Task Flow Properties

Use the Task Flow Properties dialog to create task flow parameters.

Use task flow parameters to pass values from the task flow to components on the task flow. This way, the components display data based on the task flow parameters. When you wire task flow parameters to parameters on its child components, you provide users the ability to decide what data they want to view in the child components.

Consider the example of a task flow that contains a data control. You can create task flow parameters and bind them to the data control parameters. When you pass values from the task flow to the data control, the data control displays records based on the task flow parameter values. As end users can edit the task flow's parameters in the page editor, they can control what is displayed in the data control.

Element Description


Click to add a row to the table of task flow parameters.


Click to remove the selected task flow parameter.


Enter a name for the task flow parameter.


Select the data type of the task flow parameter. Choose from string, boolean, number, and date.


Select the scope for the task flow parameter. This value also defines the location for the parameter value. Select:

  • pageFlowScope to make the parameter available to all instances of the task flow on the page.

  • applicationScope to make the parameter available to all instances of the task flow within the application.

  • sessionScope to make the parameter available only to the current user, for the current session.

  • Expression Builder to specify any custom storage location by providing the EL value.