Edit Image

Use the Edit Image dialog to specify the details of the image you want to publish. More

The Edit Image dialog is arranged in the following tabs:


The Image tab of the Edit Image dialog enables you to specify the location of the image and a short description to use as alternate text.

Select your image carefully. If a specific size has been defined for images in the Image component properties, the image will be stretched or shrunk as appropriate to fit. If the size is not specified, the component will use whitespace for padding if the image is too small, or scrollbars if it is too large.

Element Description

Image Location


  • Web if the image you want has not been uploaded to your Oracle WebCenter Content Server repository and is accessible using a URL.

  • Content Repository if the image you want to use has been uploaded to your WebCenter Content Server repository.

Note: If you select Content Repository, the image must already exist in the WebCenter Content Server repository. You cannot upload images through the Edit Image dialog.

Image URL

Enter the URL to use to access the image.

This field is available only if you select Web from the Image Location dropdown list.

Repository browser

Use the repository browser to navigate through the WebCenter Content Server repository and select the image that you want to use.

The image picker is available only if you select Content Repository from the Image Location dropdown list.


Enter a description to use as the alternate text for the image. The description is displayed when a user hovers the mouse cursor over the image. It is also read by screen readers.


The Link tab of the Edit Image dialog enables you to turn your image into a clickable link. More

Element Description

Link Type


  • No Link if you do not want the image to link to anything.

  • Page if you want the image to link to another page in the current portal.

  • External if you want the image to link to an external URL.

  • Content if you want the image to link to a file in your WebCenter Content Server repository.

Note: If you select Content, the file must already exist in the WebCenter Content Server repository. You cannot upload files through the Edit Image dialog.

Page Browser

Use the page browser to navigate through the pages in the current portal and select the page you want to use for the link destination.

The page browser is available only if you select Page from the Link Type dropdown list.

Destination URL

Enter the URL to use for the link destination.

This field is available only if you select External from the Link Type dropdown list.

Repository Browser

Use the repository browser to navigate through the WebCenter Content Server repository and select the file that you want to use for the link destination.

The repository browser is available only if you select Content from the Link Type dropdown list.



  • Same Window to display the link destination in the current browser window, navigating away from the current page.

  • New Window to display the link destination in a new browser window.

If you do not specify a target, the browser default is observed, which is usually to open the link in the current browser window.

Related Topics

"Contributing and Publishing Content" in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal