Mail Preferences

Use the Mail preferences page to set up the mail server connection you will use to view mail through WebCenter Portal and for selecting the mail application you will use to send mail through WebCenter Portal. More

Element Description


A dropdown list for selecting the mail connection to use for viewing mail in WebCenter Portal.

The options on this list reflect the connections your administrator made available to WebCenter Portal. The No Preference option uses your system-level active mail connection.

After you select a connection, complete the action by clicking Save, logging out of WebCenter Portal, and logging on again. Additionally, if your login credentials to this connection are not already in the WebCenter Portal credential store, then you must log on to it, either through the My Accounts Preferences or through a Mail view.

Default Mail Client for Send Mail

Options for identifying the mail application to open when you send mail through WebCenter Portal:

  • Local Mail Client—Select to use the local mail client you normally use, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, to open a compose-message window.

  • WebCenter Portal's Mail Service—Select to use WebCenter Portal's Mail service to open a compose-message window.

Note: With the Internet Explorer browser, Send Mail notifications are garbled for many non-English languages. As a workaround, configure the Send Mail feature to use WebCenter Portal's Mail Service instead of your local mail client.

Related Topics

"Selecting Your Preferred Mail Connection" in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal