Search Settings – Elasticsearch

This page enables you to view or modify search settings when your system is configured for Elasticsearch.

When this page is accessed through WebCenter Portal administration, changes affect the search behavior of all portals, including the Home portal. When accessed through a portal administration, changes affect only that portal.

This page includes two tabs:


Element Description
Result Types and Filtering

Choose which types of results to display in search results and what to include in the filtering dropdown. Filtering allows you to narrow the search results using a filter list in the search results or in the global search box.

Clear the Enable filtering dropdown check box to remove the filtering dropdown from the global search box.

You can select which result types to include in the dropdown, as well as in the filter list to the left of search results and the order in which they display, by moving them back and forth between the Available Result Types and Included lists.

For example, suppose you select to include people, documents. The filtering dropdown and the filter list to the left of search results show only People, Documents listed in that order. Additionally, you do not see search results from other result types not selected. The Everything filter listed shows every result from people, documents and Pages.


Only metadata of portals and pages is searched (not portal content or page content), and by default, these result types are excluded for a portal. To include the metadata of portals and pages in search results, add Portals and Pages to the Included list.

Search Scope

Choose whether to show results from this portal only or from all portals, including the Home portal.


Choose which facets to display with search results. Facets let users navigate indexed data without running a new search. Faceted navigation within search lets users clarify exactly what they are looking for, or even discover something new.

Custom Attributes

When this administration page is opened, WebCenter Portal makes a call to fetch available custom (as opposed to standard) attributes. Select which custom attributes should appear in search results and the order in which they appear.


The Scheduler page enables you to view the crawl sources, schedule a crawl, and change the crawl interval.

Action Result


Click to open the Edit Portal Crawl Source page, where you can change the portal crawl source details.
  • Name: Crawl source name. Cannot be modified.

  • Authentication Type: Type of authentication used for crawl. Cannot be modified.

  • Maximum number of connection attempts: Set to the desired number of connection attempts to access the configuration URL and specify the URL of the configuration file.

  • Configuration URL: Specify the URL of the configuration file.

  • Username: Enter the user name of the crawl administrator.

  • Password : Enter the password of the crawl administrator.


Click to change the interval between the two crawls. By default, the crawler frequency is set to manual, but you can set a different frequency (for example, hourly or daily.

  • Name: Crawl source name. Cannot be modified.

  • Crawler Policy: Policy used for crawling. Cannot be modified.

  • Crawler Frequency: Change the interval between the two crawls. By default, the crawler frequency is set to manual, but you can set a different frequency.

    • If you select Minutes, specify the Time Between Launches in minutes.

    • If you select Hourly, specify the Time Between Launches in hours.

    • If you select Daily, specify the Time Between Launches in days and specify the schedule launching time.

    • If you select Weekly, specify the Time Between Launches in weeks and specify the schedule launching time.

  • Crawl All Items: If you want to schedule the crawl instantly click Start Crawl now.

    The process crawls all the items irrespective of whether they are changed or not and is time consuming. We recommend you to use this option only during non-peak period.


Click to start the scheduled crawl.

Enable or Disable

Click to enable or disable the crawl.

Note: You cannot disable a crawl when it is in progress.