Portal Server Connection

Use the Portal Server Connection page to create and manage connections to the target portal server where you want to deploy your portals.

Element Description

Create Role icon Create

Click to create a portal server connection.

In the Create Portal Server Connection page, specify the following required details:

  • Name: Specify the name of the connection. Note that only alphanumeric characters can be used.

  • URL: Specify the URL of the target portal server in the following format:


    Where, targetserverhost:port refers to the host name and port number of the portal server where you want to deploy your portals.

  • Username: Type the user name used for connecting to the target server.

  • Password: Type the password for the specified user name.

After specifying the portal server connection details, use the following buttons:

  • Test: Click to test if the connection is functional.

  • Create: Click to create the portal server connection.

Edit Permissions icon Edit

Click to edit the selected portal server connection.

In the Edit Portal Server Connection page, you can edit the following details:

  • URL: Edit the URL of the target portal server in the following format:


    Where, targetserverhost:port refers to the host name and port number of the portal server where you want to deploy your portals.

  • Username: Edit the user name used for connecting to the target server.

  • Password: Edit the password for the specified user name.

After editing the portal server connection details, use the following buttons:

  • Test: Click to test if the connection is functional.

  • Save: Click to save your changes.

Remove Role icon Delete

Click to delete the selected portal server connection.