Searching Documents

Use the Searching Documents page to locate and work with documents in the repository to which you have access.

The page is arranged in the following sections:

Search and User Options Area

Element Description

Search box (unlabeled)

In general, the search box provides search and filter options for locating documents, folders, and libraries. When browsing a library or folder, a system filter is applied that displays only the items within the selected library and folder. You can add filters or additional search terms to the search box to further refine the search. How?

Filter icon Filter

Display a list of pre-defined filters you can use to limit search results.

For example, you can select one or more filter options to display only those documents that you either authored, follow, have checked out, or have marked as favorites. You can select a content type of Digital Media, for example, to limit the search results to documents that contain images or video. You can select a security group of Public to limit the search to documents that are available to all users.

You can add more than one filter and combine filters with specific search text that you enter. To remove a filter from the search box, click the Delete Filter icon Delete Filter icon next to the filter.

Click the More Filters icon More Filters icon to show any applied filters not shown in the search box. When you add or remove a filter, you immediately initiate the search represented in the search box.

Immediate Results (unlabeled pop-up box)

When you enter text in the search box, a list of item names that contain the text is displayed below the search box. The list divides the results into documents, libraries, and folders categories. For documents, select a specific document name to display the document. Select a specific folder or library to display the contents of that folder or library.

Click one of the category names (Documents, Libraries, or Folders), to search for items in that category that match the specified text.

Immediate results use a "fuzzy" match (rather than an exact match) to match any portion of the name only. Other document information is not included in the search.

If you enter search text...

If you enter search text, the text is compared to indexed metadata such as owner and title as well as the full-text of each document if Oracle WebCenter Content is configured to index full-text. Unlike immediate search results, the text you enter must match an entire word rather than any portion of the word. You can use the ? wildcard to match any single character or the * wildcard to match any number of characters. More

Search icon Search for documents

To initiate a text search, press Enter or click the Search for documents icon.

Search results contain documents only. Libraries, folders, and shortcuts are excluded.

Workflow Notification icon Workflow Notification

Click to see the list of pending documents for you to review.

Rendition Clipboard icon Clipboard

Click to open the Rendition Clipboard page with a list of any renditions you have added to the clipboard. A file can have multiple versions in different formats called renditions. All of the renditions for a particular file are listed under the Document Properties - Summary page for the document.

Notifications icon Notifications

Click to open the Content In Workflow and see a list of documents that are currently in one or more workflow steps in which you are assigned an action. The number of documents assigned to you is shown next to the icon. This icon is displayed only if you have workflow assignments.

Searching Documents menu

Click Menu icon to access this menu.

Create New Saved Search

Choose Create New Saved Search from the menu to save the search criteria currently displayed in the Search box to a specified library or folder. To run the search again, locate and double-click the saved search in the folder hierarchy in the side bar or in a folder search results list.

If you run a saved search, this menu includes the Update Saved Search <search_name> option. If you modify the search, you can choose this option to overwrite the original saved search with the changes you have made.

Upload icon Upload

Add one or more documents to the content server. How?

When you upload a document, you provide information about the document using a selected profile. A profile determines what information fields are presented.

Documents that you upload while browsing the document list for a particular library or folder are added to that library or folder. Documents that you upload while viewing the document list generated by a search of the entire content server are outside the context of a particular folder or library and are added to the content server as unfiled documents. More


To perform actions on one or more documents, click the selection box associated with a document or use the All or None options from the Select menu.

The actions you can perform on the selected documents are displayed as icons next to the Select menu or in the More menu.

Actions available for a single document are available from its context menu, viewable by right-clicking any blank area in the row or cell associated with the document.

Sort By

Sort the document list by the selected value in the selected order.


Use the options in the View menu to change the way documents are displayed: List, Thumbnail, or Tabular. The view you choose is saved and used for all document lists until you change the view. More

Refresh icon Refresh

Click the Refresh icon to reload the page with any updates.

Document List

Element Description


Documents are listed according to the selected Sort By and View options.

List view

Each document is displayed in a separate row that contains a thumbnail image of the document content next to basic information about the document, including favorite status, file name, author, release date, and comments. This is the default view.

Click on any empty space in the row to display additional metadata for the associated document. Click the thumbnail or title to display the Document Page with detailed information about the document.

Click the Download icon Download icon to download the associated document.

Click the Favorite icon to change the favorite status. A solid blue icon marks an item as a favorite.

Thumbnail view

The documents are displayed in a grid from left to right and from top to bottom. Each cell in the grid contains a thumbnail image of the document content, favorite status, and file name.

