Tools and Services

Use the Tools and Services page to manage tools and services, including documents, events, lists, mail, and search. If a tool is not displayed, then the system administrator has not configured it.

Documents, events, lists, and search have individual consoles for creating and managing each tool.



Oracle WebCenter Portal has deprecated the support for Jive features (announcements and discussions). If you have upgraded from a prior release to Release 12c (, Jive features remain available in your upgraded instance but Oracle support is not provided for these features. In the next release, Jive features will not be available even in the upgraded instances

Element Description


Enable or disable the use of a tool by selecting the check box next to the tool. More


Enable or disable the use of announcements in this portal. Announcements are stored on the discussions server.

Forum ID

The ID of the discussion forum under which all announcements for this portal are stored. Click the Search icon to specify a different forum. Select an existing discussion forum. More


Enable or disable the use of discussion forums in this portal. (The template used by the portal determines whether a category or single forum is allocated on the discussions server for the portal.)

Administer Forums

Click to open the Jive Forums Admin Console, the web-based tool for configuring and managing discussion forums.

Enter a valid user name and password credentials, and then click Login.

Container Settings

  • Default Portal Forum

    Forum Name: (Display only) The name of the discussion forum used to store discussions for this portal.

    Forum ID: The ID of the discussion forum specified by the forum name. Click the Search icon to select a different discussion forum. Select an existing forum or create a new one.

  • Support Multiple Forums for the Portal: Click to allocate a category containing multiple forums on the discussions server for this portal, then click Save to expose the Category section.

Category (Exposed when Support Multiple Forums for the Portal is selected and then saved)

  • Category Name: The category under which all discussion forums for this portal are stored.

  • Category ID: The ID of the category specified by Category Name. Click the Search icon to specify a different category. Select an existing category or create a new one.

Mail Settings

  • Monitor Incoming Mail: Select to publish mail (sent to or from a specified mail account on a discussion forum of your choice (see Forum Name).

  • Mail Account: Enter the mail account for this portal's mail distribution list. The default portal distribution list is named: portal_name@mail_domain

  • IMAP Host: Enter the host name of the machine where the IMAP service (Internet Message Access Protocol) is running.

  • IMAP Port: Enter the port on which the IMAP service listens

  • Use SSL: Select if a secured connection (SSL) is required for incoming mail over IMAP.

  • User Name: Enter the user name of a portal member with sufficient privileges to modify these settings (Manage Configuration privilege).

  • Password: Enter the password for the specified user name.



Enable or disable content management through the documents tool for this portal. More


Create and manage portal event categories; for example, Team Meetings, Customer Meetings, Personal Appointments, and so on. After event categories are assigned, users can filter events by category. More


Enable or disable the use of lists. More


Mail is available upon portal creation if it is configured in WebCenter Portal.

Distribution List

The current distribution list of the portal. This is usually the default distribution list automatically created when the portal is created, a custom distribution list, or blank. Allowable distribution list characters are alphanumeric, dash (-), and underscore (_). Any other character is converted to a dash (-), and spaces are removed.

Select Keep the DL synchronized with portal users to synchronize the specified distribution list with the portal membership

Send Mail Options

  • Select Include the Distribution List to populate the To field of the compose mail dialog with the value specified in Distribution List (either the default portal mail distribution list, or a custom distribution list you specify).

  • Select Include all members and groups that have associated mail addresses to populate the To field of the compose mail dialog with the mail addresses of all portal members and groups that have associated mail addresses.

  • When groups defined for the portal do not have associated mail addresses, select Include all members in groups that do not have associated mail addresses to populate the To field of the compose mail dialog with the mail addresses of all portal members with an associated mail address from every group in the portal (without an associated mail address).



Shows the search option that has been configured for WebCenter Portal. See Search Settings – Elasticsearch
