Security is selected) Click to open a search dialog to select users, groups, or roles to add to the Role or User list. More

Add Access

Add Authenticated Role icon Add Authenticated Role

Click to add the role authenticated-role to the Role or User list, with default View access to the page. This role is given to all users who are logged in to WebCenter Portal.

Add Access

Add Anonymous Role icon Add Anonymous Role

Click to add the role anonymous-role to the Role or User list, with default View access to the page. This role is given to all public users (that is, users who are not logged in to WebCenter Portal).

Delete icon Delete Access

Click to remove access to the page for a selected user, group, or role.

Role or User

Lists all the users, groups, and roles that can be given permissions to access the page.


For each user, group, and role listed under Role or User, select or deselect access permissions, as described here.