Click the thumbnail or title to display the Document Page with detailed information about the document. To download the file itself, click the check box to select the file and choose Download from the More menu. Click the Properties icon to display basic information about the document. Click the Favorite icon to change the favorite status. A solid blue icon marks an item as a favorite.

Tabular view

Each document is displayed in a separate row with columns that include icons for favorite status and document type, the file name, comments, and author.

Click the thumbnail or file name to display the Document Page with detailed information about the document. To download the file itself, click the check box to select the file and choose Download from the More menu. Click the Favorite icon to change the favorite status. A solid blue icon marks an item as a favorite.

Actions Area

Element Description


You can apply the following actions to a single selected item unless otherwise noted.

Options can vary based on selection and user privilege. Only those actions that you can use are shown in the user interface. The complete list of actions is included here.

You can also perform most of these actions from the Document Page when you click a document from the document list.

Check In New Revision icon Check In New Revision

Click to open the Check In New Revision window to select and check in a new revision of the selected document. How?

Get Link icon Get Link

Click to open a window with links to view or download the selected item. Right-click the link to see a menu of options for copying or saving the link information.

Move icon Move

Click to open the Move (Folders and Files) window to specify a destination for the associated document or shortcut. This option is not available for unfiled documents.

Copy icon Copy

Click to open the Copy - Choose Destination window to specify a destination for a copy of the associated document or shortcut. This option is not available for unfiled documents. For more information about resolving naming conflicts, see Copy - Naming Conflict Options.

Delete icon Delete

Click to delete the selected item or items, if you have the privileges to do so. You are prompted to confirm the action. This action cannot be undone. Deleted documents are expired in the repository.

Check Out/ Cancel Check Out

Click to lock the document so that no other user can revise it. Only one user at a time can check out a file, but multiple users can continue to view the released document even when it is checked out.

After checking out a document, you must either check in a new revision or undo the check-out before the document can be revised again. You must have Write permission to the document to check it out or check in a revision. To undo a check-out, you must either be the one who checked out the document or have Administrator permission for the document.

Check Out and Edit

Click to check out the document and attempts to open the file in the associated application. This option is available only for supported office documents with extensions such as .doc, .xls, .ppt, and so on. This option is not available if you are using the Safari web browser or operating systems other than Microsoft Windows.

You must have Write permission to the document to check it out or check in a revision. To undo a check-out, you must either be the one who checked out the document or have Administrator permission for the document.


Click to open a download window to open or save a local copy of the selected document. The document is not checked out and is simply a copy of the document that you can use locally.

View Web Rendition

Click to open a web-viewable version of the document, if available, in a separate browser window.

If your system does not have conversion features installed, or if a particular file type cannot be converted, the native file format is used.

To view the web-viewable rendition of a content item in a browser, you must have the appropriate helper application or web browser plug-in installed. For example, to view the PDF version of a content item, you must have the Adobe Acrobat plug-in.

View Dynamic Conversion

Click to open an HTML-formatted version of the document, if available, in a separate browser window.

Add to Rendition Clipboard

Click to add renditions of documents to the Rendition Clipboard.


Click to add the item to the list of items that are monitored for changes. Documents that you follow show a check mark in this menu.

When a new revision of an item you follow is checked in, you are notified by email. To quickly see a list of items you are following, perform a search with the Followed By You filter. How?

Create Shortcut

Click to open the Create Shortcut window to specify the name and folder location of a shortcut to the selected item.


Click to open the Rename Document window to rename the associated document or shortcut. You must have write permission to rename a document or shortcut.

File/Unfile Document

Click to add the current document to a library or remove it from the current library. Documents not associated with a library are considered "unfiled" documents.

Upload Similar Document

Click to open the Upload Similar Document window to upload a document with similar characteristics to the current document. Metadata values for the current document are used as default values for the newly uploaded document where possible.

Propagate Metadata

Click to open the Propagate Metadata window for applying selected metadata values to the folders and documents in the library.


Click to open the Document Page where you can view properties for the associated document.

Sort By

Click to sort the document list by the selected value in the selected order.


Select from the menu to change the way documents are displayed: List, Thumbnail, or Tabular. The view you choose is saved and used for all document lists until you change the view. More

Refresh icon Refresh

Click to reload the page with any updates.

Item and Page Information Area

Element Description

Item Count

Displays the number of items in the list.


Click to show the previous page. This action is not available if you are viewing the first or only page.


Click a page number to show that page. The current page is highlighted.


Click to show the next page. This action is not available if you are viewing the last or only page.

Items per Page

Select the number of items to show on a single page. The default is 25. The value you specify is saved and used for all document lists until you change the value.

Related Topics

"Finding Libraries, Folders, and Documents" in Using Oracle WebCenter Content