Discussion Forum Settings


Oracle WebCenter Portal has deprecated the support for Jive features (announcements and discussions). If you have upgraded from a prior release to Release 12c (, Jive features remain available in your upgraded instance but Oracle support is not provided for these features. In the next release, Jive features will not be available even in the upgraded instances

This page enables you to set options for discussions and announcements. It includes the following sections:


The General section provides a link to the discussions server.

Element Description

Discussion Server

Displays the URL for the discussions server that is being used. Click Administer Forums to launch the Jive Forums Administration Console, the Web-based tool for configuring and managing discussion forums.

Enter a valid user name and password credentials, then click Login.


Root Category

The Root Category section includes information about the root category under which discussion forums are stored.

Element Description

Category ID

Indicates the ID of the root category under which all discussion forums and announcements are stored.

Click Browse icon to change the root category.

Oracle recommendations:

  • Select a category that is dedicated to this application. There may be conflicts when multiple applications share the same root category.

  • Do not change the root category after the application is up and running. If you change the root category, then although discussion forums under the former root continue to work, you cannot use links to create links to discussions or announcements stored in the former root category.


Category Name

Displays the name of the root category under which all discussion forums are stored.

Portal Template Data Copy Options

The Portal Template Data Copy Options provides option for copying topics and replies to the template.

Element Description



Specify the number of most recent topics and replies to copy to the template. More