Register/Edit External Application

The Register/Edit External Application page enables you to connect to new external applications and to modify existing external application connections.

Click Register or Edit to create a new connection or edit an existing connection.

The Register/Edit External Application page is arranged in the following sections:


The Name section of the Register/Edit External Application page enables you to enter the application name and its display name.

Element Description

Application Name

Enter a name to identify the application. The name must be unique (across all connection types).

For example: yahoo

Note: After you register the application, you cannot edit the Application Name.

Display Name

Enter a name for the application that users will recognize. Users working with this external application will see the display name you specify here.

The display name must be unique across all external applications within WebCenter Portal.

For example: My Yahoo

If you leave this field blank, then the value from the Application Name field is used.

Login Details

The Login Details section of the Register/Edit External Application page enables you to enter user login details.

Element Description

Enable Automatic Login

Select to allow WebCenter Portal users to automatically log in to the external application.

With automated single sign-on, the user directly links to the application and is authenticated automatically, as their credentials are retrieved from the credential store. Selecting this option provides the end user with a seamless single sign-on experience.

Note: Although automated login is supported for external applications using BASIC authorization, it cannot be implemented using Internet Explorer version 6 and later as these versions of Internet Explorer do not support user names and passwords in web site addresses (HTTP or HTTPS). Similarly, automated login is not supported on external sites that do not support UTF8 encoding.

Login URL

Enter the login URL for the external application.

To determine the URL, navigate to the application's login page and note the URL. For example:

Note: A login URL is not required if the sole purpose of this external application is to store and supply user credentials on behalf of another tool.

HTML User ID Field Name

Enter the name that identifies the user name or user ID field on the login form.

Tip: To find this name, look at the HTML source for the login page.

This value is mandatory if the Authentication Method is GET or POST. Leave this field blank if the application uses BASIC authentication.

HTML User Password Field Name

Enter the name that identifies the password field on the login form.

Tip: To find this name, look at the HTML source for the login page.

This value is mandatory if the Authentication Method is GET or POST. Leave this field blank if the application uses BASIC authentication.

Authentication Details

The Authentication Details section of the Register/Edit External Application page enables you to specify the authentication method.

Element Description

Authentication Method

Select the authentication mechanism used by the external application. Select from one of the following:

  • GET: Presents a page request to a server, submitting the login credentials as part of the login URL. This authentication method may pose a security risk because the user name and password are exposed in the URL.

  • POST: Submits login credentials within the body of the form.

  • BASIC: Submits login credentials to the server as an authentication header in the request. This authentication method may pose a security risk because the credentials can be intercepted easily and this scheme also provides no protection for the information passed back from the server. The assumption is that the connection between the client and server computers is secure and can be trusted.

The Authentication Method specifies how message data is sent by the browser. You can find this value by viewing the HTML source for the external application's login form, for example, <form method="POST" action="" AutoComplete="off">

Additional Login Fields

The Additional Login Fields section of the Register/Edit External Application page enables you to specify additional login details.

Element Description

Additional Login Fields

If your application requires additional login criteria, expand Additional Login Fields.

For example, in addition to user name and password, the Lotus Notes application requires two additional fields: Host and MailFilename.

Click Add to specify an additional field for the login form. For each new field, enter:

  • Name - Enter the name that identifies the field on the HTML login form that may require user input to log in. This field is not applicable if the application uses BASIC authentication.

  • Value - Enter a default value for the field or leave blank for a user to specify. This field is not applicable if the application uses BASIC authentication.

  • Display to User - Select to display the field on the external application's login screen. If the field is not displayed (unchecked), then a default Value must be specified.

Click Delete to remove a login field.

Shared Credentials

The Shared Credentials section of the Register/Edit External Application page enables you to set shared credentials.

Element Description

Enable Shared Credentials

Indicate whether this external application specifies/enables shared user credentials. Select Enable Shared Credentials, and then enter User Name and Password credentials for the shared user.

When shared credentials are specified, each user accessing this application through WebCenter Portal is authenticated using the user name and password defined here. WebCenter Portal users are not presented with a login form.

Public Credentials

The Public Credentials section of the Register/Edit External Application page enables you to set public credentials.

Element Description

Enable Public Credentials

Indicate whether unauthenticated users (public users) can access this external application. Select Enable Public Credentials, and then enter User Name and Password credentials for the public user.

When public credentials are specified, public users accessing this external application through WebCenter Portal public pages are logged in using the user name and password defined here. If public credentials are not specified, then public users see an authorization error indicating that this external application is not accessible to public users.