Expression Editor

Use the Expression Editor to enter a fixed or variable value for a given property using Expression Language (EL).

Element Description

Choose a value

Click to select a prebuilt EL expression, page parameter, or system variable to act as a variable value for its associated property.

For example, rather than entering #{pageDocBean.createdBy}, you can click Choose a value, then select Page Info and then Created By.

Sources include:

  • Application Info—Provides prebuilt EL expressions relating to WebCenter Portal.

  • Asset Info— Provides prebuilt EL expressions related to portal assets, such as templates, styles, Assets Catalogs, and so on.

  • Page Info—Provides prebuilt EL expressions relating to application pages.

  • Page Parameter—Provides predefined page parameters. The second list is empty when no page parameters are defined for the current page.

  • Portal Info—Provides prebuilt EL expressions relating to portals.

  • Portal Page Info—Provides prebuilt EL expressions relating to a page in a portal.

  • System—Provides the system variables User and Locale. User returns the log-in name of the user making the current request, if any; otherwise, it returns null. Locale returns the request locale (that is, the browser locale setting).

  • User Info—Provides prebuilt EL expressions related to a given user's Profile.

  • WebCenter Events—Provides prebuilt EL expressions for document-related events, such as the currently selected document, the document's creator, the date the document was last modified, and so on.

Type a value or expression

Enter your own value or an EL expression for the associated property. More

In addition to EL expressions, you can enter any other type of value, such as a text string. You may use this option to construct complex ELs from scratch or to combine existing ELs to form more complex ELs.

Use the following formats to enter values:

  • a literal number: #{123}

  • a literal string: #{'string'}

  • a literal boolean: #{true}

  • calling a Java Bean to return a value: #{generalSettings.preferredTimeStyle}.


Click to validate any EL expression entered under Type a value or expression. Any non-EL value type you enter, such as plain text, HTML tags, or junk characters, is not validated.

Validation checks the EL syntax and evaluates the expression. Expression values vary according to the context in which they are executed, so the resulting value of this test will likely differ from the value returned during actual use.