Administration: Tools and Services

Use the Tools and Services page to set options for search, mail, and people connections features (when configured). This page also enables you to register, edit, and deregister external applications and portlet producers, and also create and edit connections to target servers for deploying and propagating portals.

Element Description



Oracle WebCenter Portal has deprecated the support for Jive features (announcements and discussions). If you have upgraded from a prior release to Release 12c (, Jive features remain available in your upgraded instance but Oracle support is not provided for these features. In the next release, Jive features will not be available even in the upgraded instances

Select to set options for discussions and announcements.

On the Discussion Forum Settings page, you can choose the root category under which WebCenter Portal discussion forums are stored, specify whether to create a default forum for each new portal, and specify which mail server (if any) is used to receive and store portal mail.


On the Search Settings page, set search options, see Search Settings – Elasticsearch.

External Applications

Select to register, edit, and deregister external applications.

On the External Application page, you can register, edit and deregister external applications.

To register a new application or edit an existing application, see Register/Edit External Application.


Select to set options for mail.

On the Mail Settings page, select to use either a local mail client or WebCenter Portal's Mail service for the Send Mail feature.

People Connections

Select to set options for people connections.

On the People Connections Settings page, you can set application-wide preferences for people connections features (activity streaming, connections, profile, message board, and feedback). Additionally, it provides a means of enabling or disabling users from changing their application password.

Portlet Producers

Select to register, edit, and deregister portlet producers.

On the Portlet Producer page, you can register additional producers and edit or deregister existing producers.

Portal Server Connections

Select to create and manage portal server connections.

On the Portal Server Connection page, you can create, edit and delete portal server connections used for deploying portals.

Related Topics

"Managing Tools and Services" in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.