
Use the Favorites page to view the list of items that you previously marked as favorites and to access the associated items. Favorites are listed in the order selected, with the most recent favorite at the top of the list.

You can mark documents, folders, libraries, and saved searches as favorites by clicking the star next to the item in a list, or by selecting Favorite from an associated menu. Your favorites are visible only to you.


When you mark a document as a favorite, you mark the document, not a particular revision, even though you may be viewing a particular revision when you mark the document as a favorite.

The Favorites page has the same areas as on the Searching Documents page. Following are the differences for the Favorites page.

Actions Area

Actions available for favorites are Get Link, Rename Favorites, and Properties. These are available from the context menu of an individual favorite.

Element Description

Rename Favorite

Open the Rename Favorite window to specify a new name for the associated favorite.

Favorites List

Element Description


Favorites are listed in the order selected, with the most recent favorite at the top of the list.

To remove a favorite from the list, deselect the Favorite icon Favorite icon.

You can have any number of items selected as favorites, but only the first 100 are displayed.

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