
Use the Share dialog to share a link to the current portal. This task is available to the system administrator or portal manager (or members with the Manage Configuration permission). More

Element Description

Input field

Optionally, enter a comment to appear with the link.

Share with

Select who you want to share the link with:

  • Everyone to share the link with all members of the current portal in their activity streams. This is useful to notify members of updates to the portal.

  • Portals to open the Select a Portal dialog, where you can select a portal to share the link in the activity streams of all members of the selected portal. This is useful for sharing information with members of other portals who may be interested in your portal.


Click to publish the URL to the activity streams of all users or groups who have permission to access the portal, along with your comments, if entered.

Note: When you attach a link, the Publish button is not enabled by default. You must hover over the Publish button to enable it.