Page Properties: Parameters

Use the Parameters tab of the Page Properties dialog to add and modify page parameters.

Element Description

Page Parameters

(For personal pages only) Pages may include parameters. For example, pages based on the out-of-the-box Blog page style include the following parameters with default values:

  • centerWidth, leftWidth, and rightWidth to adjust the fixed width of page columns.

  • showFooter and showHeader to display (true) or hide (false) a page footer and header. Both of these content areas are immune to user customizations, preventing them from being dragged to a new position or otherwise altered in page view mode.

Modify the values of existing parameters for the current resource, or click Delete icon to delete the associated parameter.

Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a field and select Expression Builder to open the Expression Editor to set the value using Expression Language (EL).

Add a page parameter

Click to open the Add a Page Parameter dialog, enter a new parameter Name, then click Add Parameter to add the parameter to the Parameters tab, with a value entry field. Optionally, enter a value for the new parameter.

The following parameters can be added and set for global system pages to specify whether to display the system page design of prior releases, or the new design of the current release:

  • pg_theme

    Valid values are:
    • spaces_blue. Use look and feel of prior releases ( and earlier).

    • 11ps7_grey or leave blank. Use new look and feel of current release.

  • pg_pageTemplateID

    Valid values are:
    • spaces_blue. Use default page template of prior releases ( and earlier).

    • Leave blank. Use default blank template of current release.

    • page_template_GUID. Use page template specified by GUID value.